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  P: Hi, Damon, when did you come?

学习啦在线学习网   P:嗨,达蒙,什么时候来的呀?

学习啦在线学习网   D: Just for a while. You were so attentive and I did not wanna disturb you.

学习啦在线学习网   D:来了一会儿了,看你这么专注就没打扰你。

  P: Oh, I went to Yale University yesterday. You know I am very keen on the architecture. The campus is amazing and it greatly broadens my horizon. What impresses me most is the Women’s Table there.

  P:哦,我昨天去耶鲁大学了。你知道的,我一直很喜欢建筑艺术。耶鲁校园美极了, 真令我大开眼界。我印象最深刻的是那里的女人桌。

学习啦在线学习网   D: Sounds interesting. Where did the name come from?


学习啦在线学习网   P: Actually there is a story about this. The table was named in honor of the event that Yale decided to admit women for the first time in her history. It stands as a monument to all women who have passed through Yale’s gates.

  P:关于这个还有一段历史。这张桌子是为纪念耶鲁首次接收女学生而设立的,犹如 一座纪念碑,记录着在耶鲁学习过的女性。

学习啦在线学习网   D: Yeah. I know that Yale is one of the earliest to admit female students in 1969,which set a good example for others like Harvard and Princeton. It went a long way towards the co-education at a time when women were still far from accepted in university.

  D:我知道耶鲁是1969年最早同意接收女学生的学校之一,这为其他高校如哈佛大 学和普林斯顿大学树立了很好的榜样。在女性不为大学所接受的那段时间里,此 举极大地促进了男女同校教育的发展。

  P: You are right. It was not easy for Yale, a classic old boy school to change her 200 years’ tradition and admit female students in the face of opposition from all sides.

  P:说得对。对耶鲁这样一所传统学校来说,一改其200年来只招收男生的传统而开 始招收女性学生,实为不易,它要面对来自各方面的反对压力。

学习啦在线学习网   D: I can not agree more. Especially at that time when women were not treated equally in society. It is a wise move indeed.

学习啦在线学习网   D:确实如此。尤其是在女性得不到平等对待的那段时期里。在今天看来,那的确是 一个明智之举。

学习啦在线学习网   P: To memorialize this, the table was dedicated on Oct. 1st, 1993. It was made of green granite, while the irregular triangular base was made of black granite. The table was also a fountain; a smooth swirl of water could flow from a hole on the table, and slide across the tabletop.

  P:为了纪念这一事件,1993年10月1日,女人桌被捐助绾耶鲁大学。桌面由绿色 的大理石做成,而形状不规则的三角形底座则由黑色花岗岩砌成。这桌子还是一 个喷泉,水从桌上的圆孔中缓缓流出,呈漩涡状,然后,漫过桌面。

  D: It shows on a beautiful scene in my mind.

学习啦在线学习网   D:我能想到一幅美丽的情景。

学习啦在线学习网   P: Besides this, a string of figures mark the number of female students at Yale each year since its founding in 1701. These numbers grow with time as they spiral outward the table’s edge, swelling like the rings of water that bubble from the central spring and spill over on all sides.

学习啦在线学习网   P:除此之外,上面还刻着一连串的数字,记录着耶鲁自1701年建校以来每年录取 的女生人数。随着时间的流逝,这些数字也逐年增加。它们呈螺族状向外扩展, 恰如那汩汩的水流从中间一波一纹地向整个桌面漫去。

  D: The Women’s Table witnesses women’s history at Yale, I think.


  P: Yeah. In the first year when Yale opened her door to female students, the total number of women attending the university grew by over 700,and for every year after that, the number has kept on the increase. Yale women carved their own history there.

  P:是的。在耶鲁开始招收女生的第一年,女生数量已达到700多人;之后,这个数 字每年都在不断增加。耶鲁女性在这上面记载着自己的历史。

学习啦在线学习网   D: Marvelous! Do you know who designed this piece of art?

学习啦在线学习网   D:真不可思议。你知道这件艺术品是谁设计的吗?

学习啦在线学习网   P: Of course I know. Recently I read much about this table and I learned from books that it was designed by Maya Ying Lin, an American woman with Chinese origin. She is an architect of great talent.

  P:当然知道了。最近我读了很多关于这张桌子的书,从中了解到“女人桌”是出自 华裔建筑师林璎之手。她是一名很有天賦的建筑师。

  D: Indeed. I know her another work—the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. She designed it in 1981 when she was just 21 years old. I think she made a good shot in that work.

