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学习啦在线学习网   与生活在边远农村的孩子们想必,我们要幸福得多。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的与相比英语短语例句的相关知识,供大家参阅!


  1. CBS's ratings again showed huge improvement over the previous year.

学习啦在线学习网   与前一年相比,哥伦比亚广播公司的收视率再次大幅提高。

  2. Marseilles has proved to be a better racial melting pot than Lyons.

学习啦在线学习网   事实证明,与里昂相比,马赛是一个更好的种族大熔炉。

学习啦在线学习网   3. She'smuch happier performing live than in a recording studio.

学习啦在线学习网   与在录音棚里录音相比,她更喜欢现场表演。

学习啦在线学习网   4. Ferries are very powerful and manoeuvrable compared to cargo ships.


  5. Was it fair to compare independent schools with state schools?

学习啦在线学习网   拿私立学校与州立学校相比,这样公平吗?

学习啦在线学习网   6. He makes unfavourable comparisons between British and French cooking.

学习啦在线学习网   他认为与法国菜相比,英国菜相形见绌。

  7. Is the human heart weak in comparison with the other organs?

学习啦在线学习网   与其他器官相比,人的心脏是不是很脆弱?

  8. Columbia was a young city compared to venerable Charleston.


  9. Their lives are a far cry from his own poor childhood.


  10. She learned to stop putting herself down and comparing herself to others.


  11. Poor sleepers take longer to fall asleep than good sleepers.

学习啦在线学习网   与睡眠好的人相比,睡眠不好的人要花更长的时间才能入睡。

  12. Emerald starlings are fairly small when compared with other such birds.

学习啦在线学习网   与同类的其他鸟相比,翠辉椋鸟要小很多。

学习啦在线学习网   13. The cost was peanuts compared to a new kitchen.

学习啦在线学习网   与建新厨房相比,那笔费用微不足道。

学习啦在线学习网   14. He's good company, as small boys go.

学习啦在线学习网   与其他小男孩相比,他挺好相处。

  15. German banks have more insider knowledge than most.



学习啦在线学习网   正如上面提到的,与Axis1.x相比,Axis2构建于全新的体系结构之上。

学习啦在线学习网   As mentioned above, Axis2 is built on a completely new architecture as compared with Axis 1.x.

学习啦在线学习网   正如上面提到的,Axis2也具有处理程序的概念,但与Axis1.x相比,指定和部署处理程序的方式有一些变化。

  As mentioned above, Axis2 also has the concept of handler but when compared to Axis 1.x there are few changes in the way you specify and deploy handlers.

学习啦在线学习网   在图1 中,与Domino 6.5相比,可以看到R6inotes虚拟用户所需CPU资源实质性的减少。

  In figure 1, you will see a substantial reduction in CPU resources required for an R6inotes virtualuser, compared to what we had with Domino 6.5.

  说不使用要更容易一些:如果与XML1.0相比带来的受益很小,或者把数据保存到XML 1.0的方法很脆弱或者容易丢失,那么就不使用。

  It's certainly easy to say when not to use one: when the incremental benefit over XML 1.0 is small, or the route to preserving your data in XML 1.0 is fragile or lossy.


  This is a much more logical arrangement than in XHTML 1.0, and will be familiar to users ofmany other markup vocabularies.

  您也知道,与AIX5.1相比,AIX 5.2更加优秀、也更加稳定。

学习啦在线学习网   If you recall, AIX 5.2 was a lot better and more stable than AIX 5.1.

学习啦在线学习网   通常,用户数越大,Domino7与Domino6.5相比具有更大的性能提高。

学习啦在线学习网   Generally, the more users, the better the improvement for Domino 7 compared with Domino 6.5.

  在本文的结尾部分,我们展示了与Domino6.5相比,运行在所有平台上的Domino 7增加了基准测试用户数量。

  To this end, we have shown increased benchmark users running on all platforms, compared to the number of users with Domino 6.5.

  随着可伸缩性的增强,与Domino6.5相比,Domino7减少了处理相同数量的用户时所需要的CPU 资源数量。

  Along with this increase in scalability, Domino 7 has reduced the amount of CPU needed tohandle an equal number of users, compared to Domino 6.5.

  这个测试以及以前的测试,有效地证明了与Domino6.5相比,Domino7在可伸缩性、性能和TCO 方面的改进。

  This, and previous tests, confirm that Domino 7 improves on the scalability, performance, andTCO, when compared to Domino 6.5.

学习啦在线学习网   与del.icio.us相比,digg.com和Reddit更侧重于自己的页面设计,但用户仍可对其站点进行定制和控制。

  and Reddit might be more focused on their Web pages than, say, del.icio.us, but users can stillgain a measure of customization and control over these sites.

