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  A: Good morning. I’m Andrew. You seem to be new here. Can I help you?


  J: Nice to meet you. My name is Jenny. Actually, I'm a freshman , and I'm looking for the Law School.


  A: Well, I’m going there, too. Maybe you would like to follow me.

学习啦在线学习网   A:哦,我也要去法学院。你跟我走吧。

  J: Really? That’s great. Thank you.


学习啦在线学习网   A: Don’t mention it. Why did you choose Yale?

学习啦在线学习网   A:别客气。你为什么选择耶鲁呢?

  J: Well, I learned its motto when I was nine: Lux et Veritas.Right?


  A: That’s right.


学习啦在线学习网   J: From then on, I had been dreaming of this University. Finally, I’m standing here. You know, it has a long history. It was established in 1701...

学习啦在线学习网   J:从那时起,我就梦想着来这所大学读书,现在,我终于站在这里了。要知道,耶 鲁大学有悠久的历史,它建校于1701年……

学习啦在线学习网   A: That’s right.


学习啦在线学习网   J: By the way, I read from books that our predecessors celebrated the 50th anniversary Andrew Jenny of Yale in 1752, considering the school to be founded in 1702. While in 1850,a 150th anniversary celebration was held, showing that the anniversary date was considered to be 1700. However, the 200,h anniversary was celebrated in 1901. And from then on, 1701 is commonly accepted as the foundation year of Yale University. It seemed that there was great uncertainty on Yale’s birthday. Do you know why?

  J:对了。我从书上看到,耶鲁大学于1752年举行50周年校庆,看来当时人们认 定耶鲁建校于1702年。但1850年又举行了 150周年校庆,可见建校日期变成了 1700年。然而,200周年校庆又变成了 1901年,并且从那以后,1701年成为了 公认的耶鲁建校之年。似乎耶鲁的"出身"存在很大的不确定性。你知道这是为 什么吗?

  A: Well, I'm not sure. But I heard that some political reasons account for these twists and turns. Have you heard of the rector Thomas Clap? His tenure was from 1740 to 1766.

  A:哦,我不是很清楚。但是听说这些变动与政治因素有关。你听说过托马斯?克菜 普校长吗?他的任期从1740年一直持续到1766年。

  J: Yes, I know him. He is a highly respected president in Yale history. But it seemed that he had no different opinion on the 1702 version since the 50th anniversary celebration took place during histenure.

  J:嗯,我知道他。他是耶鲁历史上一位德高望重的校长。但是,似乎他对1702年 为建校之年的说法没有异议啊,50固年校庆就是在他的任期内举行的。

学习啦在线学习网   A: At first he didn’t. However, it is said that during his tenure, the relation between the college and the local government had deteriorated sharply because the government repeatedly interfered in the school matters. In order to preserve the independence of Yale College, rector Clap insisted that long before the 1701 An Act for Liberty to Erect a Collegiate School, ten ministers had founded theinstitution by donating books in 1700,so Yale College should be a private college. With hiseloquence as well as profound legal knowledge, Clap won the 1763 trial and Yale maintained its independence.

  A:起初他是没有异议,但是,据说在他任职期间,地方政府屡次干涉学校事务,导致学校与当地政府间的关系急剧恶化。为了维护耶鲁的独立精神,克莱普校长坚 持说,早在1701年颁布(自由建立大学学院法案)以前,10位牧师已于1700年 通过赠书的方式创建了这所学校,因此耶鲁应该是一所私立学校。凭借雄辩的口 才及渊博的法律知识,克莱普校长赢得了 1763年庭审的胜利,耶鲁维持了独立 治校的权利。

  J: That’s cool.


  A: I agree. But there are also people questioning his integrity.


学习啦在线学习网   J: Every coin has two sides. It's impossible to get all the good ones without any drawbacks.

学习啦在线学习网   J:凡事都有两面性,不可能只有好的方面啊。

  A: Exactly. Without his perseverance, we won’t have such a Yale University.