  D:是的。我知道她的另一部作品,就是位于华盛顿的‘‘越南战争纪念碑",这是她 在1981年创作的,当时年仅21岁。在那部作品中,她表现不俗。

  P: Right. She showed her talent at an early age.


  D: Speaking of the table, where does it locate?

学习啦在线学习网   D:说到女人桌,它在耶鲁的哪个方位?

学习啦在线学习网   P: It locates in one of the most obvious position, in front of the Sterling Memorial Library. When Maya Lin dedicated it to her Alma Mater at 25th anniversary for co-education, President Richard C. Levin took great delight in accepting the present and spoke highly female influence on Yale.

学习啦在线学习网   P:它位于耶鲁大学最醒目的斯特林纪念图书馆前面。在耶鲁庆祝男女含校25周年 纪念会上,林璎正式把这张“女人桌”献给了母校。菜文校长欣然接受了这份礼物, 还高度评价自男女含校以来女性校友对耶鲁所产生的影响。

学习啦在线学习网   D: I can see that Yale has done well in women’s education.


  P: Yes. There is women’s studies program at Yale, which offers all students the opportunity to take classes on everything from women’s health to the historical role of gender in theatre. It has boasted many preeminent scholars and is proof of Yale’s recognition of the impact of women in modem society. In addition, women are not limited to a single area of study, but pervade all fields. Moreover, many extracurricular and support groups exist at Yale to serve the needs of women.

学习啦在线学习网   P:不错。在耶鲁,有专门的女性研究计划,这为所有的学生提供了学习的机会,涉 及的内容从女性健康直到性别在戏剧中的作用差异。它培养了许多杰出的学者, 是耶鲁认可女性在当代社会中的重要作用的一个凭证。而且,女性并不受限于某 —单一领域,而是活跃在各行各业。此外耶鲁有许多业余团体以满足女性的需求。

  D: Then the Women’s Table reflects this point to some extent.


学习啦在线学习网   P: Right. Although not everything at Yale is perfect for women and there are still problems at issue, a significant number of Yalies are committed to fixing them.

  P:是呀。尽管在女性问题上不是每件事都尽如人意,还有许多问题有待解决,但是 很多耶鲁人都在为之努力。

学习啦在线学习网   D: It seems that Women’s Table not only serves as a monument to record Yale Women’s footprints but lead them to pursue a better life as well.

学习啦在线学习网   D:女人桌即记录了耶鲁女性的过去,又引导她们追求美好的未来。

  P: Absolutely.



学习啦在线学习网   B: Hi, this is Becky. How are you going?

学习啦在线学习网   B:喂,我是鲍勃,最近怎么样啊?

学习啦在线学习网   D: Not so good, you know, I am engaged in applying to an American university. But I am just in a dilemma.


  B: Would you like to tell me something about it if you like? Maybe I can give you some advice.


  D: Uh, well. I have found some information on the Internet. However, what I’ve found is confusing, for all the universities blowing the horn. Besides, I am at a loss for the procedure of applying of American universities.

学习啦在线学习网   D:好吧,我在网上査了一些相关学校的信息,但是每所学校都在吹嘘自己,参考价 值不大。而且,我对申请留学的程序也不是很清楚。

  B: Eh, you should first select a university. Once you have nailed down the degree you would like to pursue, begin researching which universities offer it as a major. Do not rule out similar degrees in inter-disciplinary programs. Ideally, you will be able to visit the U.S. and tour some of your prospective schools. Most universities offer frequent tours of the campus throughout the year, as well as open days during the autumn. The Fulbright Comission U.S. educational advisory service also contains useful dates and advices.

学习啦在线学习网   B:哦,首先呢,你应该选择一所大学。一旦选定了你想要攻读的学位,那么就要调 査一下哪些院校有这样的专业。不要排除那些与你的专业类似的跨学科项目哦。 条件允许的话,你也可以去美国看一下你心仪的院校;多数院校全年都会接待游 客,秋季还有开放日。富布莱特委员会的美国教育咨询部也能提供许多有价值的信息。

  D: Gosh! I didn’t think you excel yourself in it. Go ahead, please.

学习啦在线学习网   D:天哪!没想到你知道得这么多。接着说。

  B: The second step is to apply to a university. Most universities accept both online and hard copy applications. In most cases, a mission statement or applicant essay will be required, so be prepared to detail why you are interested in the field you have chosen. There is no limit on the number of universities you can apply to, but between five and eight is the norm and it may prove difficult to apply to more while keeping an eye on quality control. Work samples may also be a requirement—generally in arts-oriented fields. The samples would represent your level of experience and/or ability. American universities also require an official copy of your academic records sent directly from the school(s) you attended.

