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  MP3是一种音频压缩技术,其全称是动态影像专家压缩标准音频层面3(Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer III),简称为MP3。下面就由学习啦小编为大家带来关于mp3的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。


  1. Users can download MP3 music files and record them directly onto a CD audio disc using a PC CD writer.


学习啦在线学习网   2. Do you ever listen to MP 3 files on your computer?

学习啦在线学习网   你在电脑上听过MP3音乐 吗 ?

  3. No similar action has been taken against MP 3 bloggers.

学习啦在线学习网   对MP3博客们却没有类似的行动.

  4. Suitable for hi - tech electronics products such as mobile phone, computer, MP 3, etc.

学习啦在线学习网   广泛适合维修高技术电子产品,如手机, 计算机, MP3等.

学习啦在线学习网   5. Then buy an MP 3 player that displays the words as you listen.

学习啦在线学习网   那么买一部可以显示所听内容的MP3播放器吧.

学习啦在线学习网   6. Upload your MP 3 file in the same way as above.

学习啦在线学习网   你的MP3档案上传的一样以上.

  7. Get and edit mp 3 tag information with fully mp 3 player function.

学习啦在线学习网   获得和编辑的MP3标记信息与充分的MP3播放器的功能.

  8. The next dispatch of mp 3 players were being shipped.

学习啦在线学习网   下一批mp3正在运出.

  9. Today already have a retractable line, MP 3 headsets , optical mice, etc. products.

  今天已经拥有伸缩线, MP3耳机, 光电鼠标, 等等产品.

  10. Generally speaking, MP 3 recording pen with almost big machine.


  11. Polyphonic and MP 3 ring tones, personalised to key contacts.

  复和MP3音乐铃声 、 个人化关键接触.

  12. Main production and sales: MP 3, U plate, digital camera, digital camera, etc.

  主要生产销售: MP3, U盘, 数码摄像机, 数码相机等!

  13. We've got two mp 3 players, but neither support video files.

  我们有两部MP3播放器, 但是都不支持视频文件.

  14. This type of MP 3 player cannot be connected to alternating current.

学习啦在线学习网   这款MP3播放机不可以直接插交流电使用.

学习啦在线学习网   15. The main products are: computer camera , MP 3 player, MP 3 Car transmitter.

  主要产品有: 电脑摄像头, MP3播放器, MP3车载发射器.


  With your MP3 player, you can listen over and over to things you find interesting, whileabsorbing the language.


学习啦在线学习网   You tuck your secret away in an unexpected place, like an MP3 or a photo file, to conceal thefact you even shared any information at all.

学习啦在线学习网   你将你的秘密“卷起来”,放在一个意想不到的地方,比如MP3或照片文件,这样就掩盖了你曾经分享信息的事实。

  It can not only repair itself but also generate electricity during constriction. The electricity mayeven charge up your mobile phone or MP3 player in the future.


  They do not allow the users without a permission to copy DVDs, store the content on a personalcomputer or a server, or play it back on MP3 players, for instance.

学习啦在线学习网   比如,他们不允许用户没有经过允许就复制DVD、在个人计算机或服务器上存储内容、或者是在MP3播放器上进行回放。

  Almost all are design patents, running the gamut from MP3 players to power adaptors to thestairs in the Apple Store.


  In all likelihood you already own an MP3 player, and have Internet access.

学习啦在线学习网   很可能你已经拥有了一台MP3播放器,也有互联网接入。

  Over the years, I've ripped my music onto various computers and, in the process, muddled myMP3 collection to the point where I have numerous directories representing a cornucopia ofmusic.


学习啦在线学习网   Then buy an MP3 player that displays the words as you listen.


  This searches for sound files in the system default location, and checks the common (andsupported) MP3 and WAV format suffixes.


  Sure, we may get a few aberrant album names if the MP3 files are not named right, but is it worth the effort to perfect that regular expression?


  In an information economy, many people have the ability to produce a technical innovation: anew MP3 player.

学习啦在线学习网   在一个信息经济时代,许多人有能力作出技术革新:一个新的MP3播放器。

学习啦在线学习网   One of the first things I did eight years ago after converting my CD collection to MP3 files on my personal computer was to snake a cable from the PC to my stereo system in another room.

学习啦在线学习网   八年前,将自己收藏的CD全弄到电脑上转换成MP3文件后,我做的第一件事就是拉了条缆线将电脑和另一个房间的立体声音响连接起来。

  MP3 files and images both represent different ways of distributing hidden data.


  So I say, let's develop more technology that will enable us to be distracted by cell phones, MP3players, netbooks, DVDs and GPS.


学习啦在线学习网   Finally, you add the ability to allow users to download the MP3 files from the widget.



  Those of you with sizeable bandwidth caps, might be tempted to opt for a high-quality, MP3-encoded stream, logically assuming that the quality will be better.

学习啦在线学习网   有相当大的带宽上限的人,可能会被高质量的选项,MP3格式流,逻辑上认为这样的质量是更好的,等等所诱惑。

  But the technology already existed, someone else notes -- other people were making MP3players.

学习啦在线学习网   但是技术已经存在了,有人注意到,其他厂商也在生产MP3播放器。

  Although other formats exist and are flourishing, this article will concentrate on the MP3 formatbecause it is by all appearances the most popular one today.


  Last year the site required the purchase of a Barbie MP3 player for access to certain content,an idea that has been abandoned.

学习啦在线学习网   去年该网站需要先购买芭比MP3播放器才能进入某些内容部分,这是一个已经被放弃的想法。

学习啦在线学习网   To be sure, lots of high-quality things are made in China, from sporting goods and MP3 playersto luxury clothing.


学习啦在线学习网   Try waking up to the radio or setting your MP3 player so you wake up to yourfavorite song.


  Such systems would be potentially life-saving for hikers and soldiers, but in the wider marketcould power mobile phones, MP3 players and more.


  But get ready for the MP3 player in your hand to get much smaller, the size of a Band-Aid, to bespecific.

学习啦在线学习网   但要做好准备哦!你手中的MP3播放器马上就要变小很多了,具体点儿说,就是变得像创可贴那么小。

  It's so much more than simply a lavatory with a heated seat; some of the very best Washletshave MP3 players, flashing lights and all manners of jets and heaters.

学习啦在线学习网   这不仅仅是只简单配备了加热座位的坐便器,有些最好的马桶还有MP3播放器,闪烁的灯光和各种各样的喷水装置和加热器。

  Given an MP3 file name, it builds a hash tag from the file.


学习啦在线学习网   Given an MP3 file name, it builds a hash tag from the file.


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