学习啦在线学习网 许多同学说,英语学习是很难啃的骨头,而最难的关节是记忆单词,如何记忆英语单词?大家都会说,背。如何背?看着单词,花时间背。我发现,的确有很多同学是下定决心,不怕辛苦,背!可在许多情况下,效果不很明显,不久就忘,也不会实际运用。
2、单词要放在句子、文章中记忆。单一的一个单词是呆板枯燥的中文解释,很难记忆。例如,right一词,它可以作名词解释为权力、右边,作形容词意思是对的,以及副词意思是恰当地、正就,还有短语on the (one`s)right在……右边,all right这个短词又有很多解,right away马上,以及复合形容词right-handed用右手的(与左撇子相反),rightly确实地等等……
1. Get To Know Why
1. 了解原因
Lesson learned: Clearly define your goal at the very beginning and then plot a route towards this goal’s achievement.
The twins set themselves the challenge of learning a language in a week in order to stretch themselves, and then it was a question of choosing which language to learn.
2. Get Sticky
2. 坚持下去
Lesson learned: Map and label your immediate environment in the new language from the very first moment. You’ll build and reinforce associations passively while going about your daily life.
The first operational step in the twins’ learning process was to decorate the entire apartment with sticky notes. This had an almost ceremonial touch to it as the twins delved into dictionaries and proceeded to label everything with its corresponding Turkish name.
学习啦在线学习网 这对双胞胎学习过程中第一个可行的步骤是用便利贴装饰了整栋公寓。双胞胎深入研究了词典,并把所有东西贴上了对应的土耳其语标签,这是一次仪式性的接触。
3. Get A Partner
3. 找个同伴
学习啦在线学习网 Lesson learned: There are few better motivations than a peer with the same goal. Whether you’re motivated by competition or a sense of mutual responsibility, the mere presence of a learning partner is likely to exert just the right amount of pressure to keep you on track.
学习啦在线学习网 没有比有相同目标的同伴更好的驱动力了。不管你是被竞赛激励还是出于相互间的责任感,有学习同伴在场,能给你施加适当的压力,让你坚持在正轨上前进。
The importance of the other twin’s presence became immediately apparent as Matthew and Michael delegated responsibilities for rooms to decorate with sticky notes. This simple task was augmented by continuous little tests that they would spring on one another, and the fact that they split up their day slightly differently and studied different topics meant that each twin became a source of knowledge for the other; the question how do you say that again? was met surprisingly often with an answer. The most extraordinary moment came towards the end of the week when the twins simply switched their everyday conversations to Turkish, asking one another if they wanted tea or coffee, were ready to cook dinner or when they were going to leave the house the next day.
4. Prepare Mini-Motivations
学习啦在线学习网 4. 准备些小的激励措施
Lesson learned: You need landmarks on your route towards your goal. These landmarks can consist of small challenges, which force you to prepare areas of vocabulary to overcome them. The gratification that will come with their completion will serve to spur you on to ever greater heights.
学习啦在线学习网 在你达成目标的路上你需要一些里程碑式的事件,这些重要的事件可以包含小的挑战,可以促使你积攒词汇努力克服。当完成的时候,成就感和满足感也会随之而来,能激励你达到更高的水平。
Matthew and Michael had numerous micro-challenges throughout the week. On the first day they were visited by a Turkish friend who greeted them in Turkish and complimented them on how quickly they’d picked up their first words and phrases. They then learned the names of fruits and the numbers from one to a billion so that they could visit the Turkish market in Kreuzberg (although they refrained from purchasing nine hundred thousand kumquats). Displaying their haul after their first functional exchange in Turkish, they beamed with pride and a palpable sense of accomplishment before marching back home to study further.
5. Eat The Language
学习啦在线学习网 5. 吃下这门语言
Lesson learned: Find a way to tie everything you do to learning. Surround yourself with the food, the music and the films, so that even in your downtime you can prime your mind towards the language and perhaps trigger further areas of interest and motivation.
学习啦在线学习网 They sample dozens of different kinds of Turkish snacks. Like kids staring at the backs of cereal packs before heading to school, the nutritional information and various special offers and competitions on the packaging were analysed during snack breaks. There was no moment of complete removal from the language learning process during the eight hours that the twins had allotted to it. The intensity ebbed and flowed, but it never dissipated entirely.
学习啦在线学习网 他们选取了很多种不同的土耳其零食,就像孩子们去学校前会盯着谷物包装袋的背面看一样,他们在茶歇时会分析包装上的营养信息和各种不同的价格优惠和价格竞争。在双胞胎分配给语言学习的八小时内,没有一个完全从学习过程中脱离出来的状态。强度可能减弱和产生波动,但是从没有完全消失过。
学习啦在线学习网 6. Use What You Already Know
6. 使用你已知的知识
Lesson learned: The greater the depth of processing, the more likely the information will be remembered. Find pleasure in drawing parallels and making comparisons between the language(s) you already know and your new language.