学习啦在线学习网   B:第二步就是申请大学。大多数大学都接 受网上和书面申请材料。大多数情况下,会需要一份自我陈述或者申请书,因此,你要详细地说明你对所选领域感兴趣的 原因。美国对申请人申请大学的数量设 有限制,但一般情况下是五到八所。申 请太多,在质量把关上就会有些吃力。通常,文科类的专业还会要求申请者的作 品样本,以便了解申请人的经历和能力。此外,美国的院校还需要你的官方成绩单, 这个成绩单应由你所在学校直接邮寄。

学习啦在线学习网   B:Then what kind of university do you want to study in?


学习啦在线学习网   D:I want to apply to an old and famous university in the U.S.. I wanna make the law my major and I also have much interest in literature. I want to apply to a university of human aura.

  D:我想申请_所历史悠久且名气很大的美国高校。我想学习法律,还对文学情有独 钟,想找一所人文气息浓厚的院校。

  B:Then you can choose from the Ivy League. And among them, Yale University is the best choice in my mind.


  D:Could you explain it further?

学习啦在线学习网   D:可以详细讲一下吗?

学习啦在线学习网   B:OK. Yale’s roots can be traced back to the 1640s, and many schools in it have a long history, the Law School in 1824,and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in 1847, followed by the school of Art in 1869. So far, it has produced many excellent students, who are popular in many fields.

  B:好。耶鲁可以追溯到17世纪40年代,许多院系都有悠久的历史。其中,法学院 成立于1824年,文理研究生院成立于1847年,1869年又成立了艺术学院。迄今 为止,该校已经培养了许多各行各业的杰出人才。

学习啦在线学习网   D:Uh, could you tell me something distinct about Yale?

学习啦在线学习网   D:哦,那耶鲁有什么特别之处吗?

  B:One of the goals of Yale’s humanistic education is to develop students’ humanism spirit~~a rational approach on the pursuit of true meaning of life. By the way, it reminds me of the Forever chair.

  B:耶鲁人文主义教育的目标之_就是培养学生的人文主义精神--------种探求生命真谛的理性追汞。对了,这使我想起了 "永恒的座椅”。

  D:What’s that?


学习啦在线学习网   B:It’s a stone chair located on the Old campus to commemorate former Yale President Bart Giamatti. Apart from giving convenience, the seat is regarded as the symbol of the traditional faith of Yale, that is, Education First.

  B:是耶鲁老校园内的一个石椅,是为了纪念前校长巴特?嘉马地而修建的。除了为 行人提供方便,它还被视为耶鲁传统教育理念的象征——那就是,教育之上。

学习啦在线学习网   D:Is it relevant to president Giamatti?


学习啦在线学习网   B:Yeah. Deeply engraved in the chair were two lines of Bart Giamatti, “University education is the heart of a society” on the left, and “Teaching is the core of university education” on the right.

  B:当然有关系啦。那个石凳上镌刻着嘉马地说过的两句话——左边写着“大学教育 乃是一个社会的心脏”,右边写着“教学是大学教育的中心环节”。

学习啦在线学习网   D: I see.


  B: Yale is really an ideal university to further your study. And I tink you deserve it for your competence.

学习啦在线学习网   B:如果你想继续学习,耶鲁真的是一个不错的选择。我觉得以你的实力,申请耶鲁 大学也不成问题。

  D: Thank you. I’ll have a try.

学习啦在线学习网   D:谢谢你。我会试试的。


  K:Hello, Jim, what are you watching? Looks like you are very serious.

学习啦在线学习网   K:你好,吉姆,在看什么呢?你看上去好像很严肃的样子啊。

学习啦在线学习网   J:Oh, it’s a movie about the famous hero called Nathan Hale. He was killed by the British Army.

学习啦在线学习网   J:嗨,凯特,我在看一部关于著名英雄内森黑尔的电影。他被英军杀害了。

  K:Yeah, to tell the truth, recently I am reading his biography. Indeed he is a hero in our country.


学习啦在线学习网   J:Oh, Kate, that’s very good. You know I am busy with finding a person who has a good knowledge of Nathan Hale. Kate, please talk something of Hale with me today.