学习啦在线学习网   A:确定。假如没有他的坚持,就没有现在的耶鲁大学。

  J: I admire him very much.


  A: Later on. Yale encountered many problems. Fortunately, under the leadership of several wise presidents, the school survived the difficulties and has grown to be on of the top-tier universities all around the world.

学习啦在线学习网   A:后来,耶鲁又遇到了很多问题。幸好,在几代校长的英明领导之下,学校度过了 困难时期,并成长为_所世界_流的大学。

学习啦在线学习网   J: We should cherish what we have now and study hard.


学习啦在线学习网   A: Yeah. Actually, everyone here studies hard. You’ll enjoy your life here.



学习啦在线学习网   J: Excuse me. I'm coming to return this book.


  L: Give it to me. Thank you. This book is overdue. I'm afraid you have to pay the fines.


  J: Wait a moment. I’m a little bit puzzled because I just borrowed it 10 days ago. Isn’t it the case that postgraduate students can keep the books for 6 months?

学习啦在线学习网   J:等一下。我不太明白,因为我是10天以前借的书。硕士研究生的借期不是6个 月吗?

  L: That’s right. But the computer shows that somebody had placed a recall request last Monday. And a recall notice was sent to you the following day. Haven’t you received it?

学习啦在线学习网   L:是的。但是电脑显示,上周一有人发了个图书召回请求,第二天图书馆就给您发 了召回通知单。您设收到吗?

  J: I'm even more puzzled. Would you please explain it for me?


  L: It seems that you have never received a library notice. Well, if the book you are looking for is checked out, and you are in urgent need, then you may find the item you want in Obris13) and click on “Please Request”,then the library will send a recall notice to the one holding that item and ask him or her to return it by the date indicated in the notice.

  L:看来您之前没有收到过图书馆的通知单。是这样的,如果您要找的书已被借出,而您又急需这书,那么您就可以在Obris上找到这本书,点击“请求召回”,图书 馆就会给图书持有者发一个召回通知单,要求他在指定日期之前把书还回来。

  J: But I haven’t seen a recall notice. By the way, how did you get my address since I live off-campus?


学习啦在线学习网   L: You live off the campus? I see. Notices are mailed to addresses supplied by university registrars and personnel offices. Your current address must be different from the one we got.

学习啦在线学习网   L:您住校外?我知道了。通知单是按照敎务主任和人事处提供的地址寄出去的,您 目前的住址与我们获知的一定有所出入。

  J: Oh, yeah. I just changed my residence two weeks ago.


  L: You are responsible for notifying the library or those offices promptly of any change in address.

学习啦在线学习网   L:您有责任将变更后的地址及时通知图书馆或相关部门。

学习啦在线学习网   J: I’m really sorry. I didn’t know that.

学习啦在线学习网   J:真对不起。我不知道要这样做。

  L: Then there should also be an e-mail notice.

学习啦在线学习网   L:应该还会有一个通过电子邮件发的通知呀。

学习啦在线学习网   J: I haven’t checked my e-mail recently.


  L: Well. I'm willing to help but unable to do so about this.


  J: I understand. It's my fault. I'm willing to pay the fines. How much is it?


学习啦在线学习网   L: You are supposed to have returned the book last Friday, now it's Wednesday, and 2 dollars per day for overdue books that have been recalled, so you need to pay 10 dollars.

  L:应该是上固五还书,今天是周三,请求召回的书超期一天罚款2美元,所以您需 要交10美元罚款。

  J: Well, I will pay the price for my ignorance. Here you are.

  J:好吧,我将为自己的无知付出的代价。 给您。

  L: Poor boy. Have a good look of the library website, please. You need to gain some understanding on library regulations.

学习啦在线学习网   L:可怜的孩子。好好看_下图书馆的网站吧,您应该对图书馆的规章制度有所了解。

  J: I will. Thank you.


  S: Hey, Joseph. Long time no see. What are you doing here?

