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  1. Players signed after a club has finished its season, now get put on holiday.

学习啦在线学习网   在俱乐部完成赛季后签下的球员将会在度假中.

学习啦在线学习网   2. Our team dropped behind in the league matches when a third of the players went on holiday.


  3. They've surcharged us 10% on the price of the holiday because of a rise in air fares.


学习啦在线学习网   4. On our holidays we chanced upon an interesting antique store.


  5. Ill spend my vacation in the mountains, as usual.


  6. A holiday in the mountains will be the very thing for you.


  7. Susan who bought in Bali found herself living a nightmare.

  在?Q里 岛买了度假小屋的苏珊,发现自己活在梦魇中.

  8. Overcrowded transport and airport queues top the list of frustrations experienced by people travelling on holiday.

学习啦在线学习网   在人们的度假体验中,路途过于拥挤和机场排长队位列“度假烦恼榜单”之首.

  9. They have beaten their rivals into second place in the package holiday market.


  10. Lastly, this dissertation studies on regionally in four types of watersideand ecotype resort hotels.

学习啦在线学习网   此外, 分别论述了地域性在山地、滨水、主题文化型和生态型四类度假酒店中的表现形式和相关设计策略.


学习啦在线学习网   在俱乐部完成赛季后签下的球员将会在度假中。

  Players signed after a club has finished its season, now get put on holiday.

学习啦在线学习网   克利夫兰骑士队在整个上半场反应迟钝,似乎仍在度假中。

  Cleveland looked as if it was still on vacation throughout a sluggish first half.


学习啦在线学习网   The career coach likens your professional journey to a trip, revealing that if you didn't decidewhere you wanted to go on vacation, you'd likely wind up at a destination you don't enjoy.

学习啦在线学习网   在度假中,叶芝他还访问了位于斯莱戈以东吉尔湖湖岸的拥有巨大房地产的黑兹尔伍德家庭。

学习啦在线学习网   On those vacations, he also visited the family that owned the huge Hazelwood estate on theshores of Lough Gill, east of Sligo.


  The career coach likens your professional journey to a trip, revealing that if you didn't decidewhere you wanted to go on vacation, you'd likely wind up at a destination you don't enjoy.

学习啦在线学习网   读这里的文章,看别人是怎样在度假费中大大地省钱的。 请看《经济很糟糕,我很逍遥》。

学习啦在线学习网   Read how others are slashing vacation costs in Economy Be Darned: I’m Taking a Vacation!


学习啦在线学习网   And, while on vacation, they want to spend as much time with their family as they can.


学习啦在线学习网   Almost 10 per cent of holiday romances lead to wedding bells.

学习啦在线学习网   非常感谢岛上友好的工作人员,你们使得我们这次的旅行非同寻常,另外特别感谢帮助我们找到这里的并且在度假过程中指引着我们的到到网。

  Thanks goes out to all the wonderful staff on the island that made our trip so special and extrathanks to all the help we found here on Trip Advisor that guided us on our vacation.

学习啦在线学习网   之后,在度假胜地中众多的酒吧中选取其中的一间坐下来,一边饮鸡尾酒一边聊天。

  Later, sitting at one of the many bars on the resort, sipping the local cocktails they began totalk.


学习啦在线学习网   Scholars in our country have different opinions on the right of the timeshare user, without enough research on how to apply trust to timeshare.

学习啦在线学习网   法国总统萨科奇似乎在酷暑中度假有一些不适应,瞧他已经大汗淋淋了。

  Dressed down in jeans, he also appeared to have got a little hot under the collar, with what seemed to be sweat patches on his chest. 丹将会实际上在问题中在度假在日期,轮流一个从拍摄而且坐着他的被赚休息的井当-之时水平考试。


  Dan will actually be on holiday on the date in question, taking a well earned break from filmingand sitting his AS-Level exams.

学习啦在线学习网   例如旅行附录推荐一个好的度假胜地,然后我们在底部看到旅行的费用包含在度假胜地中。

学习啦在线学习网   Like when the travel supplement recommends a great resort, then we read at the bottom thetrip's cost was covered by the resort.

学习啦在线学习网   鲨鱼的袭击在海滨度假者中引起了极大的恐慌。

学习啦在线学习网   Shark attack caused a great panic among the visitors at the sea-side.


  Zuckerberg said at the time that he was on vacation in the Asian nation.

学习啦在线学习网   我要去的地方是1000夜营地,这是一个贝都因游牧风格的度假村,在沙漠中离外界24英里的地方。

学习啦在线学习网   I was bound for the 1000 Nights Camp, a Bedouin-style resort 24 miles into the desert.


  The important question is how to understand exactly the characteristics of seashore touristholiday resorts, endow them with lively images, and thus assure them of a sustainabledevelopment.

学习啦在线学习网   在度假的季节中最重要的一个环节就是互相赠予礼物。

学习啦在线学习网   One of the key parts of the holiday season is giving and receiving gifts.


  Go On Holiday dialog "Return from holiday after:" N days edit box layout fixed.

学习啦在线学习网   我们的队伍由于三分之一的队员在度假而在联赛中落后了。

  Our team dropped behind in the league matches when a third of the players went on holiday.


  Hepburn met Dotti during a vacation to Greece, and said she would leave her acting career tobecome an "Italian housewife.

学习啦在线学习网   夏威夷度假中,扎克在毛伊岛冲浪回来,展露出他结实的腹肌!

学习啦在线学习网   Efron emerges from the Maui surf – and bares his ripped abs! – during his Hawaiian vacation.


  Chaps, if you're planning a summer getaway with the lady in your life, be warned – the flightsand hotels may be the cheapest part.

学习啦在线学习网   1月2日:特拉沃塔的律师告诉CNN说,约翰·特拉沃塔和凯莉·普瑞森16岁的儿子杰特·特拉沃塔和家人在巴哈马的度假屋中病发身亡。

学习啦在线学习网   January 2: The 16-year-old son of actors John Travolta and Kelly Preston dies after suffering a seizure while vacationing with his family in the Bahamas, Travolta's attorney tells CNN.

学习啦在线学习网   1月2日:特拉沃塔的律师告诉CNN说,约翰·特拉沃塔和凯莉·普瑞森16岁的儿子杰特·特拉沃塔和家人在巴哈马的度假屋中病发身亡。

  January 2: The 16-year-old son of actors John Travolta and Kelly Preston dies after suffering a seizure while vacationing with his family in the Bahamas, Travolta's attorney tells CNN.


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