学习啦在线学习网   下表显示了Domino7与Domino6.5相比CPU 性能改进的百分比

学习啦在线学习网   The following table shows the percent of CPU improvement for Domino 7 compared to Domino6.5


  使用更少的CPU资源,节省内存,并且支持的用户数增加了 50%。与Domino6.5相比,Domino7在可伸缩性、性能和TCO 方面继续得到改进。

  With lower CPU usage, improved memory savings, and an increase of 50 percent more userssupported, Domino 7 continues to improve on the scalability, performance, and TCO when compared to Domino 6.5.

学习啦在线学习网   Expedia和它的姊妹公司Hotels.com在传统房间的价格方面与Booking.com相比具有一定的竞争力,但酒店网站上显示出的特大床房的价格却和Priceline一样。

  Expedia and sister site Hotels.com offer traditional rooms at comparable rates to Booking.com’swhile the hotel website’s rate for the room with the king bed is the same as Priceline’s.

  与Domino6.5相比,在z/OS 上使用Domino7 来运行邮件基准测试可以总共改进 25%到 30%(详见下表)。

学习啦在线学习网   The total improvement when running the mail benchmark test is 25 to 30 percent for Domino 7on z/OS, compared to Domino 6.5 (details follow).

学习啦在线学习网   仅仅利用这些改进,z/OS上的Domino7 与Domino6.5相比就可以对CPU利用率改进 17%到 20%。

学习啦在线学习网   With these changes alone, Domino 7 on z/OS shows a 17 to 20 percent CPU utilizationimprovement compared to Domino 6.5.

  与 digg.com 相比,Reddit 的界面简单得多(您可能会说这个界面太过 “实际”,但这并非坏事),由于摘要更为简短,因此就能列出更多的头条新闻故事。

  The Reddit interface is much simpler ("utilitarian", you might say, but this can be a good thing), and more of the top stories are listed because of the briefer summaries.

  如图1所示,在相同的模拟用户数量下,相同的时间内运行相同的工作负载,结果显示Domino7与Domino6.5 相比减少了 27% 的CPU 资源占用。

  As figure 1 shows, the same number of simulated users, running the same workload for thesame amount of time, results in a 27 percent reduction in CPU usage between Domino 7 andDomino 6.5.

学习啦在线学习网   在7000 个用户的负载级别上,Domino7与Domino6.5 相比,显示了显著的CPU占用节省。

  Domino 7 has shown significant reduction in CPU utilization vs. Domino 6.5, at the 7000 userload level.

  如图6所示,与Domino6.5相比,可以看到 R6iNotes虚拟用户所需CPU 的资源有实质性的减少。

学习啦在线学习网   As figure 6 shows, we found a substantial reduction in CPU resources required for an R6iNotesvirtual user, compared to what we had with Domino 6.5.

学习啦在线学习网   在最多包含4000 个用户的多个数据点上,Domino7与Domino6.5 相比CPU资源占用都减少了(参见图2)。

  Domino 7 produced reduction in CPU utilization vs. Domino 6.5, at multiple data points, up toand including 4000 mail users (see figure 2).

学习啦在线学习网   正如可以从这些基准测试数据中可以发现的一样,在Windows2003EnterpriseServer 上运行的Domino7 与Domino6.5相比有几个方面的性能优势。

  As you can observe from our benchmark data, Domino 7 running on Windows 2003 EnterpriseServer has several significant performance advantages over Domino 6.5.

学习啦在线学习网   与Domino6.5相比,Domino7在 10,000 个用户负载的情况下对CPU 的占用率有了很大的改进。

学习啦在线学习网   Domino 7 shows significant reduction in CPU utilization vs. Domino 6.5, at the 10,000 user loadlevel.

  Akka 1.1的默认调度程序与1.0相比有哪些改善呢;HawtDispatch 在哪些地方更有用或者更快呢?

学习啦在线学习网   InfoQ: How was the Akka 1.1 default dispatcher improved over 1.0; where is HawtDispatch usefulor faster?

学习啦在线学习网   在图5 中,与Domino 6.5 相比,将看到R6iNotes虚拟用户所需的CPU资源有实质性的减少。

学习啦在线学习网   In figure 5, you will see a substantial reduction in CPU resources required for an R6iNotes virtualuser, compared to what we had with Domino 6.5.

学习啦在线学习网   与LDAP5.2 相比,ITDS是一个改进的版本。

  ITDS is a beautified release compared to LDAP5.2. Some important features are

学习啦在线学习网   与Domino6.5相比,使用mail6.ntf和mail7.ntf 模板的Domino7 都得到了较大的性能改进。

学习啦在线学习网   Domino 7 improved CPU with both mail6.ntf and mail7.ntf compared to Domino 6.5.


  Simulation tests indicate that the new method is better than the standard technology used in G.729.


  Simulation tests indicate that the new method is better than the standard technology used in G.729.






