学习啦在线学习网 想要学习英语却没有英语的基础,这个时候我们应该怎么做呢?下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的零基础学英语的方法,供大家参阅!
1. Choose an interesting movie.This probably sounds obvious, but if you choose a boring movie, you’ll be bored. And if you’re bored, it will be difficult to pay attention…for more than one and a half hours!
学习啦在线学习网 选择一部有趣的电影。这或许听起来很容易理解,如果你选择一个无趣的电影,你也会感到枯燥。如果你感觉枯燥,那对你而言很难集中注意力…尤其是超过一个半小时的时间。
I remember when I was a child, I had to watch hours and hours of really old movies like “Singing in the Rain”, “Mary Poppins” to learn English. If you don’t know these films – you’re welcome to check them up – they’re really old! I didn’t exactly hate them, but I didn’t feel excited at all when watching these films.
And because of that, I highly recommend you choose movies you like. To do this, you can go to a website called Rotten Tomatoes, which is a website with many great critics and reviews on many tens of thousands of movies.
学习啦在线学习网 因此,我强烈建议你选择自己喜欢的电影。如果想选电影,你可以去烂番茄网站,那里有成千上万的电影,还有许多很棒的影评。
2. Select a movie that matches your current English level. For example, for beginners in English, I usually recommend you learn English through animations. The main reason is because the English is usually very friendly, nice and easy to understand.
学习啦在线学习网 选择一个符合你英语水平的电影。例如,对英语初学者而言,我通常建议你们看动画片来学英语。主要的原因是因为里面的英语通常很亲切美好,容易理解。
学习啦在线学习网 On the other hand, if you try to watch something like “Romeo and Juliet”, you will be very confused. Shakespearian English (which is English used many centuries ago) is very difficult to understand on screen, even for advanced English learners.
学习啦在线学习网 3. Bring your dictionary. Maybe I’ll add point 3.5 too – choose a film with subtitles! So when you hear a word you’re interested in, check it up! Because you went through the trouble to understand it…you’ll be able to remember that word for a long time too!
学习啦在线学习网 拿着你的词典。或许我要补充一点——选一个有字幕的电影!所以当你听到一个你感兴趣的单词时,用字典查一下。因为你理解它会有困难……之后的很长一段时间都会记住这个单词。
4. Repeat short phrases! Some times, you might hear something cool in the movie. For example, some short phrases, or slang like, “hell yeah!”, or “sure thing”, or “you betcha!” that are commonly used in English. If you like how it sounds, it really helps to repeat it! After saying it out loud a while, you will be able to remember it for a longer time! It’s a great and enjoyable exercise – one of my personal favourites.
重复短语。有时,你或许会在电影里听到一些很酷的表达。例如,有些短语或俚语,比如“Hell yeah!”或者“sure thing”,或者“you betcha!”(都表示“当然,没错”)在英语中很常用。如果你喜欢它的读音,多重复会很有帮助。大声朗读一会,你能记住更长的时间!这是个很棒又让人愉悦的联系——我自己的最爱之一。
5. Without subtitles. I know it can be really challenging to watch a film in a foreign language without subtitles. So here’s my recommendation. When you watch a film the first time, just turn on subtitles. But if you get the chance to watch it a second time, try turning off subtitles.
学习啦在线学习网 This way, you already know the story from the first time you watched it. And this time, you can try listening to some individual words that you might have checked up last time. Or you might try to see how much you can understand the film without subtitles.
6. VLC player. This is actually a video player I recommend for watching films on your computer. This is one of my favourite tools. Most people use it just to watch movies, but I use it a little differently.
学习啦在线学习网 Here’s what I do – if you download a movie online, and you play it, you know how you don’t understand English sometimes? VLC Player allows you to play back movies at half speed or quarter speed. So if there are parts you don’t understand, you can play these back at a slower speed and try again! It’s very helpful to practice your listening.
学习啦在线学习网 7. It’s okay to miss words…just let it go.Last of all, remember what we said in the start? Watching movies should be fun…so if you miss a word, a phrase, or even many sentences, that’s okay! Just follow along the subtitles and learn that way. Don’t make yourself feel bad…watching films is supposed to be fun!
学习啦在线学习网 错过某些词没关系……错过好了。最后一条,记得我们在开头说的话吗?看电影应该是件有趣的事……所以如果你错过一个单词,一个短语,甚至许多句子,没关系!跟着字幕学习就好了。不要让你自己灰心丧气……看电影应该是有趣的。
学习啦在线学习网 The challenge is meant to improve all areas of learning a language, like grammar, reading, writing, and listening. Some ideas I've been using myself and others I found from other people.
Now to start the challenge.
Focusing on setting goals:
学习啦在线学习网 专注制定学习目标:
Create a limit of how many words you want to learn in a day/week/month/these 3 months
学习啦在线学习网 量化三个月你所要学会的词汇,细化到天/周/月
Log how much you learned each day/week/month
学习啦在线学习网 记录每天/周/月你学了哪些词汇
学习啦在线学习网 Create a list of all the words so you can quiz yourself at the end of each day/week/month/these 3 months
Try to read something new each day
It can be English on Facebook, in the news, posts on SNS
学习啦在线学习网 素材可以是Facebook,国际新闻或者SNS的帖子的英文内容
学习啦在线学习网 Do you understand all the grammar? If not, write it down.