7. Variation is the spice of life
学习啦在线学习网 7. 变化是生活的调味品
Lesson learned: So you have your route plotted and an idea of your favored methods, but do remember to try new things; your new language has just as many sources as your native language.
The twins spent a lot of time engrossed in books or on their computers and apps, flicking and swiping their way through exercises eagerly, but at other times they were to be found searching busily for Turkish radio stations and write-ups of Turkish football games on the web. There is no definitive method to learn a language, nor any tool or teacher that will single-handedly deliver you to the holy grail of fluency. Language is written, spoken, read and heard. Each of these areas is considered a core skill within which there are myriad potential inputs; would you restrict yourself to one in your native language? All too often, people enter their weekly language class to converse with their teacher, but then barely have any contact with other native speakers or the media being broadcast in their target language. Try something new every day. Listen to a cheesy song, read a newspaper article from a newspaper whose politics differ from your own, write a story for kids, attempt some improvised theatre and talk to yourself while cooking. Spice it up and add some flavour to your language learning!
学习啦在线学习网 Whether you're sitting down to write a research paper for English class about Buddha or you're hours deep in the writing portion of SAT, you want to write a great essay. And although different people have different notions about what makes an essay truly "great," there are a number of things that educators and writers generally agree upon as gold-quality standards. Here are three of those qualities that can take your essay from basic to fabulous.
1. Language
1. 语言文字
学习啦在线学习网 The usage of language in an essay is more than j4ust the actual words you use throughout. Things like sentence structure, stylistic choices, levels of formality, grammar, usage, and mechanics all come into play.
学习啦在线学习网 在一篇文章中,语言文字的使用不仅仅是你在全篇所使用的词语,句子结构、文体选择、不同的形式、语法、用法、文字处理等都可以发挥作用。
Good Language
学习啦在线学习网 Good language in an essay is merely adequate. It's basic. There's nothing inherently wrong with your language, but there's nothing exceptional about it, either.
学习啦在线学习网 Good essay language means you're using some variety in your sentence structures. For instance, you may write a few simple sentences interspersed with some compound sentences. Your level of formality and tone are also appropriate to the essay. You're not using familiar language and slang, for example, when you're writing a research report in class. Good language in an essay does not disrupt your thesis. Your point gets across and that's all well and fine if you're happy with a good essay.
Example: When Jack walked into his grandmother's kitchen, he spotted the freshly baked cake on the counter. He helped himself to a huge piece. It was chocolate, and the frosting was a delicious vanilla buttercream. He licked his lips and took a gigantic bite.
Great Language
学习啦在线学习网 Great language is fresh, full of sensory detail when appropriate and propels your essay forward in invigorating ways. Great language uses a variety of sentence structures and even some intentional fragments when appropriate. Your tone isn't merely adequate; it enhances your argument or point.
Your language is precise. It's chosen specifically to add nuance or shades of meaning. The sensory details you select pull your readers in, giving them goosebumps, and make them want to keep on reading. Great language makes readers take what you've said very seriously.
学习啦在线学习网 Example: Jack stepped over the threshold of his grandmother's kitchen and inhaled. Chocolate cake. His stomach rumbled. He walked to the counter, mouth watering, and took a rose-pattered china plate from the cabinet and a bread knife from the drawer. The slice he sawed off was enough for three. The first bite of rich vanilla buttercream made his jaw ache. Before he knew it, nothing was left but chocolate crumbs scattered on the plate like confetti.
例子: 杰克一踏进奶奶厨房的门槛就被吸引住了,那是一块巧克力蛋糕。他的肚子也叫了起来,走进柜台,杰克的口水都流了出来,他从橱柜里拿出一个玫瑰图案的瓷盘,又从抽屉里拿出一把切蛋糕用的刀。他切了三人量的一大块,第一口就咬到了满满的香草奶油,使他食欲大开。在他缓过神来之前,盘子里就只剩下巧克力碎末。
学习啦在线学习网 2. Analysis
2. 分析
学习啦在线学习网 Teachers are always asking you to "dig deep" in your essay, but what does that really mean? Depth is the level at which you analyze the topic you are writing. The deeper you dive into your essay, the more poking and prodding at values, tensions, complexities, and assumptions you will do.
学习啦在线学习网 老师们总是让你“深入发掘”自己的文章,但这到底是什么意思呢?深度就是你分析文章主题的层次。你对自己文章发掘得越深,你就会发现更多价值观、冲突、复杂性和设想。
学习啦在线学习网 Good Analysis
The word "analysis" in and of itself implies a certain level of depth. A good analysis will use reasoning and examples that are clear and adequately demonstrate the importance of the topic. Support may be relevant, but it may come across as overly general or simplistic. You will have scratched the surface of the topic, but you will not have explored as many of the complexities as you could have.
