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  A: shall we go to cinema this evening? The new blockbuster starring mel gibhson is showing. It’s supposed to be really good.

  B; what kind of movie is it? I don’t like many of his movies, actually.

学习啦在线学习网   A: it’s a thriller. It has Julia Roberts playing the female lead.

  B: I like thrillers and I like Julia Roberts, so it might be interesting. I read a review today and the critic didn’t seem to be very impressed.

  A: what did the critic say?

  B: he didn’t say it was bad, but he said that it wasn’t as good as it could have been, particularly as there were some good actors and actresses in it.

  A: the movie starts at eight o’clock, so we have plenty of time to eat and get ready.

学习啦在线学习网   B: good. Dinner is nearly ready and I’d like to watch the news before we go. The Oscars were last night and I want to see the results.

  A: I won’t spoil your enjoyment by telling you who won. There were a few surprises.


  A: what’s the plot of your new movie?

学习啦在线学习网   B: it’s a story about a policemen who is investigating a series of strange murders. I play the part of the detective. He has to catch the killer, but there’s very little evidence. It’s a psychological thriller with some frightening scenes, but I hope audience won’t be too scared to go to the movie theatres!

  A; did you enjoy making the movie? We heard stories of disagreement with other actors and with the director.

  B; I have had disagreement with every director. I’ve worked with. We’ve always disagreed in a friendly way and we have always resolved our differences. It was the same when I made this movie. I don’t know where rumours of my disagreement with Rachel Kelly come from. We got on very well and I hope to work with her again. I enjoyed making the movie very much.

  A: critics are not very happy with the movies that you’ve made recently. Does that bother you?

学习啦在线学习网   B: not at all. The feedback from audience has been great. I care about what they think more than what the critics think.

学习啦在线学习网   A: did you do you own stunts in the movie?

学习啦在线学习网   B: I wanted to , but my insurance company wouldn’t let me. All of my stunts were done by a stuntman. As you know, I used to do my own stunts, but I’ll leave that to the experts in future.

  A; thank you very much for doing this interview.

  B: my pleasure. Have you seen the movie yet?

学习啦在线学习网   A; yes. I have. I liked it very much. Like you, I was very impressed with rachel’s performance in the movie. She’s going to be a star.


学习啦在线学习网   A: do you think children watch too much tv?

学习啦在线学习网   B: I only allow my child to watch up to an hour a day. I don’t think that tv is bad for kids. I think that kids should be active and not become couch potaoes.

  A: perhaps I should impose a limit on how much tv my kids can watch. They don’t do much else in their free time. At least they always do their homework first.

  B: if you decide to put a limit on the amount of tv they can watch, remember to have something else for them to do. If you don’t, they’ll get bored and misbehave.

  A: they could go out and play with their friends.

  B; sure. You could talk to other parents in your neighbourhood and plan it so that all the kids are free at the same time.

  A: perhaps I could ask my husband to teach them foot ball or some thing. He watches too much tv too.

  B: that’s a good idea. Remember that if the parents watch too much tv, the kids will probably follow suit.


  A: what kinds of tv programmes do you enjoy watching?

  B: I like current affairs programmes and documentaries, especially wildlife ones. How about you?

  A: I like those kinds of programmes too. They’re very informative. I think that many people underrate the education value of tv.

  B: I agree. People often criticize tv for showing too much sex and violence.

  A; yeah. And that’s so funny because most people prefer watching sex and violence to watching something more educational!

  B: right. You can’t blame the tv stations for showing popular kinds of programmes. They need to make money from advertisements shown during and between programmes.

  A: in my country, there’s a time limit on the advertisements that can be shown. I think it’s about six minutes per hour.

  B: that’s great idea. But don’t the tv station lose a lot of money because of that?

  A; no. they don’t. they simply charge higher prices at peak times. Is there no limit on the amount of advertisements that can be shown on tv in your country?

  B: not as far as I know. We have so many advertisements . the interruptions are unbearable sometimes! That’s one reason that many people prefer satellite or cable tv, where you pay a fixed amount each month.

  A: some people have satellite and cable tv in my country, but people don’t seem to keen to pay for their tv programmes. Besides, the terrestrial channels offer a good range of programmes.

  B: well, there’s a wildlife documentary on tv in a few minutes. Shall we?

  简单英语2人对话:show biz

  A: I would like to watch the Oscars on tv tonight. How about you?

学习啦在线学习网   B; yes, I ‘d love to . it’s interesting to see who is considered the best in their field and which film are thought to be particularly good.

  A: I like watching it for the fashion. I like to see what the ladies are wearing. Of course, the men nearly always just wear the traditional tuxedo.

学习啦在线学习网   B: sometimes the men wear flamboyant colours. Which films do you think will win awards this year?

学习啦在线学习网   A; I ‘m really not sure. Usually just one or two films look set to sweep the awards ceremony, but this year there are several contenders.

学习啦在线学习网   B: you’re right. This year should be much more exciting than usual. What’s you favourite award category?

  A: you might think this strange, but I like the category for “best foreign language film’.

  B: it’s nice to see foreign language films making a little impact on Hollywood. I like the “best actor and actress”.

学习啦在线学习网   Intermediate

学习啦在线学习网   A: I think that show biz stars have a really easy life. They have lots of money, so they can buy almost anything they want. They’re famous, so everyone loves them.

  B: I think they must have horrible lives. All the paparazzi take photos of them wherever they go and whatever they do. They must get sick of it.

  A: I bet they love it really. Sure, they complain about it, but that just gets them more publicity, doesn’t it?

  B: I think that few of the show biz stars want any publicity for themselves. They only want it for their films.

学习啦在线学习网   A: no way! They want publicity for themselves, so that they get invited to make more films, go to lots of cocktail parties, and even make albums! They have such an easy life. They don’t even pay for drinks when they go to a cocktail party.

  B; show biz stars have plenty of expenses. That’s why they need so much money. They need million of dollars to buy big, seclude houses and wonderful dresses. I bet most show biz stars would prefer to wear jeans and a t-shirt, but they can’t because their managers force them to wear clothes they don’t like.

  A: I don’t understand how you can have any sympathy for show biz stars. They’re overpaid, over-ambitious, and over-adored.

  B: I think you should give them some credit. They’re very talented people and they deserve all the money they earn. They even donate money to charity to help people who are less fortunate than themselves.

  A; come on! They only do that to get even more publicity for their films and themselves.

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