A; your dog is so much fun. He’s so playful. I wish our cat enjoyed being around people as much as your dog does.
B: cats are well know for being more independent than dogs. How old is your cat now? you’ve had her longer than we’ve had our dog.
学习啦在线学习网 A; she’s eight years old. She’s getting quite old. Your dog’s six, isn’t he?
B; yes. He’s so energetic. We take him out to the park every morning and evening. I think he’d be happy to stay there all day!
A: I’m sure he would. We usually have to drag him home.
学习啦在线学习网 B: your cat spends most of the day outdoors’, right? Do you kwno where she goes?
A: she spends less time outdoors and she used to . we have no idea where she goes. She’s very secretive. Occasionally, she brings back a dead mouse.
B: have you ever thought about having another pet?
学习啦在线学习网 A; the kids want a rabbit. I don’t think it would be a good idea to get a mouse or a fish! That might be too tempting for our cat!
A; I’m thinking about getting a pet, but I’m really not sure which animal would be suitable. Could you give me some advice?
B; certainly! The first thing is to be honest about how much time for you can devote to your pet. Dogs are very demanding. You need to take them for walks and they love to play. Cats, on the other hand, are more independent.
A: I’m fairly busy, so I really need an animal that I don’t need to care of very much. Actually, I’d like a pet that’s a little unusual. I don't’ really want a typical pet, like a cat, dog, or hamster. Do you have any suggestions?
B: unusual pet are often more expensive to keep. Is that a problem?
学习啦在线学习网 A; not really. By the way, I don’t want a pet that could be dangerous, like a tarantula or rattlesnake.
B: we have those, but I only sell them to people I know well, for obvious reasons. How about a lizard? I have some that are very brightly coloured, are not aggressive, and are easy to feed and look after.
A: that sounds ideal. Could you show me some?
B: sure. Come over here. As you can see, I have a wide selection of species. They can live together, if you want lizards of different kinds. Do you have a favourite colour?
学习啦在线学习网 A : I like the red one. What do they eat?
学习啦在线学习网 B; you can feed them on various things. They will eat small pieces of meat, but I’d recommend insects. You can get them from your garden, but remember that lizards eat a lot insects. I sell them there.
A: thanks a lot. What I’ll do si find out more online and drop by next time.
B; that’s fine. You shouldn’t make a hasty decision when choosing a pet.
Todd: Hello, Matt!
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: Hello, Todd!
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Matt, I'm going to ask you some questions about pet. (OK!) First question, do you havea pet?
Matt: Yes, in fact, my mom's house we have three, three pets; two dogs and a cat. My familyactually raises dogs for helping blind people.
学习啦在线学习网 是的,事实上,在我妈妈的房子里,我们养了三只宠物,两只狗和一直猫。我家培养的是能帮助盲人的导盲犬。
Todd: Oh, really!
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Wow, like how do they train the dogs?
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: How do they train the dogs? Well, I mean, it's a long process, right...we get them whenthey're puppies.....and so we train them basic...you know, sit, come... really basic things...then,after they're about two year old, they go a different training school.
Todd: Oh, wow , that's great!
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: Yeah, yeah!
Todd: Well, how many dogs do they train at a time?
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: Oh, just one! We have our own dog, and then we have a dog that we have that we aretraining.
Todd: Oh, OK.
Matt: Yeah, just one dog at a time.
Todd: Do you ever see the dogs you trained, like out on the street, or anything?
学习啦在线学习网 你有没有偶遇自己训练过的导盲犬,例如在街上,有没有类似的重聚?
Matt: Sometimes we'll see them, they'll have like sort of conventions of reunions of the pets so,yeah, you get to see them once in awhile.
Todd: Oh, wow, that's cool. Um, why do people keep pets?
学习啦在线学习网 哇,太酷了。那么人们为什么要养宠物?
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: I guess the most important thing is companionship, right! So there is always somebodythere for you that will like you no matter what.
Todd: Yeah, that's true. OK, besides cats, dogs, and fish, what are some other pets peoplekeep?
学习啦在线学习网 是的,确实如此。那么除了猫,狗和鱼,人们还养什么宠物?