学习啦在线学习网 “分析”一词本身就暗含有一定的深度。好的分析会使用清晰并能论证主题的推理和例子。支持也许是相关的,但也可能会显得过于宽泛或简单化。你可能已经触及到了主题,但你不能像那些复杂的例子一样进行深入探索。
Let's take, for example, this question: "Should cyberbullying be stopped by the government?"
学习啦在线学习网 我们以这个问题为例子:“政府应该杜绝网络暴力吗?”
Example: Cyberbullying needs to be stopped in its tracksby the government because of the harm that it causes to the victim. Teenagers who have been bullied online have had to be treated for depression, have felt compelled to change schools, and some have even committed suicide. A person's life is too important not to intervene.
Great Analysis
A great analysis of a topic is a thoughtful critique that demonstrates insight. It critiques assumptions and details not hinted at in just a good analysis. In the example above, the good analysis mentions the harm to a victim of bullying and names three things that could happen to him or her because of it, but doesn't get into other areas that might offer more insight like societal values, governmental control, effects rippling from one generation to the next, for example.
学习啦在线学习网 优秀的分析是对深入剖析思考后的批评。它对那些没有进行好好分析的设想和细节进行了批评。在上面的例子中,好的分析提到了暴力会导致自杀的危害,并且举出了三件由可能会发生在别人身上的事,但却并没有涉及一些会引发思考的领域,例如社会价值观、政府调控、对下一代人的影响。
学习啦在线学习网 Example: Although cyberbullying needs to be stopped - the effects are to dire not to intervene - the government cannot be the entity to regulate speech online. The fiscal and personal costs would be staggering. Not only would citizens be forced to give up their First Amendment rights to free speech, they would have to relinquish their rights to privacy, as well. The government would be everywhere, becoming even more of a "big brother" than they are right now. Who would pay for such scrutiny? Citizens would pay with their freedom and their wallets.
3. Organization
3. 组织
学习啦在线学习网 Organization can quite literally make or break your essay. If a reader doesn't understand how you've gotten from point A to point B because none of your dots seem to connect, then he or she won't be compelled to read any further. And more importantly, he or she will not have listened to what you have had to say. And that's the biggest problem there is.
学习啦在线学习网 组织可以在字面上对你的文章进行创作或破坏。如果读者因为没有句点而无法理解你是怎样从A观点切换到B观点,就不会深入阅读下去。更重要的是,读者不会听你讲的内容。这就是最大的问题。
Good Organization
学习啦在线学习网 A standard five-paragraph essay structure is what most students use when they write essays. They start with an introductory paragraphending with a thesis sentence. They move on to body paragraph one with a topic sentence, and then proceed, with a few scattered transitions, to body paragraphs two and three. They round out their essay with a conclusion that neatly restates the thesis and ends with a question or a challenge. Sound about right? If this sounds like every essay you've ever written, then you can be sure you're not alone. It's a perfectly adequate structure for a basic essay.
1. Introduction with thesis
学习啦在线学习网 2. Body paragraph one
学习啦在线学习网 •Support one
•Support two
•Support three
学习啦在线学习网 3. Body paragraph two
3. 主体段落二
•Support one
学习啦在线学习网 •Support two
学习啦在线学习网 •Support three
4. Body paragraph three
学习啦在线学习网 •Support one
学习啦在线学习网 •Support two
•Support three
学习啦在线学习网 5. Conclusion with restated thesis
5. 以重申论点结尾
学习啦在线学习网 Great Organization
学习啦在线学习网 Great organization tends to move beyond just simple supports and basic transitions. Ideas will progress logically and increase the arguments success. Transitions within and between paragraphs will strengthen the argument and heighten meaning. If you start out organizing your essay strategically, with room for analysis and counterarguments built in, your chances of building a great essay improve by quite a bit. And some students find it easier to get more in depth by writing a four-paragraph essay instead of five. You can engaged more with a particular topic in the body paragraphs if you knock out your weakest argument and focus instead on providing a deeper, more thoughtful analysis with just two.
学习啦在线学习网 1. Introduction with thesis
2. Body paragraph one
Support one with detailed analysis
学习啦在线学习网 含详细分析的佐证一
学习啦在线学习网 Support two that addresses values, complexities and assumptions
学习啦在线学习网 Counterpoint and dismissal of the counterpoint
3.Body paragraph two
•Support one with detailed analysis
学习啦在线学习网 •Support two that addresses values, complexities and assumptions
学习啦在线学习网 •Counterpoint and dismissal of the counterpoint
4. Conclusion with restated thesis and option for better idea
学习啦在线学习网 4. 重申论点、完善观点的结尾
学习啦在线学习网 Writing Great Essays
If your goal is to move forward out of mediocrity, then spend some time learning the basics of great essay writing. After that, pick up your pencil or paper and practice. Nothing will prepare you better for your next essay then writing strategically-organized, well-analyzed, and carefully-worded paragraphs when the pressure isn't on.