学习啦在线学习网 第一步:看有声电影(囧不是废话嘛~),第一遍的时候带着字幕看。这一阶段,你的眼睛和耳朵应当同时工作。试着理解片子的主题和大意。
学习啦在线学习网 第三步:去掉字幕看。这听上去很难但是你要相信,只要你在前两步练习的足够充分,你就会发现去掉字幕没有想像的那么难。
学习啦在线学习网 如何摆脱聋哑英语和中式英语?怎样获得纯正英语语音和地道英语口语?学习英语是否必须要学音标?这些问题总是困扰着广大英语学习者。本文围绕这些问题为大家推荐非常实用的口语学习观念,希望起到抛砖引玉的作用。
学习啦在线学习网 No.2,气息是声音的动力。良好的发声首先要求正确的呼吸。胸部浅式呼吸会导致发声时气息不足,从而使声音干瘪不舒展,缺乏弹性。相反,胸腹联合呼吸不但有利于身体健康,又可以为发声提供充足的气息动力,使声音饱满持久,富有弹性。
学习啦在线学习网 No.7,英语交际并不是一张嘴说话那么简单,还伴随着表情、动作、肢体语言等等。跨文化的思维差异也是英语学习征程上的拦路虎。
学习啦在线学习网 No.8,积极主动是内因,英语学习环境是外因。事在人为,只要用心,身边的英语环境比比皆是。心不在焉,缺乏自信,即使身处纯粹的英语环境中,也同样不会说英语。
学习啦在线学习网 No.9,不是每一个以英语为母语的人都了解英语的发音体系,甚至很多人根本就不了解。试想,我们每天都在说普通话,但有几个人能说出背后的技巧与规律?
1. 多问开放式的问题。
Ask open ended questions.
学习啦在线学习网 It is difficult to connect with someone if you ask them questions that can be answered in two words. There is no chance for a connection to develop. Instead of asking, “Where do you live?” trying asking “What do you think of your neighborhood?” Instead of “where did you get that shirt?” try “What do you think of the new store in the mall?” The longer you talk, the more chance there is for a connection to grow.
2. 找找你们的共同点。
Find things in common.
学习啦在线学习网 好朋友聊得来,首先要有共同话题。如果对方说自己在银行实习,你可以提提你在金融圈的亲朋好友。如果对方爱看真人秀,那就从你喜欢的节目聊起吧!
If your potential new friend interned at Credit Suisse, discuss that your brother works in finance. If she is all about reality TV, tell her which shows you’re into. Friendship is built on commonalities.
3. 多聊点感受。
学习啦在线学习网 Use emotion words.
Sticking to the facts makes a conversation dry and boring. You want to capture your new acquaintance’s interest by using emotion words so they can connect with you on a genuine level. Instead of going into detail about where you stayed on your trip to London, talk about how anxious you felt when you almost missed your connection. Instead of describing how long your commute is, discuss how much you dread that hour of your day.
4. 对方让你想起了谁?
Think of who this person reminds you of.
学习啦在线学习网 不管是身边的亲朋好友,还是电视里的名人明星,如果你发现对面这个人和其中哪位有些相似,就大胆说出来吧!大部分人还是会认为这是认可和称赞哒~
If this person reminds you of a friend, someone on TV, or a public figure, tell them, as long as it isn’t insulting, of course. People love to hear who others think they look or act like. It is flattering that someone thinks about you enough to compare you to someone that they know and like.
5. 讲话要有正能量。
学习啦在线学习网 Say positive things.
学习啦在线学习网 Don’t complain or whine about your life or discuss how upset you are by friend or work drama. This makes a potential friend wary of getting too close. It can seem like you’re always creating drama and negative energy, which is a turn off.
6. 别做大嘴巴!
学习啦在线学习网 Don’t gossip.
Many people will gossip right back, but then won’t be interested in becoming a closer friend to you. In the back of their mind, they will keep wondering what you’re going to say about them when their back is turned. Try to stay positive and give people the benefit of the doubt when you talk about them, or better, just talk about the two of you without dragging others, who aren’t even there, into the conversation.
7. 别说自己的坏话。
Don’t self-deprecate.
学习啦在线学习网 在人前数落自己的不是,会让旁人十分尴尬。这让人家该怎么回应你呢?毕竟不是所有人都能像心理医生那样当你的垃圾桶。
It can make people feel awkward to be around individuals who talk badly about themselves, complaining about their various terrible qualities. They feel like they have to reassure you, and nobody wants to be someone’s therapist.
8. 称赞你俩的好友。
Praise mutual friends.
学习啦在线学习网 If you know someone in common, talk nicely about them. This will increase the chances that this new acquaintance thinks well of you, and it also makes it likely that the three of you can hang out sometime.
学习啦在线学习网 9. 聊聊今后可以一起参加的活动。
学习啦在线学习网 Discuss potential future activities.
学习啦在线学习网 如果新认识的小伙伴提到了一个你很感兴趣的活动,下次有类似的活动别忘了叫上他们。千万不要太一本正经地拿出手机查你的档期,你只需立刻表现出热情就好了。
If your new acquaintance mentions an activity that you also enjoy, invite them to join you in the future. Not in a creepy way where you bring out your phone and start looking at the calendar, but just say that you’d love to have them come along surfing the next time you go to the beach, or whatever the case may be.
10. 要个联系方式不必害臊。
Don’t be shy about asking to connect.
Plant the seed that you want to be closer friends by saying something like, “I’ll definitely have to friend you on Facebook.” This is also a good way to assess whether this person is also interested in being friends. If they seem excited and later immediately accept your friend request, it’s likely that a friendship may be developing.
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