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学习啦在线学习网   下面是学习啦小编整理的世界最贵的红酒, 希望对大家有帮助。

学习啦在线学习网   World’s most expensive bottle of red wine, a 12-litre Chateau Margaux, goes on sale for £122,000

  The world's most expensive red wine has been put on display at an upmarket vino vendor in Dubai.The limited edition 12-litre bottle of Chateau Margaux 2009 comes with an eye-watering £122,380 price tag. A mere six Balthazars, meaning 12-litre bottle, of the exclusive tipple have been produced, with only three of those set to go on sale.

  The wine is produced at the Chateau Margaux vineyard in the Midoc region of France, just north of Bordeaux. 'Chateau Margaux's history stretches back over 400 years, during which the estate has produced some of the world's best wines time and again,' Paul Pontallier, chief winemaker and managing director of the estate, said.

学习啦在线学习网   'The Chateau Margaux 2009 vintage is one of the finest we have ever produced, hence why we chose to bottle it in this magnificent format.'

学习啦在线学习网   The wine is currently on show at wine merchant Le Clos' flagship store at Dubai International Airport.

  The Balthazars are housed in an ornate oak case, while the bottle itself has been beautifully engraved with gold by master craftsmen. Although the wine will put a serious dent in any oenophile's pocket, buyers get a number of other perks for their money.They will be flown first class to France to visit the Chateau Margaux estate, where they will enjoy a private tour of its cellars and vineyard, before sitting down to dinner with the chief winemaker.

学习啦在线学习网   据英国《每日邮报》报道,世界上最贵的红酒近日开始出售,售价高达12.2万英镑(折合人民币119万元)。




  该红酒现陈列于迪拜国际机场的葡萄酒经销商Le Clos 旗舰店。


Worlds most expensive bottle of red wine, a 12-litre Chateau Margaux, goes on sale for 122,000 The worlds most expensive red wine has been put on display at an upmarket vino vendor in Dubai.The limited edition 12-litre


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