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  Release Policy



学习啦在线学习网   Rather like mercantilist countries in the offline realm, both companies operatepolicies to protect this asset.

学习啦在线学习网   使用Tivoli桌面,Tivoli发布政策区域被建立起来,如前文所述,并且所有目标和发布政策也被建立了。

  Using the Tivoli desktop, the Tivoli distribution policy region is created and, asstated earlier, all the target and distribution policies are established.


  With china's market economy advances, enterprises, especially small businesseshas been highly developed. Several state policies are issued to support thedevelopment of small businesses.

学习啦在线学习网   虽然公务员吃的纳税人的饭,但是不能以此剥夺他们正常的娱乐活动,不能干涉和剥夺公务员的私人空间,发布政策规定禁止公务员过度娱乐这本身是对公务员权利的侵犯。

学习啦在线学习网   The cadre shall not be deprived of private life and the right of entertainmentalthough their income are from taxpayer, this ban itself is an infringement of theright of cadre.

学习啦在线学习网   这是欧盟委员会首次动用《欧盟稳定与增长公约》2005年修订后授予的权力,对其成员国发布政策建议。

  It was the first time that the European Commission issued a policy advice to amember state as introduced in 2005 under the EU Stability and Growth Pact.


  Another meeting for all team members followed, during which Duncan distributedthe policy and told everyone to comply.

学习啦在线学习网   粮农组织在今天发布的政策简介中表示,两年前全球粮食价格上涨的态势“在有组织的期货市场中可能受到投机商的进一步推动。

  In a policy brief published today, FAO said the worldwide rise in food prices twoyears ago "might have been amplified by speculators in organized futuresmarkets.


  Easy Monetary Policy A policy issued by a Central Bank to assist economicgrowth usually achieved by reducing short-term interest rates.

学习啦在线学习网   美联储一周前发布的政策声明曾令市场感到困惑,但伯南克称,该项政策声明并非想要暗示,美联储目前的货币政策立场较为中性。

学习啦在线学习网   The Fed's recent policy statement – which baffled markets when it was released aweek ago – was not intended to signal that the Fed now had a neutral policystance, he said.

学习啦在线学习网   随着市场进一步消化美联储周三发布的政策声明,投资者的避险情绪急剧升温,美元昨天成为主要受益者。

  The dollar was the chief beneficiary of a sharp spike in risk aversion yesterday as the markets digested Wednesday's policy statement from the Federal Reserve.


学习啦在线学习网   “This shows the NDRC is going to issue the new policy soon, ” said Qiu Xiaofeng,analyst from China Merchants Securities.


学习啦在线学习网   但在过去,中国拒绝在报告中发布他政策中重要的部分,因此,扩大IMF监督的有效性仍不清楚。

学习啦在线学习网   But in the past, China has resisted the release of reports critical of its policies, sothe effectiveness of expanding the I.M.F.’s “surveillance” remains unclear.


  The study also takes advantage of existing scholarly works in this area, and policydocuments produced by international agencies and government bureaus.


  They each issued policy documents, which in their time were leading statementsfor elaboration and regulation.

学习啦在线学习网   为抵抗通货膨胀,由中央银行发布之政策,通常通过增加短期利率来实现。

  A policy issued by a Central Bank to fight against inflation usually achieved byincreasing short-term interest rates.

学习啦在线学习网   为帮助经济增长,由中央银行发布之政策,通常通过降低短期利率来实现。

学习啦在线学习网   A policy issued by a Central Bank to assist economic growth usually achieved byreducing short-term interest rates.


学习啦在线学习网   A policy issued by a Central Bank to assist economic growth usually achieved byreducing short-term interest rates.

学习啦在线学习网   紧缩货币政策为抵抗通货膨胀,由中央银行发布的政策,通常通过增加短期利率来实现。

学习啦在线学习网   Tight Monetary Policy A policy issued by a Central Bank to fight against inflationusually achieved by increasing short-term interest rates.


  SASAC of the State Council and staff yesterday told the Securities Timesreporter, "the press release prior to the implementation of policies, the rules will not be a."


学习啦在线学习网   Xu Shenggang, Chief of Beijing South Railway Station said "Starting from midMay, we began to announce the policy through billboards, broadcasts, and LCDscreens.


  It was understood that Ye was speaking in his capacity as an academic at anaerospace engineering forum at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, rather thanunveiling official policy.


  There are many other activities, events, and policies that can demonstratesupport for the World Health Day campaign.






