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学习啦在线学习网   汉语解释:中国(China),位于亚洲东部,这个中国的概念是指一个以华夏文明为主体、中华文化为基础、发展历史绵延5000年的文明古国。此处中国一词解释的是文化,地理,民族意义上的中国,不是政治国名解释。中国龙是中华民族的象征。想知道中国的英文音标怎么读吗?

  中国[zhōng guó]


  <名>China ; the People's Republic of China ; Sino- ; PRC

  网 络China;CN;chinese;CHN


学习啦在线学习网   那个亚洲人拦住我,问我是不是中国人。

学习啦在线学习网   That Asian stopped me and asked if I was Chinese.

学习啦在线学习网   中国人用筷子吃饭。

学习啦在线学习网   The Chinese eat with chopsticks.


  A German scientist interrupted me and asked if I came from China.



  China does a lot of trade with many countries.


  China is an oriental country with a long history.

学习啦在线学习网   北京是中国的首都。

  Beijing is the capital of China.

学习啦在线学习网   主张对中国汇率政策采取强硬态度的人承认,全球经济衰退在中国贸易顺差的大幅下降中发挥了一定的作用。

学习啦在线学习网   Yuan hawks acknowledge that the global downturn played a role in that slump.


学习啦在线学习网   Chinese leaders have already said china will never be a super power.

学习啦在线学习网   中国曾经声称东海气田完全在中国的专属经济区内。

  China has said that the fields lie entirely within its zone of economic control.

  1. China enters a new five-year plan period next year. 中国 明年开始进入新一个五年计划期。

  2. He toyed with the idea of going to China. 他动过去中国 的念头,但并没当真。

  3. Mr Li said China's reforms had brought vitality to its economy. 李先生说中国 的改革给其经济注入了活力。

  4. The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China. 这家公司看来很有把握在中国 取得重大突破。

  5. Her Chinese friends referred to the Empress as their venerable ancestor. 她的中国 朋友们说这位女皇是他们值得敬仰的祖先。

  6. In China bats are thought of as being very lucky. 在中国学习啦在线学习网 ,蝙蝠被视为吉祥物。

  7. Chen was an initiate of a Chinese spiritual discipline. 陈是某个中国学习啦在线学习网 神学领域的新入门者。

  8. China has once again emerged as a world power. 中国 又一次以世界强国的姿态崛起。

  9. The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters. 这艘船将继续呆在中国 领海之外。

  10. Chinese peasants farm their own plots. 中国学习啦在线学习网 农民在他们自己的土地上耕作。

  11. He decides to study kung fu. 他决定学习中国 功夫。

  12. You can buy it ready-made at Chinese groceries. 在中国 杂货店里你可以买到现成的。

  13. The Foreign Minister is to visit China. 外交大臣将要访问中国

  14. The jet entered Chinese airspace without permission. 那架喷气式飞机未经允许闯入中国 领空。

  15. The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart. 外交部长与中国学习啦在线学习网 外交部长举行了会谈。

  16. China has always fascinated me. 中国 一直令我心驰神往。

  17. a collection of Chinese jade 一批中国 玉器

  18. Tonight they take on a Chinese pairing in their bid to reach the final tomorrow. 今晚他们将挑战一对中国 选手,争取进入明天的决赛。

  19. policies aimed at bringing about a rapprochement with China 旨在与中国 恢复友好关系的政策

  20. There's a Chinese takeaway in the centre of town. 在市中心有一家中国 菜的外卖餐馆.