学习啦在线学习网 语法你都懂了吗?如果没有,请记下来
Try to make a log of how much grammar you know and want to know.
Use the grammar you know in future sentences/journals/while speaking.
学习啦在线学习网 将你知道的语法运用到以后的句子/日志/或口语中
学习啦在线学习网 Listening:
Try to listen to an entire show/movie/song without subtitles.
How much did you know? After that put on the subtitles and figure out what you missed.
学习啦在线学习网 你知道多少?加上字母后,对比一下,看自己漏读了哪些信息
学习啦在线学习网 Set goals for how long/much you want to listen in a day/week/month/these 3 months.
学习啦在线学习网 量化三个月内所要听的内容以及时间,细化到天/周/月
Set a goal to watch/listen to a certain amount of shows/movies/songs.
学习啦在线学习网 How well do you speak?
Try to speak for at least 1 hour in your target language.
学习啦在线学习网 每天花一个小时讲英语
Can you already do that?
Then increase the hour. Maybe 2 maybe 5. Maybe a whole day.
学习啦在线学习网 You can make a video of yourself speaking about a topic. At the end of the three months you can watch it again and judge yourself.
学习啦在线学习网 用英语论述一个话题,并用录音机录制下来。三个月后你再听听当时自己的录音,并分析不足。
学习啦在线学习网 许多英语初学者都埋头于背单词和语法,不过想要真正学好英语,写作是最重要的。当初学者在练习写作的时候,不仅可以锻炼写作技巧,还能让自己的词汇、语法、阅读都得到大幅提高。
学习啦在线学习网 不同的人对写作的时间环境要求都不同。有的人在早上最是神清气爽,有的人则是夜猫子,天色越暗越是来劲。有的人写作时要求周围安安静静,有的人写作时则需要各种嘈杂的背景音,前者最好去图书馆,后者最好在咖啡厅。如果不清楚最适合自己写作的时间地点,那么可以在各个时间段、不同地点都尝试一下,看看自己在哪种情况下写作效率最高。
学习啦在线学习网 当你要开始写作的时候,你就要找个话题,来写与之相关的语句。举个例子,你要以“钓鱼”为话题,不管是钓鱼这件事还是在去钓鱼路上发生的事你都可以写,你可以先设定5分钟时间,然后把你在这段时间里由“钓鱼”想到的任何事全部写下来。当你习惯这种方式之后,你可以把时间拉长到10分钟。这种方式并不是要你写出一个完整的故事,只是让你的大脑习惯用英语思考,看看你能写出多少与话题有关的事。如果你找不到话题,你甚至可以自由发挥,想到什么写什么,跟着心来写。
学习啦在线学习网 通过写英语日记这种方式,你可以确保自己每天都能进行英语写作练习。这是练习使用多种时态的好办法,你会用过去时态写当天已经发生过的事,用将来时态写第二天要做的事。当你意识到要每天写英语日记的时候,你就会在平常下意识地用英语来思考,因为你说不定会把当时发生的事记录到你的英语日记中。
学习啦在线学习网 通常来说,你写的第一稿都不是最完美的,前面已经建议大家把写作练习归在一本笔记本上写,这时就可以把常犯的错误记在笔记本上,这样就可以在写完第一稿之后看看自己是否犯了同样的错误。如果你是打在电脑上,你可以用Hemingway Editor、Read-Able、Grammar Check或Reverso这些网站来检查拼写和语法错误,不过有些错误它们是检查不出来的。
学习啦在线学习网 8.随身携带英语字典
当你看到或听到一个生词时,你可以查字典,念上几遍,然后写下来,熟悉这个单词。当你下次开始写作的时候,你至少要用这个生词造个句子。如果你很喜欢这个词或者觉得这个词很重要,你可以在字典上做记号。 要是你觉得带字典不方便的话,你可以在智能机上下载Merriam Webster或Dictionary.com的APP。
学习啦在线学习网 每当你用字典查生词的时候,至少还要再学习一个近义词和反义词。比如说,你学习了生词great,它的同义词有excellent和fantastic,反义词则有plain、ordinary和bad。通过学习近反义词,你就可以更好地和外国人交流了。Here is a thesaurus这个线上词典里全是近反义词,输入一个单词,就会显示一长串近反义词,橙色的是近义词,灰色的是反义词。
学习啦在线学习网 10.制作单词卡片
学习啦在线学习网 前面就已经提到过了,阅读和写作是相通的,所以经常阅读有助于提高你的写作水平。可以先从简单的书籍开始,像《哈利·波特》和《饥饿游戏》这样面向年轻人而且语言较为简单的书籍就可以了。每当你碰上生词,记下来,多读几遍。办一张借书证,你就可以在当地的图书馆里借到很多像这样的书,当然,你也可以到Audible这样的网站上去听书。
学习啦在线学习网 12.翻译歌曲和诗句
学习啦在线学习网 挑一首你最喜欢的歌曲,把歌词翻译成英语,然后用英语把它唱出来,为了让歌词押韵,你甚至可以改写一部分歌词,诗歌也可以这样做。歌曲和诗歌中的遣词造句和你平常在书籍、报纸和日记中见到的很不一样,通过这种方式,你不仅可以练习写作,你还可以学到一些新的方式来表达爱情、信仰、恐惧等在音乐中常用到的话题。