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  Computer—Our Good Fellows

  Whatever you are, a scientist, a manager, an architect, a lawyer, a notice or a successful scholar; and no matter whatever you are diligent, or lazy, in the modern work, study and life , you always need our common good friends – computers.

  A computer is an erudite tutor, and a talented secretary who can draw up documents, manage data, design blueprints, type papers and so on. Furthermore, the computer is the most obedient and diligent “house-keeper” or “servant” of housewives; it is also a game expert admired by children. Oh, the computer is really a welcome fellow of ours.

  Expert System

  An expert system is a software system having some domain knowledge, which can solve some problems for people. Its performance depends on the facts and the rules that are fed into the computer. The expert knowledge is gathered by knowledge engineers from human experts in the field such as medicine, engineering, or geology. For example, in the field of medicine, one question that might be asked of an expert system is whether one treatment is better for a patient than another one. An expert system has the capacity to store the collection of knowledge and manipulate it in response to user's inquiries, in some cases, it can explain responses to the user.

  Office Automation

学习啦在线学习网   Office Automation (OA) is the application of the computer and communication technologies to improve the productivity of clerical and managerial office workers, The major functions of the OA system include text processing, electronic mail, information storage and retrieval, task management, and etc…… Today, there have been many OA systems, for example, desktop publishing, video conference, videotext and so on. So, many office workers can easily find the information they want through a personal computer sitting on his or her desk, It changes substantially the way people work in an office.

  Artificial Intelligence

  For many years, researchers have been exploring the way people think in hopes of creating a computer that thinks like a person. This is so called Artificial Intelligence (AI)。 It aims at producing a computer system that will be able to communicate with us by speech and hearing, and be capable of solving intelligent problems. One practical application of AI has been in the area of expert systems. An expert system is a computer program that solves the specialized problems at the level of a human expert.

  Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI)

  CAI is an educational concept that places the student in a conversational mode with a computer that has a preprogrammed study plan. The programmed course selects the next topic or phase of study according to previous responses from the student, allowing each student to process at a place directly related to his or her learning capability.





学习啦在线学习网   专家系统是具有某一领域的专业知识,可以帮助人们解决某些问题的软件系统。它的运行以储存在计算机中的事实和规则为依据。这些专家知识是知识工程师从相应的医学、工程、地理等领域的人类专家那儿收集得到的。例如在医学领域,可以向专家系统提问对某病人的一种诊断方案是否比另一种更好。专家系统具有储存收集的知识并操纵这些知识对用户的提问作出反应的能力,在某些情况下,它甚至可以向用户解释作出这种反应的原因。






学习啦在线学习网   CAI是一种教育思想,它使学生在计算机进行对话的过程中学习。计算机中存有预先测定好的学习计划,这些预先编制好的课程能够根据学生回答情况选择下一步学习的标题或阶段,使每个学生以适合自己学习能力的速度进行学习。


计算机是人类科学技术上一项伟大的成就,如今计算机的应用范围已经从科学计算扩展到人类社会的各个领域。计算机之所以如此普及,是由其自身特点所决定的。接下来小编为大家整理了计算机的应用包括哪些呢?希望对你有帮助哦! ComputerOur