学习啦在线学习网 Monday(Mon.)—Day of the Moon(月亮日)。吃东西工人房好中写作Monandoeg,即 day of the moon,拉丁语为Lunaedies。在古罗马神话中,月亮神为太阳神之妻,因此一周中,也应有她一天。那么,你知道星期一的英文读音吗?
学习啦在线学习网 星期一 [xīng qī yī]
Monday 英[ˈmʌndeɪ] 美[ˈmʌndeɪ]
Would you come on Monday?
学习啦在线学习网 A meeting of the townswomen's guild will be held on Monday.
His birthday is Monday fortnight.
The store took stock on Monday.
The date of the meeting has been advanced from Friday to Monday.
学习啦在线学习网 这船将于星期一开往纽约。
This ship sails for New York on Monday.
学习啦在线学习网 Monday has been set down for the next meeting.
I shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience.
I never have the time to go out in the week.
He expressed the hope that on Monday elementary schools would be reopened 他表示希望各小学星期一能复课。
学习啦在线学习网 Broughton took a sickie on Monday to paint his fence 布劳顿星期一称病请了一天假来粉刷栅栏。
It was a Monday, so she was at home 那天是星期一,因此她在家里。
"Somebody would have seen her" — "I doubt it, not on Monday" “可能有人见过她。”——“我认为不可能,不可能在星期一。”
I had to sign on the dole on Monday 我只好于星期一办理了领取失业救济金的登记。
"When roughly would this be? Monday?"— 'Something like that' “大概会在什么时候?星期一?”——“差不多吧。”
I am getting married on Monday 我星期一结婚。
学习啦在线学习网 The government declared Easter Monday a public holiday 政府宣布复活节后的星期一是公共假日。
学习啦在线学习网 They'll probably be here Monday and Tuesday 他们星期一和星期二可能会在这儿。
They arrived on Monday evening and we got there the following day 他们是星期一晚上到的,我们次日也抵达那里。
I hate Monday mornings 我讨厌星期一早晨。
学习啦在线学习网 It's Monday today, isn't it? 今天是星期一,对吧?
I'm going in for my op on Monday 星期一我要住院动手术。
The teacher insisted on all the homework being handed in on Monday 老师坚持要求所有作业都要在星期一交上来
He signed on yesterday and will start work on Monday 他昨天签了合同,星期一就要上班
We must have this work finished with flying colours by Monday 我们一定要在星期一以前出色地完成这项工作
I can't see you on Monday because I have a previous engagement 星期一我不能见你,因为我有约在先
It was blue Monday and Henry nodded sleepily over his books 这是沉闷的星期一,亨利对着书本打瞌睡
学习啦在线学习网 Our office is open from Monday to Friday inclusive 我们办公室从星期一到星期五办公
He fell ill on Monday and died three days later 他星期一得病,三天后就死了