学习啦在线学习网   J:啊,凯特,那真是太好了。你知道吗,我现在正忙着找一个对他十分了解的人呢。

学习啦在线学习网   K:Well, I am glad to have a discussion with you, and I hope you can get some useful information from me.

学习啦在线学习网   J:凯特,今天咱们来说一下黑尔吧。

学习啦在线学习网   J:Yeah, please tell me. Let us start now, I am eager to know more things about him. His spirit and talent deserves us to learn.


  K:Sure. He was graduated from Yale University, that’s why his statue is located in the campus of it.


  J:Oh, Kate, I have seen his statue in some other places. I know that he was a good student at school. Do you know anything about his after graduation?

学习啦在线学习网   K:好的。他毕业于耶鲁大学,那也是为什么他的雕像会放在耶鲁大学的校园里了。

  K:After his graduation, he became a teacher firstly, and you can guess that he did a lot of contribution to the educational career of the United States. Then the Independent War took place, he joined the army, and became a soldier.

学习啦在线学习网   J:啊,凯特,我在很多地方看见过他的雕像。我知道他是一个好学生。你知道他毕 业后的事情吗?

  J:Kate, wait for a minute. You said he became a soldier. I can’t believe it. A teacher became a soldier, and he is so brave.

  K:毕业后,他成了一名老师,为美国的教育事业作出了不少贡献。之后发生了独立 战争,他入伍成为了一名战士。

学习啦在线学习网   K: In the Battle of Long Island, he volunteered to be a spy, and then went to the back line of the British army to search intelligence of Britain.

学习啦在线学习网   J:等等,凯特,你说他成为了一名战士,我真不敢相信,一名教师会变成一个战士, 他真是太勇敢了。

  J: Oh, I know why he was so easily caught by the enemy, because he lacked the basic trainings as a spy.

学习啦在线学习网   K:在长岛战争中,他自愿到英军后方去,做捜寻英国情报的间谍。

学习啦在线学习网   K: That’s only one factor which led to his failure. He was so easy to trust others if not he would not be recognized by the British.

学习啦在线学习网   J:啊,我知道为什么他如此容易就被敌人 抓住了,因为他缺乏基本的间谍训练啊。

  J: Eh, I agree with you. He lacked essential experience as a spy.

学习啦在线学习网   K:那只是导致他失败的原因之_。他容易 轻信别人,若不是这样,他也不会这么 快就被认出来了。

  K: At first, he was suspected by the British, but that man felt not so sure, then he claimed himself to be a person like Hale. Hale, on the contrary, without any doubt on that man, easily trust him, then the British found the physical evidence on him, so he was caught immediately.


学习啦在线学习网   J: He was so incautious. It's unwise to outlet your identity before you make it sure.

学习啦在线学习网   K:起初,他只是被怀疑,但对方并不确信黑尔是不是间谍。那个人就自称自己和黑 尔一样是间谍,而黑尔一点也不怀疑他的身份,就轻易地相信了。之后英军从他 身上发现了实物证据,他被轻而易举地抓获了。

  K: Although that, in my heart, he is still a great hero in American Revolution. He was brave enough to receive the task which was so dangerous that he might lose his life.

学习啦在线学习网   K:但在我心中,他仍是一个大英雄。在独立战争中,他勇敢的接受任务,尽管那任 务危险得足以丢掉他的性命。

  J: He didn’t hesitate for a moment, without any professional skills as a spy, he alone went to the exotic country to finish his task.

学习啦在线学习网   J:尽管设有接受任何专业的训练,他也毫不犹豫,独自一人,远赴异国去执行任务。

学习啦在线学习网   K: Only this point will make every generation of American to remember him.


  J: He was really very courageous. The American soldiers must become very encouraged by his brave spirit.


  K: Sure, so maybe that’s one of the reasons why the United States made a success in the war.


  J: His last words were “I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Those great words will leave in the heart of everyone.

学习啦在线学习网   J:他最后的遗言是,我惟一的憾事就是没有第二次生命献给我的祖国。”这些有力 的话语将永远留在每个人的心中。

学习啦在线学习网   K: Though he died, his spirit would live in the mind of many a people.

学习啦在线学习网   K:尽管他死了,可他的精神却留在了我们的思想里。

  J: Sure. He is a person whose spirit deserves us to learn.


  K: There are many people like him in the history of the United States. I hope there will be more people like him to appear in the future.


  J: Yes, although we cannot control others to do something, we can make our choice to do something or not.


  K: Let us be a man like him.