Matt: Well, I guess if you are Sigfreid and Roy you can keep a tiger or lion. I guess all types ofthings don't they.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Yeah.
Matt: I mean, my friend has a snake....I don't know if you mention that: snake and ferrets andinsects, spiders...
学习啦在线学习网 我的一位朋友就养了一条蛇。我忘了你是否提到过,蛇,雪貂,昆虫,蜘蛛都可以成为人类的宠物。
Todd: OK.
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: All kinds of things.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: All right, yeah, like there is so many. What are some costs associated with keeping apet?
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: Food is probably the biggest cost, but also if you keep the dog, particularly a dog in yourhouse, when they are puppies, and we have a lot of puppies they'll chew up everything theycan so we're constantly replacing shoes and, you know, cleaning up pee from the carpet andthings like that..so.. it can be a hassle.
Todd: Yeah, OK. Thanks a lot, and by the way, where are you from?
学习啦在线学习网 好的。十分谢谢,顺便一提,你来自哪里?
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: I'm from the U.S.A., from Minnesota.
Todd: Hello, Matt!
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: Hello, Todd!
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Matt, I'm going to ask you some questions about pet. (OK!) First question, do you havea pet?
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: Yes, in fact, my mom's house we have three, three pets; two dogs and a cat. My familyactually raises dogs for helping blind people.
Todd: Oh, really!
Matt: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Wow, like how do they train the dogs?
学习啦在线学习网 哇,那么怎么训练导盲犬呢?
Matt: How do they train the dogs? Well, I mean, it's a long process, right...we get them whenthey're puppies.....and so we train them basic...you know, sit, come... really basic things...then,after they're about two year old, they go a different training school.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Oh, wow , that's great!
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: Yeah, yeah!
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Well, how many dogs do they train at a time?
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: Oh, just one! We have our own dog, and then we have a dog that we have that we aretraining.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Oh, OK.
Matt: Yeah, just one dog at a time.
学习啦在线学习网 Todd: Do you ever see the dogs you trained, like out on the street, or anything?
学习啦在线学习网 你有没有偶遇自己训练过的导盲犬,例如在街上,有没有类似的重聚?
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: Sometimes we'll see them, they'll have like sort of conventions of reunions of the pets so,yeah, you get to see them once in awhile.
学习啦在线学习网 有时候我会看到它们,导盲犬和训练人相聚是约定俗成的的惯例,训练人偶尔可以看它们。
Todd: Oh, wow, that's cool. Um, why do people keep pets?
学习啦在线学习网 哇,太酷了。那么人们为什么要养宠物?
Matt: I guess the most important thing is companionship, right! So there is always somebodythere for you that will like you no matter what.
Todd: Yeah, that's true. OK, besides cats, dogs, and fish, what are some other pets peoplekeep?
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: Well, I guess if you are Sigfreid and Roy you can keep a tiger or lion. I guess all types ofthings don't they.
学习啦在线学习网 我想如果你是驯兽师Sigreid和Roy,也许你能养一只老虎或狮子。我想各种动物都能成为人类的宠物。
Todd: Yeah.
Matt: I mean, my friend has a snake....I don't know if you mention that: snake and ferrets andinsects, spiders...
Todd: OK.
Matt: All kinds of things.
Todd: All right, yeah, like there is so many. What are some costs associated with keeping apet?
学习啦在线学习网 好的,养一只宠物所需的花费是多少呢?
学习啦在线学习网 Matt: Food is probably the biggest cost, but also if you keep the dog, particularly a dog in yourhouse, when they are puppies, and we have a lot of puppies they'll chew up everything theycan so we're constantly replacing shoes and, you know, cleaning up pee from the carpet andthings like that..so.. it can be a hassle.
学习啦在线学习网 食物也许是最大的开销,但如果你养的是狗,尤其是小狗,你把它放在屋里,我们曾经就把许多小狗放到屋里,它们会把屋里能咬的东西都咬了,因此我们老得换新鞋,而且还得清理地摊上的尿痕等,这些也很麻烦。
Todd: Yeah, OK. Thanks a lot, and by the way, where are you from?
Matt: I'm from the U.S.A., from Minnesota.
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