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  常用日常英语对话:Mongolian Vacation

  Todd: So Heidi, I was talking with my friend and he actually lives in Mongolia now and he says it's a great place. He recommended that I go there. So if I go to Mongolia, what season is the best season to go?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:海蒂,我之前和一个现在生活在蒙古的朋友聊天,他说蒙古是个非常棒的地方。他推荐我去蒙古看看。如果我去蒙古旅行,哪个季节最合适?

  Heidi: Fall.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: In the fall?


学习啦在线学习网   Heidi: Yes, because in the fall we have a celebration called Naadam and that's the best time to go. And you get to see horse racing and archery and wrestling and so many tourist come to Mongolia at that time.


  Todd: Okay, now in your city, what is one food I should definitely try?


  Heidi: Well I would say khuushuur.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: khuushuur?


学习啦在线学习网   Heidi: Yeah, khuushuur.


  Todd: Wow. khuushuur?


学习啦在线学习网   Heidi: Yes. Everyone loves it. And for me, I love it too. It looks like dumpling but fried and it's more bigger and inside is meat.

学习啦在线学习网   海蒂:对,所有人都爱吃。当然我也爱吃。虽然看上去像饺子,不过羊肉馅饼是煎制的,而且个头比饺子大,里面的馅是肉。

  Todd: So it's like a dumpling and inside it's meat.


  Heidi: Yes.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: So outside, the dumpling part, it is like bread or is it like...

学习啦在线学习网   托德:那皮呢,是像面包之类的还是……

学习啦在线学习网   Heidi: It's a flour, yeah.

学习啦在线学习网   海蒂:是面粉做的。

  Todd: Like a flour-based...

学习啦在线学习网   托德:面粉做的。

  Heidi: Yes.


  Todd: Okay, now Mongolia is quite famous for meat, correct? So, what is probably the most popularmeat?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:好,蒙古的肉类相当有名,对吧?那最有名的是什么肉?

学习啦在线学习网   Heidi: Beef.


  Todd: Beef?


  Heidi: Yes.


  Todd: So not chicken, not fish...?


学习啦在线学习网   Heidi: We don't really eat chicken and we don't eat fish. Well, we have a river fish. It's like really delicious but then we don't have sea so seafood is not popular at all.

学习啦在线学习网   海蒂:我们基本上不吃鸡肉,我们也不吃鱼。我们吃河鱼。非常好吃,不过因为我们没有海,所以海鲜并不流行。

  Todd: So people mainly eat beef.


  Heidi: Yes.


  Todd: So when I'm there in your country, what place should I go to. Like, what should I see?


  Heidi: Probably, [it's] better to go to the countryside because if you go to Ulan Bator it's just the same as other cities — other cities around the world. But the countryside is a whole different world. And the countryside is where you can see the Mongolian tent and horses, like, Nomadic places like where people live in the outside. That's the best place for foreigners to go.

学习啦在线学习网   海蒂:你最好去乡村看看,因为乌兰巴托和世界上其他城市没什么区别。但是蒙古的乡村是一个完全不同的世界。你在乡村可以看到蒙古包、马和游牧区,人们就住在外面。对外国人来说,那里是最佳游览地。

学习啦在线学习网   Todd: Is there anything I should buy? Like, what would be a good souvenir or gift from your country?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:有什么我可以买的东西吗?我可以从你们国家买什么纪念品或是小礼物?

  Heidi: Well, in the department stores they have sections for Mongolian traditional gifts and stuff so probably you can get the tent — a small tent.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: A little tent?


学习啦在线学习网   Heidi: Yeah, and then if you open the door you can actually see all the furniture is inside it. So it's kind of interesting.

学习啦在线学习网   海蒂:对,把门打开,你会看到里面有各式各样的家具。非常有意思。

  Todd: Wow, like a little doll house?


学习啦在线学习网   Heidi: Yes.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: Okay, wow, it sounds good. I hope to go.


  常用日常英语对话:Grad School

  Todd: So, Nydja, you actually just got into graduate school. So you know all about the applicationprocess.


  Nydja: Yes, that's correct. I just got into grad school. I study International Relations. The process for this school wasn't too tedious. It didn't require a GRE or any long essays or too many references. The other schools that I was considering required the tests. High test scores. An application to be submitted three, four months in advance, so the process can be pretty tedious.

学习啦在线学习网   妮迪亚:对,没错。我刚进入研究院。我学的专业是国际关系。我念的这所学校申请程序并不是太麻烦。不需要GRE分数,也不需要长篇论文,不需要太多的介绍书。我之前考虑的另一所学校就对考试分数有要求。必须要考高分。而且要提前三至四个月提交申请,这种申请程序就太麻烦了。

学习啦在线学习网   Todd: Now, each time that you applied, did you have to pay an application fee?


学习啦在线学习网   Nydja: Yes, some colleges I was looking at upwards of a hundred and fifty dollars. This one was less expensive. It's a smaller school.