学习啦在线学习网   S:嘿,约瑟夫。好久不见。你在这儿干吗呢?

  J: Hey, Steve. I have just returned a book. What are you doing here?


学习啦在线学习网   S: I'm coming to consult the librarian for some borrowing details.

学习啦在线学习网   S:我想向管理员咨询一些借书的细节问题。

  J: Go ahead.


  S: Good morning, sir. I’m a freshman from Law School. Can I ask you some questions?


学习啦在线学习网   L: Sure. Go ahead, please.


  S: I'm having a torturing course and there are 10 required readings, but I have already borrowed ten books for other courses. I'm wondering how many books I can check out?

  S:我现在在上一门很折磨人的课,有10本必读的书,但是我之前已经借了 10本其 他科目的书了。我想知道我最多能借多少本书。

  L: Don’t worry about that. Undergraduates can borrow 150 books or other types of loans at once.


学习啦在线学习网   S: For how long can I keep them?


学习啦在线学习网   L: You can keep them for 2 months unless the items are from Arts Library or Bass Library, with the former being 1 day and the latter 21 days.


学习啦在线学习网   S: Oh. Really? That’s nice.


  J: Excuse me. How many books can I check out as a postgraduate?

学习啦在线学习网   J:不好意思。研究生能借多少本?

  L: 225 in total, but the duration is different from library to library, usually six or two months. Anyway, a due date will be stamped in the book at the time it is borrowed.

学习啦在线学习网   L:一共可以借225本,借书期限因馆而异,一般是6个月或2个月。总之,书借出去的时候,我们会在书上标一个还书日期的。

学习啦在线学习网   J: And they may be called back earlier for another reader. Steve, be sure to notify the library on changing your address.

  J:但是也有可能被其他读者提前召回。史蒂夫,如果你换了住处,一定要记得通知 图书馆。

  S: Why?


  J: Because I have just paid 10 dollars for my ignorance.

学习啦在线学习网   J:因为我刚刚为自己的无知付了 10美元。

  L: He is an undergraduate. Undergraduates have to live on campus, so he won’t have such problems as you did.

学习啦在线学习网   L:他是本科生。本科生必须住在学校里,所以不会出现像你这样的问题。

  S: What did I miss?

  S: 我错过了什么好戏?

  J: Later on I will tell you in detail. And now, would you like to go to my new department?

  J: 等会儿我详细跟你说。 现在,你有没有兴趣去我的新住处看看?

  S: You have changed your place?

  S: 你换地方了?

学习啦在线学习网   J: Yeah.

  J: 对。

  S: Ok. Let’s go.

  S: 好啊, 走吧。

  J: Thank you for your help, sir. Have a good day.

  J: 先生, 谢谢您的帮助。 祝您一天愉快。

  S: Goodbye, sir.

学习啦在线学习网   S: 再见, 先生。

  L: Have fun.

  L: 玩得开心。


  M: Alice. Here we are. This is my school. Get out of the car.

学习啦在线学习网   M:爱丽丝,我们到了。这就是我就读的学校。下车吧。

  A: Wow, your school looks extraordinary. I have heard a lot about Yale’s primitive simplicity as well as noble characters. I found it really worthy the reputation. Do show me around.

  A:哇,你们学校看起来真气派。我早就听说耶鲁古朴中透着贵族气,今日一见,果 然名不虚传。你要带我好好参观一下。

学习啦在线学习网   M: Sure. Let’s take your luggage to my college first.


学习啦在线学习网   A: Are there specialized rooms for visitors’ luggage? Or shall we put it in your instructor^ office?

学习啦在线学习网   A:你们学院有专门存放访客行李的房间吗?还是放在你辅导员的办公室里?

学习啦在线学习网   M: Alice, there are things which you don’t know. “College” at Yale is not the same as that in Chinese concept. Yale College practices the policy of residential colleges, so “college” is a place for students to eat, live as well as study. It’s a community just like a big family.

