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学习啦在线学习网   下面学习啦小编为大家整理的以字母m开头的英语短语,希望能对大家的学习有所帮助!

  1. maintain low and order maintain his family = suport his family maintain friendly relations

  maintain a high speed 保持 Food is necessary to maintain life.

学习啦在线学习网   2. major 主要的 The cars needs major repairs.车要大修 a major discover 重大发现

  a major question major in = specialize in 主修the majority of 大多数的

  3. make We made the airport in half an hour. 赶到 make a cup of coffee

学习啦在线学习网   make an effort 做出 make a promise make a plan 制定 make a price

  make sb do make a fire 生火 make noise be made of /from

  make up one's mind to do 下定决心去做… make fun of 取笑 make... into ... 把…制成 make one's position known 表明立场 Make your self at home. 别拘束。

  make a face 扮鬼脸 make ends meet 收支平衡 make one's way前去;去 make off with 带着…逃走 make merry 寻欢作乐 make trouble 制造麻烦 make no sense 无意义 make sense of make profit 获利 make money

  make friends with make arrangements of make a dive for 向…冲去

学习啦在线学习网   make preparations for 为…做准备 make an excuse 找借口 make way for 给…让路 make use of 使用 make out 辨别出 make up for 弥补

  make it 及时抵达,赶上,通过 It is already 9 a.m , and I am afraid that I can’t make it.

  It is a very difficult exam, are you sure you can make it?

  make up 弥补(= make up for) 组成(= be made of) 编写 make up a story

学习啦在线学习网   4. man , mankind , human being人类 The army made a man of you.军队使你成为真正男人。

  5. Mind your manners.注意礼貌。 good manners 好礼貌

  6. many a boy + 单 = many boys + 复

  7. the international market 国际市场 the domestic/home market 国内市场

学习啦在线学习网   8. get high marks 得高分 a question mark 问号 Make a mark where you don’t understand.

  make one’s marks 成功,出名 That boy is a hard worker, he will make his mark.

学习啦在线学习网   mark 做记号于 mark the place The moon landings marked the beginning of a new era. 标志

  9. marry 结婚 marry sb be married to sb I married him two years ago.

  I got married. We have been married for two years.

  10. master sth = have a good command of = have a grasp of 精通, 掌握

学习啦在线学习网   11. match 相配 (go with) No one can match her at class.

  12. matter 麻烦事,物质Matter exists in three states in the natural.大自然中物质存在三种状态。

  a matter of life and death. What's the matter with you ?

  money matters 金钱问题 She is very honest in money matters.

学习啦在线学习网   as the matter stands = as matters stand 按目前情况

  要紧 It doesn't matter whether we go together or separately?

  13. may/might as well do 不妨去做…may sb do 祝愿 May you succeed.= Wish you success.

  14. mean to do = intend to do 打算干… mean doing 意味着做…

  What do you mean by doing that ? 你那样做意味着什么? be meant to do 应该做…

学习啦在线学习网   15. means 方法 Every means has been tried to save the dying boy.

  by means of 通过… by all means 无论如何 ,务必,当然可以(=of course)

  by no means 决不 I am by no means surprised at it.

  16. measure take measures = take action = take steps , measure the room, measure the distance

  17. meet one's needs 满足…需求

  meet with 偶遇;碰到 I met with a friend in the train yesterday. run into come across

  18. in memory of = to memorize 纪念 have a good memory 记忆力很好

  19. mend 修理,缝补 It's never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢。

  mend one's ways 改过自新,改邪归正 mend the hole , mend one’s skirt

  20. mention to sb that 提及 at the mention of 在提到…时 as mentioned above 如上所述

学习啦在线学习网   not to mention 此外更不用说 The boy hasn’t learnt Chinese, not to mention English.

  21. mercy 慈悲 show mercy to sb beg the mercy of sb 恳求得到宽恕

学习啦在线学习网   have mercy on 对…表同情 without mercy ~ 毫不同情

  22. mild 温和的 a mild climate

  23. the military training 军事训练

  24. mind 理智 She come to my mind at the moment. 我想起了她

  lose one's mind 失去理智 speak your mind out 说出想法 change one's mind 改变想法

学习啦在线学习网   keep/bear sth in mind (learn sth by heart) make up one's mind to do 下定决心去做… be of one/a mind 同心协力 be of the same mind 相同想法 Never mind .没关系。

  What's on your mind? 你在想…? to one mind = in one's opinion 据…看来

  Watch out = Mind out 当心 Mind your step.走路小心。 absent-minded 心不在焉的

  25. minor 较次要的 a minor fault 小错误 a minor operation 小手术


  26. in a minute 立刻 the minute = the moment 一…就

学习啦在线学习网   27. modest 谦虚的 The young actress is very modest about her success.

学习啦在线学习网   28. at any moment 任何时刻 at the moment 在这时 at the critical moment 紧急时刻

学习啦在线学习网   for the moment 暂时 There seems nothing to be done for the moment.

学习啦在线学习网   29. be in no mood to do 没有心情干… be in the mood to do 有心情干

  be in a good mood = be in a good humour = be in high spirits = be in a good humour 有好心情

  30. the moral sense 道德感 moral standards 道德标准

  Would you like some more coffee ? , more and more 越来越 ,

学习啦在线学习网   the more ... the more ... The more exercise you take, the more good it will do you.

  more or less 或多或少;大体上 I more or less agree with you.

  more than ① = over 超过 ② = not only 不仅仅是 ③ = very

学习啦在线学习网   no more than ①两者都不 ② = only 只不过 He is no more than a little boy.

学习啦在线学习网   You are no more capable of speaking Chinese than I am. 你同我一样都不会讲中文。

  once more 再;又 Read it once more. what is more 更重要的是

  more…than… 与其…倒不如说… She is more mad than stupid.

  31. Moreover = besides = furthermore = in addition 此外,而且

学习啦在线学习网   32. at most 至多 make the most of 好好使用

  The medicine is mostly sugar and water. 这药主要由糖和水组成。

  They are mostly/mainly/chiefly from workers' family.

学习啦在线学习网   33. not much of a ...不太好的 He is not much of a doctor. 庸医

  much more + 比 much the best + 最高级 much too + adj.

  34.muddy 泥泞的 muddy water

学习啦在线学习网   35.murder 谋杀 murder sb

  36. mysterious 神秘的 a mysterious letter