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学习啦在线学习网   随着津巴布韦经济发展乏力,政府日益求助于中国提振疲弱的津巴布韦经济。希望增加人民币的使用加强两国之间的双边贸易。下面学习啦小编为大家带来金融财经双语阅读《津巴布韦鼓励使用人民币》,希望大家喜欢!

学习啦在线学习网   Zimbabwe will encourage the use of China’s currency to pay for anything from groceries to tourist curios as president Robert Mugabe’s government turns ever more closely to Beijing to bolster its ailing economy. 津巴布韦将鼓励使用人民币来支付从食品到旅游纪念品的各种商品。罗伯特·穆加贝(Robert Mugabe)总统的政府日益求助于中国提振疲弱的津巴布韦经济。

  After announcing that China had agreed to cancel m of debt due this year, Patrick Chinamasa, Zimbabwe’s finance minister, said he hoped that boosting the use of the renminbi would bolster bilateral trade between the countries. 在宣布中国已同意取消今年到期的4000万美元债务后,津巴布韦财政部长帕特里克·奇纳马萨(Patrick Chinamasa)表示,他希望增加人民币的使用将加强两国之间的双边贸易。

  Mr Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s veteran president, has increasingly looked to Beijing to help prop up the country’s economy in recent years. In contrast, western nations have largely treated Mr Mugabe as a pariah since the 2000s because of his regime’s forced seizure of white-owned farms and human rights abuses committed against political opponents. 长期掌权的津巴布韦总统穆加贝近年越来越寄望于北京方面帮助支撑该国经济。与此形成反差的是,西方国家自本世纪初以来基本上对穆加贝抱有敌意,因为他的政权强制没收白人拥有的农场,并侵犯政治反对派的人权。

学习啦在线学习网   The renminbi was added to a list of currencies that are legal tender in Zimbabwe early last year, but has been little used. More than 85 per cent of transactions in the nation are estimated to be undertaken in US dollars while the rand, the currency of neighbouring South Africa, is also used widely. 人民币在去年初加入津巴布韦法定货币的名单,但迄今使用不多。该国估计有85%以上的交易用美元进行,而邻国南非的货币兰特也被广泛使用。

  Harare ditched its own currency, the Zimbabwe dollar, in 2009 following a period of hyperinflation that soared to record levels as the central bank issued Z0,000bn notes that lost value almost as soon as they were printed. Analysts said the decision to attempt to increase the use of the renminbi was largely a political gesture. 哈拉雷方面在2009年放弃了本币津巴布韦元。在那之前的恶性通胀时期,随着通胀飙升至创纪录水平,就连央行发行的100万亿津巴布韦元面值的纸币也很快失去价值。分析师们表示,试图增加使用人民币的决定在很大程度上是一种政治姿态。

  Mr Chinamasa gave the example of Chinese tourists being able to use renminbi in the country. 奇纳马萨列举了中国游客能够在该国使用人民币的例子。

  “We can make that facility available,” Mr Chinamasa told Zimbabwe’s Sunday Mail, a state-owned newspaper. “What we and the People’s Bank of China then need to do after collecting this currency is have a system of clearance so that we are able to use what has been paid for in the renminbi for our services in Zimbabwe.” “我们可以提供这样的设施,”奇纳马萨对津巴布韦国有报纸《星期日邮报》(Sunday Mail)表示。“在收集这些货币后,我们和中国人民银行(PBoC)需要做的是拥有一个清算体系,使我们能够接受用人民币支付津巴布韦的服务。”

  Last month Mr Mugabe, 91, paid tribute to Beijing during a state visit to Zimbabwe by Xi Jinping, China’s president, saying “we greatly appreciate the understanding and flexibility shown by China.” 上月,在中国国家主席对津巴布韦进行国事访问期间,91岁的穆加贝赞扬北京,称:“我们十分赞赏中国展示的理解和灵活性。”

学习啦在线学习网   During that two-day visit, government officials said deals had been agreed worth bn covering a wide range of sectors, including financial support for the construction of a new parliament building and the expansion of power stations. But there were concerns that Chinese financing would increase Zimbabwe’s heavy debt burden, while many of the projects had already been under discussion for years. 政府官员们表示,在那次为期两天的访问期间,双方达成了价值40亿美元的交易,涵盖众多领域,包括资助建设一栋新的议会大厦,以及扩建电站。但有人表示担心,中国的资金将增加津巴布韦沉重的债务负担,而且其中许多项目已经被讨论了多年。

  Zimbabwean officials often claim that China is now Zimbabwe’s second largest trading partner. But the latest foreign trade figures show that China’s share of trade falls behind that of South Africa, which accounts for about half of Zimbabwe’s imports and exports, and Singapore and Mozambique. 津巴布韦官员经常声称,中国现在是津巴布韦的第二大贸易伙伴。但最新外贸数据显示,中国的贸易份额落后于南非(占津巴布韦进出口的大约一半),以及新加坡和莫桑比克。

  Mr Kipson Gundani, chief economist of Buy Zimbabwe, said he did not think that the Chinese currency was not about to be widely used, adding that the effect of Mr Chinamasa’s announcement would be “close to zero.” “购买津巴布韦”(Buy Zimbabwe)首席经济学家Kipson Gundani表示,他不认为人民币即将获得广泛使用。他补充称,奇纳马萨所宣布决定的效果将“接近于零”。

  John Robertson, an independent economist, added: “There is a shortage of money in the economy and introduction of the Chinese [renminbi] won’t make much difference.” 独立经济学家约翰·罗伯逊(John Robertson)表示:“经济中缺乏资金,引入人民币不会带来多大差别。”

  Harare’s attempts to enhance the use of the renminbi comes at a time of huge economic challenges in Zimbabwe. 哈拉雷方面试图增加人民币使用之际,津巴布韦面临着巨大的经济挑战。

  Since an initial bounce in growth after Harare allowed the US dollar to be used as the main currency, economic growth has slumped amid risks that it could fall back into recession. The government and the International Monetary Fund forecast growth of 1.5 per cent this year. But with drought, severe electricity shortages and a collapse in commodity prices, as well as political uncertainty, other economists think such a prediction overly optimistic. 在哈拉雷方面允许美元被用作主要货币后,津巴布韦经济最初有所反弹,但自那以来已经下滑,面临重新陷入衰退的风险。政府和国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测今年经济增长1.5%。但是,面对干旱、严重电力短缺、大宗商品价格崩盘,以及政治不确定性,其他经济学家认为这样的预测过于乐观。