  M:爱丽丝,这你就有所不知了。耶鲁的"学院"和中国的"学院”可不是同一个概念。 耶鲁大学本科生部实行住宿学院制,所以"学院”就是学生们吃饭、住宿、学习 的地方。这样的集体就像一个大家庭一样。

学习啦在线学习网   A: Still I’m confused. Tell me in detail.

学习啦在线学习网   A:我还是有些困惑。详细地跟我说说吧。

  M: Ok. You know Yale is one of the few universities paying special attention to undergraduate education.

学习啦在线学习网   M:好啊。你知道吧,耶鲁是少有的几所特别重视本科生教育的大学之_。

  A: Oh, yeah, I did. That’s what other universities seldom do.

学习啦在线学习网   A:是的,我知道。其他学校很少有这样的。

  M: Yeah. Yale values community sense. Incoming freshmen are assigned to residential colleges, regardless of」)their major. Every residential college has its own master and dean. The master and dean live in the college with their families and eat their meals with students in the dining hall. We have 12 such colleges in total.

  M:是啊。耶鲁很重视培养集体意识。大一新生会被随机分配到各个住宿学院,不论 其专业。每个住宿学院都有自己的院长和学监,他们携自己的家属住在学院里, 与学生们一起在餐厅就餐。我们学校一共有12所这样的学院。

  A: Sounds great. Who invented this form of accommodation?


学习啦在线学习网   M: Ah, it’s a long story. I know it very well. Please allow me a few seconds to organize my thoughts.

学习啦在线学习网   M:啊,说来话长。这个我很了解。绾我几秒钟时间,容我整理一下思绪。

  A: Come on. I can’t wait to know more.

学习啦在线学习网   A:快说。我等不及想多了解了解。

  M: Ok. In early days, there were only dozens of students when Yale was just a small college. In addition to easy management, students cared for each other and helped each other, and ate and slept together. Naturally, intimate relationships^ formed among students. That’s the Yale spirit.

学习啦在线学习网   M:好的。早期的耶鲁是一个小小的学院,只有几十名学生。除了便于管理之外,学 生们互相关心、互相帮助,吃住在一起。自然而然地,学生之间便形成亲密无间 的友谊。这也是耶鲁的精神所在。

  A: Uh huh. Then I guess with the development of the school, problems arose.

学习啦在线学习网   A:嗯。我猜,随着耶鲁的发展壮大,问题也随之而来了吧。

  M: You are so smart. In 1920, Yale University had 3,000 students. Housing was at a premium. What’s more, the increased number of students weakened collective consciousness.

学习啦在线学习网   M:你真聪明。1920年的时候,耶鲁有3000名学生,住房奇缺。更要紧的是,随着 学生数量的增加,集体意识也在逐渐减弱。

  A: That’s true. Then what was done to solve the problem?

学习啦在线学习网   A:是呀。后来釆取了什么措施呢?

学习啦在线学习网   M: Mrs. Stephen V. Harkness donated large sums of money to build a Memorial Quadrangle in memory of her son, Charles Harkness, who was in Class of 1883 and died in 1916.

学习啦在线学习网   M:斯蒂芬.V.哈克尼斯夫人出巨资修建了哈克尼斯纪念方形学院,以此纪念她已故 的儿子查尔斯哈克尼斯。查尔斯是耶鲁大学1883届的毕业生,死于1916年。

学习啦在线学习网   A: What a moving story! She must love her son very much.


  M: Architect James Gamble Rogers was a good friend of the Harkness family and was chosen to plan and supervise the construction. He modeled his plans on the Gothic structures of Oxford University in England. Later, he designed several other colleges as well as Sterling Memorial Library.

  M:建筑师詹姆斯甘保罗杰斯是哈克尼斯家族的挚友,被请来设计、监督整个建造 过程。他的设计效仿了英国牛津大学的哥特式建筑风格。后来,他还设计了其他 几所学院以及斯特林纪念图书馆。

学习啦在线学习网   A: I’ve heard of him. He is really a talented architect. What did the Memorial Quadrangle look like?


