点菜间 Order food ;
电子点菜 E la Carte
点菜菜单 Menu for a La Carte
学习啦在线学习网 准备点菜 Getting Ready to Order ;
学习啦在线学习网 接受点菜 taking the order ;
点菜卡 la carte card ; Order card
点菜处 Order Department
学习啦在线学习网 作为该研究的一部分,汉里斯及其同事派遣购物者到数百家快餐店跟踪家长给孩子点菜时店方提供健康食品的频率。
As part of the study, Harris and her colleagues sent shoppers into a few hundred fast food restaurants to track how often healthy sides were offered when parents ordered kids' meals.
学习啦在线学习网 你准备好点菜了吗?
Are you ready to order?
I’m sure you know someone in your social circle who always orders “safe”; safe in the sense that they order what they already know.
If the restaurant is busy and your child is shy, please order for him.
学习啦在线学习网 听起来不错.我喜欢海鲜和绿色蔬菜.那就先给我们准备些点心.然后我们到了之后看过菜单.再点菜.
I like seafood and green plants. Please put us an order of some Dim for Mr.Sun first, then wewill look over the menu and place therest of our order.
学习啦在线学习网 而如果侍者用自己的话去解释客人的点菜,小费就会缩水,尽管从厨房出来的菜品没有错。
When waiters paraphrase the order, their tips shrink — even if the order comes out of thekitchen correctly.
学习啦在线学习网 Our reporters placed restaurant orders with a twist like a vegetarian meal in France and factored in a peanut allergy in Jakarta, Indonesia.
学习啦在线学习网 当我们终于要点菜的时候,侍者却不太客气,说着克罗地亚语对我们要点的饮料瞟了一眼。
When we were eventually asked to order, staff were often less than friendly, eyes rolling at ourattempts to order a drink in Croatian.
学习啦在线学习网 这是我们在北京的第一个晚上,我和男友在一家本地餐馆坐下准备点菜。
学习啦在线学习网 It’s our first night in Beijing, and my boyfriend and I sit at a table in a local restaurant, trying toorder.
From the picture we can perceive that a man is going to order food in a restaurant.
Maybe we order our food at a counter, then a server brings it out to us.
学习啦在线学习网 可能我们在柜台点菜,然后侍者拿到我们的桌子。
Maybe we order our food at a counter, then a server brings it out to us.