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学习啦在线学习网   1. Coordinating with related departments to control usage of changed parts.

学习啦在线学习网   与相关部门协调控制更改部件的使用.

学习啦在线学习网   2. Familiar with quality system requirements of GMP, ISO, FDA and related regulatory.

  熟悉GMP 、 ISO 、 FDA与相关法规的质量管理体系要求.

  3. Coordinating with various departments to ensure the effectivensss of QMS.

学习啦在线学习网   与相关部门做好协调工作,确保体系有效运行.

  4. Gala Television Corporation runs three commercial television channels and produces video programs.


  5. Liaise with relevant parties on behalf of Dapeng LNG Company.


学习啦在线学习网   6. Calculate monthly closing on cost allocation associated with commission and override.


学习啦在线学习网   7. Effective verbal and written communication skills in English and relevant softwares.


  8. The brands will make the public equate them with other interrelated products.


  9. Regression estimates : including intercept and coefficients for linear, quadratic and correlation coefficient.

  2?归参数: 含截距 、 一次、二次?归参数与相关系数.

学习啦在线学习网   10. Includes annotated bibliography on English Teaching Methodologies and related websites.


学习啦在线学习网   11. Be responsible for corporate network project management and related technical support.

学习啦在线学习网   负责公司网络系统的项目管理与相关技术支持.

  12. Please provide the proof of endorsement from your collaborating parties.


学习啦在线学习网   13. The third part of the crime of money - laundering and related crimes determination.


  14. Random number and correlated stochastic series have great value in simulation area.

学习啦在线学习网   随机数与相关随机序列在仿真领域有重要的应用价值.

  15. Communicate with technicians about production procedure and quality, feedback ideas to them.

学习啦在线学习网   对工艺与质量方面的问题与相关技术人员的交流与反馈.



学习啦在线学习网   When compiling the example application, you may receive error messages relating to dwg.h.

学习啦在线学习网   我们还定义了一个名为maven.jar.Portlet-api 的变量,它可以定义与wps.home相关的jar 的位置

  We also defined a variable called maven.jar.portlet-api which defines the jar location relative towps.home

  在图4 中,有4 个线程:线程1处理与test1.nsf数据库相关的所有请求,线程2 处理与test2.nsf 相关的所有请求,依此类推。

学习啦在线学习网   In Figure 4, there are 4 threads configured: thread 1 processes all requests related to thetest1.nsf database, thread 2 for test2.nsf, and so on.

  可以是用于标识同一个包中与solver.rk3包相关的p1参数和与类timestep 相关的c1参数的名称。

  would be the names used to identify a parameter p1 relative to the solver.rk3 package and aparameter c1 relative to the class timestep within the same package.


  We have explored the new features in Lotus iNotes 8.5 full mode and examined the Web 2.0related features in particlar depth.

  比如,flower和imgflower1.png 处于不同的位置,但flower可能与imgflower1.png不相关。

  For example, flower and imgflower1.png are in separate places, but flower may not be associated with imgflower1.png.

学习啦在线学习网   作者几乎在书中包含了所有与asp.net相关的特征。

  Stephen covers virtually all relevant features of ASP. NET.

  协会维护了一个与OpenAjaxMetadata 1.0相关的开放源码参考实现和为多种实现技术准备的测试套件。

  The alliance maintains an open source reference implementation and test suite for varioustechnologies relevant to OpenAjax Metadata 1.0. At this writing, the open source project provides

  这个项目将为插件组的第一修订本包含所有的Eclipse扩展:包含三个操作的一个操作集、与 *.sql文件相关的对象作用,以及一个属性页面。

  This will contain all Eclipse extensions for the first revision of the plug-in set: an action setcontaining three actions, an object contribution associated to *.sql files, and a property page.


学习啦在线学习网   Low yields on U.S. assets have also prompted investors to seek higher returns, analysts said,with options-related euro buying further contributing to the dollar's sell-off.

学习啦在线学习网   本文简单介绍了与ApacheWink1.0框架相关的一些高级主题,包括注释、管理视图、WebDAV支持。

学习啦在线学习网   This article outlined some advanced topics related to the Apache Wink 1.0 framework, includingannotations, administration views, and WebDAV support.