学习啦在线学习网   M: The bricks used are old ones from torn down buildings, giving a low-toned soft pink impossible in new bricks. Their origins are diverse. Seam-faced granite, Indiana limestone, and other stones from Idaho, Virginia, and Connecticut were all used in the construction. They number 7 million in total. The flooring, the wainscot,and doors are of oak, while the handrails in the stairways are of India teak.

学习啦在线学习网   M:纪念方形学院所用的都是从拆毁的建筑物所得的旧砖。与新砖不同,旧砖会因褪 色而呈现一种浅粉色。这些砖产地各异。美国花岗岩砖、印第安纳州石灰石,以 及产自爱荷华州、维吉尼亚州、康乃狄格州的各种砖块都囊括其中。一共有700 万块呢。地板、壁板、门窗都是橡木做的,而楼梯的扶手则是用印度柚木做的。

  A: Wow, I can’t wait to have a look.


  M: Well, the building had been divided into two parts, the larger part becoming Branford College, and the smaller part being Saybrook College.

  M:哦,纪念方形学院如今被一分为二,较大的一部分是布兰福学院,较小的叫塞布 鲁克学院。

  A: Yeah, I remember you said you have 12 residential colleges.

学习啦在线学习网   A:对了,我记得你说过,一共有12所住宿学院呢。

  M: That’s right. Even after the Memorial Quadrangle was built, Yale was forced to limit admissions due to a lack of space. The Quadrangle had no library, nor did it include dining facilities. Students had to eat out, some even moved out of the campus because of the inconvenience.

学习啦在线学习网   M:是的。纪念方形学院建成之后,空间仍旧不足,耶鲁还是不得不缩减招生名额。 方形学院没有图书馆,也没有就餐设施,学生们不得不到外面找地方吃饭。有些 学生感到不方便,甚至搬出学校去住。

学习啦在线学习网   A: Then there must be indifference among students as well as teachers.


学习啦在线学习网   M: Yes, indeed. Yale President James Rowland Angel I decided to implement a Residential College system to alleviate5 the housing problem and to make an ever-growing college which is small in size but can make students and teachers intimate.

  M:是的,确实是这样。后来,耶鲁校长詹姆斯罗兰安杰尔决定打造一个住宿学院 体系,来缓和住宿紧张的问题,并且形成一种自成一体的、规模较小但是便于成 员之间亲密交流的学院形式。

  A: That required much money.


学习啦在线学习网   M: Edward S. Harkness, younger brother of Charles Harkness, donated the necessary funds to construct eight Residential Colleges. He was an alumnus from Class 1897. In the end, Silliman and Trumbull were constructed with additional money from other sources.

学习啦在线学习网   M:爱德华S哈克尼斯捐钱为耶鲁修建了八所住宿学院。他是査尔斯哈克尼斯的弟 弟,也是耶鲁1897届的毕业生。最后,通过其他渠道的捐款,又建成了西利曼 学院和特朗布尔学院。

  A: It seems that donation from alumni plays an extremely important role in Yale history.


  M: Exactly. You know, Yale is an independent university from government.


学习啦在线学习网   A: By the way, how does a “Quadrangle” look like on earth?


学习啦在线学习网   M: A quadrangle is a space which is usually rectangular, the sides of which are entirely or mainly occupied by parts of a large building. It is similar to Chinese Si he yuan, with the architectural styles being different.

  M:就是一片矩形的空间,四面都由一整座连在一起的建筑物围起来。它与中国的四 含院很像,只是建筑风格不同。

  A: I see.


  M: By the way, I’m in Branford College, which is of long history. Would you like to visit it first? Then I will show you around one by one.

  M:对了,我住在布兰福学院,它可是有着悠久的历史哦。想不想先参观我们学院啊? 稍后再带你一个一个地转转。

  A: It’s my honor.
