strawberry jam
学习啦在线学习网 这草莓酱还是太稀,凝结不起来。
This strawberry jam is still runny: I can't get it to jell.
The main serial products are strawberries pastes, strawberries juice, strawberry soft drinks, etc.
学习啦在线学习网 当恐龙走过草莓堆时,你会得到什么?答:草莓酱!
What do you get when a dinosaur walks through the strawberry patch?
What do you get when a dinosaur walks through the strawberry patch?
学习啦在线学习网 Ingredients include 300g dark chocolate, 100g coffee ice cream, 100g strawberry ice cream, 30g almonds, 20g raspberries and some strawberry jam.
学习啦在线学习网 我想买一罐草莓酱和一罐番茄酱。
I want a tin of strawberry jam and a tin of ketchup.
学习啦在线学习网 他把草莓酱涂在烤面包片上。
He spread some strawberry jam on his toast.
学习啦在线学习网 他把草莓酱涂在烤面包上。
He spread some strawberry jam on his toast.
学习啦在线学习网 Jack enjoyed the strawberry jam very much.
学习啦在线学习网 我们的争论从草莓酱开始。
Ours started over strawberry jam.
学习啦在线学习网 奶奶还把做好的草莓酱、番茄、豆子、辣椒、梨子和桃子装进罐子里,使它们的美味能保持一整个漫长的冬天。
Grandma put up strawberry jam, tomatoes, beans, peppers, pears and peachesin canning jam. They were good to eat through the long winter.
Fill the remaining molds halfway with the vanilla ice cream, add a layer ofstrawberry jam, and then finish filling with vanilla ice cream, with some room left at the top.
The British sandwich market is noted for an exotic mix of fillings, but retailer Marks and Spencer, responding to frugal times, has gone back to basics with astrawberry jam sandwich.
For 75 pence (about a dollar) you get two slices of buttered white bread and a filling of strawberry jam
An engineer drives from England to Mongolia, stops in China, starts building racecars and abandons that career to make…strawberry jam?
学习啦在线学习网 举个例子,一些“纯果肉成分”草莓酱其实际草莓成分低于30%。
学习啦在线学习网 For example, some "only fruit" strawberry jams are as little as 30% strawberries.
学习啦在线学习网 以下是运用您创建的模式为一批从纽约运往塔林的草莓酱生成的实例文档。
学习啦在线学习网 The following is a resulting instance document for a parcel of strawberry jam that is shipped from New York to Tallinn given the schemas you created.
A few minutes later, the toaster pops. She spreads strawberry jam on the toast,pours a cup of coffee, opens the front door, and sits down on the doorstep.
学习啦在线学习网 在集市上,生猪肉价钱很便宜,用锋利的刀子切成猪油的样子。在我住的人家,备餐间里用钩子挂着10磅重的一大块,旁边放着自制的香肠和草莓酱的陶罐。
学习啦在线学习网 My family has a 10-pound slab hanging from a meat hook in its pantry, next tohomemade sausage and jars of strawberry jam.
黄油草莓酱、奶油烤饼 加糖奶茶
scones with butter, strawberry jam and cream tea with milk and sugar
学习啦在线学习网 在Bongiorni家里的冰箱,你再也看不到苹果汁,但是她却购买含有冷冻的干草莓酱谷物给孩子吃,而这些食物很可能来自于中国.
As for the Bongiorni household, there no longer is apple juice in the refrigerator,but she does buy cereal with freeze-dried strawberries -- potentially from China --for her children.
学习啦在线学习网 奶奶还把做好的草莓酱、番茄、豆子、辣椒、梨子和桃子装进罐子�,使它们的美味能保持一整个漫长的冬天。
Grandma put up strawberry jam,tomatoes,beans,peppers,pears and peaches in canning jam.
学习啦在线学习网 B:Then let's try strawberry ketchup.
Drizzle a strawberry-based dressing (try Frugal Foodie’s here).
学习啦在线学习网 争论的内容只是借口,并不重要,重要的是争论带来的不适。我们的争论从草莓酱开始。
学习啦在线学习网 What arguments are about is never as important as the discomfort for which they are an excuse. Ours started over strawberry jam.
学习啦在线学习网 “没有草莓酱?”我边问克洛艾,边在堆得满满的桌子上找。
学习啦在线学习网 'Do you have any strawberry jam?' I asked Chloe, surveying the laden table.
学习啦在线学习网 On a shelf behind her desk that day were at least a hundred jars of strawberryjam, gaily tied with red-checked ribbons.
学习啦在线学习网 那么尝尝草莓酱吧。
Then let's try strawberry ketchup.
学习啦在线学习网 猎杀像羚羊这样优雅的动物似乎是一件可耻的事情,但是它们的肉质精瘦鲜嫩,尤其是配有草莓酱和南非红酒,更是难得的美味。
It seems a shame to cull graceful creatures such as springbok, but their meat islean, tender and delicious, especially when served with a berry sauce and a fineSouth African merlot.
我公司所经营的名牌产品如天津甘栗、鸭梨、 糖水白桃罐头、草莓酱、河北荞麦等产品在国际市场上享有很高的声誉。
The famous products handled by our group such as Tianjin Chestnut, Ya pear,canned white peach, strawberry jam and buckwheat etc. are enjoying highreputation in the world.