学习啦在线学习网   对于涉及CF服务器的与WebSphereInformationIntegratorV8.2相关的联邦查询,其性能提升的程度取决于具体的查询。

  The degree of performance improvement for federated queries involving a CF server relative toWebSphere Information Integrator V8.2 depends on the particular query in question.



  In fact, data on how the bank's clients are moving their money around euro zone bond marketsshows the most dramatic shift in investor behavior is related to Germany.


学习啦在线学习网   For example, some tests are related to big-endian vs. little-endian testing, which are not neededunder C#.

学习啦在线学习网   欧元/美元的走势基本上一直与股市正相关.

  "The story for euro/dollar has largely been one of a positive correlation with equities," said Peter Lucas, investment strategist at RBC Wealth Management.


  Bernanke was blunt in his reply: "It's all esoteric Wall Street stuff. It doesn't have any meaning topeople on Main Street, but it connects very directly to their lives.

  在扩展清单中,将一个消息处理程序适配器指定为与 *messages.MessageHandlerListener扩展点相关的类。

  A message handler adapter is specified in the extension manifest as the class associated withthe *messages.MessageHandlerListener extension point.

学习啦在线学习网   以下连结记录了与维吉尼亚.吴尔芙相关的一系列电子邮件往返,将有助于呈现本课程的动态感。

学习啦在线学习网   Below is a link to a recording of Virginia Woolf followed by the text of a series of emailexchanges that help provide a sense of the dynamic of the class.

  在清单3 中,以下代码行是default.scdl中与SDO相关的XML元素,作为SCA数据绑定技术使用

  In Listing 3, the following line is the XML element in default.scdl that is related to SDO and usedas SCA data binding technology

学习啦在线学习网   特定的"利基"市场和销售与传播媒介相关.一个利基也可以导致连载发行计划的灾难。

  Certain niches don't work in certain media, and can spell disaster for your release plans.


  "Robust growth is going to start again when consumer confidence comes back and that is, Ithink, fairly closely linked with the stock market," said Reilly.

学习啦在线学习网   因此AL0.x和AL1.x是与组x相关的窗格。

  Thus AL0.x and AL1.x are panes associated with a group x.

  图6显示响应文件cfgdbcmd.rsp和与DB2相关的一组参数,以及DB2与 图1中描述的两个子系统之间的关系。

学习啦在线学习网   Figure 6 shows the response file cfgdbcmd.rsp and a set of parameters pertaining to DB2, andits relationship with the two subsystems described in Figure 1.

学习啦在线学习网   美国失业率仍盘旋在接近10%的水准,Chessen指出,违约与失业密切相关.

  The U.S. unemployment rate still hovers close to 10 percent and Chessen noted thatdelinquencies are tied closely to unemployment.

学习啦在线学习网   表1. php.ini中与资源相关的设置

  Table 1. Resource related settings in php.ini

学习啦在线学习网   分析师称,部分问题在于通用、福特及其相关金融公司GMAC (GKM.N: 行情)和FordMotorCredit这些年来所发行的巨额债券.Selle指出,垃圾债市场有10%与这些公司相关.

  Part of the problem, analysts say, is the vast amount of debt issued over the years by GM, Fordand their related financing companies, GMAC and Ford Motor Credit.


  Globally, 6.2% of all male deaths are related to alcohol, compared to 1.1% of female deaths.One-in-five men in the Russian Federation and neighbouring countries die due to alcohol-related causes.

  眼外伤是导致眼球摘除的主要原因。 67.7%的患者由于眼外伤,其中的45.3%与职业相关。

学习啦在线学习网   Trauma was the most leading cause for enucleation, 67.7% patients performed enucleationbecause of eye injuries, among which 45.3% was work-related.

  眼外伤是导致眼球摘除的主要原因。 67.7%的患者由于眼外伤,其中的45.3%与职业相关。

学习啦在线学习网   Trauma was the most leading cause for enucleation, 67.7% patients performed enucleationbecause of eye injuries, among which 45.3% was work-related.


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