  Todd: Wow! A hundred and fifty dollars!


  Nydja: Yes.


  Todd: So that limits how many schools you can apply to?


  Nydja: Yeah, depending on your funds, so I actually like this program and despite having researched everything else, I chose to stick with this one. I only applied for one and they let me in.


  Todd: Oh, so you just went solo?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:哦,你只申请了一个?

  Nydja: Yeah, I did. I did. I looked at this college, their plan for international travel and I fell in love so nowhere else had this program.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: Yeah, what's the school?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:好,你上的是什么学校?

学习啦在线学习网   Nydja: Webster University. The International Relations program.

学习啦在线学习网   妮迪亚:韦伯斯特大学。国际关系项目。

  Todd: And where is it?


  Nydja: It's in Bangkok.


  Todd: So, you said that for your program, you didn't have to take a test, like the GRE ?


学习啦在线学习网   Nydja: No, I did not have to take the GRE. No, I haven't taken it yet.


  Todd: Why?


学习啦在线学习网   Nydja: Cause, I'm sure it has a math component that I don't want to have to worry about.


  Todd: You're not a math person?


  Nydja: No, I'm not.

学习啦在线学习网   妮迪亚:对,我不擅长。

  Todd: So the GRE is what, just math and language?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:GRE考试包括数学考试和语言考试?

  Nydja: You know I'm not really sure. I know it's kind of like the SAT. They want to look at how ... what is your potential when you get to grad school, so I think it does have maybe a composition section, you know, critical thinking, math analysis questions with numbers.


  常用日常英语对话:The Economy for Europeans

  Alex: So Maria, you've seen a lot of the stuff that's been happening recently in Europe and you know that things have not exactly gone very well. What do you think are the, what's the outlook for Denmark in the future? Do you think you guys will do well or...?

学习啦在线学习网   亚历克斯:玛丽亚,你很了解最近欧洲发生的情况,你知道形势不太好。你认为丹麦的未来前景怎么样?你认为你们会做好吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Maria: I don't think we'll do that well because I'm from a generation where we, like my generation, we had it very well. We had a very good, we could choose whatever job we wanted, we could still choose whatever education we wanted if we're smart enough at least. We get paid from the Government to study. I get a lot of money every month. I still do even though I am on exchange just to study so compared to other countries where it is a privilege to study, we just, if we feel like it we'll study and we might wait a little but now they're saying that we're this luxury generation, that we're not used to working hard and I can recognize that because I'm not used to working for anything.

学习啦在线学习网   玛丽亚:我觉得我们的情况不会太好,因为我们这一代人过得太好了。我们可以选择我们想从事的工作,如果我们足够聪明,我们还能选择教育。政府提供我们学习的费用。我每个月能得到一大笔钱。在做交换学生的时候我依然能拿到钱,与其他优先发展教育的国家相比,我们认为我们只要学习的话就可以很快就业,但是现在他们说我们是奢侈的一代,我们没有努力工作的习惯,我能意识到这点,因为我没有努力做事去得到某样东西的习惯。

  So when we begin to struggle finding jobs because we have like a high rate of unemployment, especially for young people, people who graduate usually they wait. If you don't have a very specificeducation, doctors I think are OK, people like that, but if you have a humanistic education, you might have to wait more than a year to find a job. My sister's graduating now and she is like dying because she has a fear for that. When she graduates with her social European studies, she will have a very hard time finding anything. So I think the biggest problem is the personality of the Danish youth because we are not used to having to do anything and now we have to because the environment has changed in Europe.

学习啦在线学习网   我们找工作遇到了困难,因为我们国家的失业率非常高,尤其对年轻人来说,他们毕业后都要等待一段时间。如果没有接受专业教育,医生还好,但是如果接受的是人文教育,那你可能就要一年以后才能找到工作。我姐姐马上就要毕业了,她现在非常着急,而且也很担心。她学的是欧洲社会研究,这个专业很难找到工作。我认为丹麦年轻一代最大的问题是性格,因为我们不习惯做事,而现在我们必须要做,因为欧洲环境的改变了。

学习啦在线学习网   I don't know economically because we still have a lot of like huge enterprises and we have a lot of, the way we're placed we have pretty good connections with America and we're in Europe. We have like the whole of Europe around us and of course we, as a part of Scandinavia, we have good connections with like we have some more than just connections with Sweden and Norway, we are like, I don't know, closer than we would have been for example Germany which actually Denmark is situated on Germany so we have the link to Germany but we're still closer to Sweden. So we will probably manage but we will have to change economically and this might be a problem that we're getting a socialist government at the moment. I think it's great because I love it that we have it this way but we might get in economic trouble, difficulties, so I am probably going to have a harder time than my parents. It's got to work, it's going to help that I'm studying business though because I can always just work in another country, Australia for example, but yeah I don't know, the future is vague.


  Alex: Yeah.
