学习啦在线学习网 Mechanism Manufacture Technology Basis can provide the heavy-calibre mechanism manufacture major with the basic knowledge and technology of this field.
学习啦在线学习网 机械制造技术基础”是作为宽口径机械制造专业获得机械制造技术方面基本知识和技能的专业基础课。
Mechanism Manufacture Technology Basis can provide the heavy-calibre mechanism manufacture major with the basic knowledge and technology of this field.
Shandong Mining Machinery Group is a medium machinery enterprise and a mayor coal machine factory in China.
Shandong Mining Machinery Group is a medium machinery enterprise and a mayor coal machine factory in China.
Mechanical Basis is to train students with ability to design and inspect machines for machinery manufacture.
With the rapid development of machine manufacturing industry, talents with advanced manufacturing skills as digital control and process skill are in great and urgent need by enterprises.
Qingdao Sunup Machinery Manufacture Co.Ltd is an high-technical enterprise which specialized in researching, manufacturing and selling the woodworking machinery.
Qingdao Sunup Machinery Manufacture Co. Ltd is an high-technical enterprise which specialized in researching, manufacturing and selling the woodworking machinery.
学习啦在线学习网 江捷机械制造是一家专业从事,机械零件加工、五金配件加工、精密夹具、治具设计与制造的公司。
Machinery Manufacturing is engaged in a professional, machinery parts processing, metal machining parts, precision jigs, fixture design and manufacturing company.
学习啦在线学习网 在对我国石油机械制造企业用户特征分析的基础上,探讨了用户满意度CSD的特征和构成,构建了CSD模型。最后指出:石油机械制造企业CSD是一个多因素、多环节、多阶段综合作用的必然结果,其模型归根结底是一种消费者心理与行为的表现。
On the basis of analyzing the characters of the clients of domestic petroleum machinery manufacturing enterprises, the features and construction of the consumer-satisfaction degree (CSD) are investigated, and CSD model is set up.
Then, one day, came back to him through the mail ten of his immaculate machine-made storiettes.
学习啦在线学习网 机械制造和流动诊所的已经帮助公司控制了所有的市场。
First, combining the manufacture of machines with the running of clinics hashelped it dominate both markets.
Their main businesses include machine manufacturing, fabrics, clothes making,new energy, and an investment arm.
学习啦在线学习网 因此,尽管去年早些时候在象卡特皮拉公司和约翰迪尔公司中大幅裁员,但是这些企业和主要从事全球机械制造的小型企业现在已经大量招聘。
Hence, despite steep job cuts early last year at companies such as Caterpillarand John Deere, those firms—and a host of smaller ones that service globalmachinery makers—have now ramped up hiring.
学习啦在线学习网 在昨天北京的中国全国人民代表大会上,中国机械制造企业三一重工的主席向文波(音)把这个问题提了出来并成为关注的中心。
Xiang Wenbo, president of Chinese machinery maker Sany Heavy Industries,brought the issue front and center yesterday during the National People’sCongress meetings in Beijing.
学习啦在线学习网 威利.波斯特开始学习飞行所需要的一切知识,他自学一些课程,如数学、无线电和机械制造。
Wiley Post began to study everything he could find about flying. He began to educate himself about subjects such as mathematics, radio and machinery.
It was a Muslim engineer who invented the crankshaft, which is the foundation ofmuch of the machinery in today’s modern world.
学习啦在线学习网 Do you recall how the twins wanted to shoot him because he said we had fewfoundries and factories, mills and ships, arsenals and machine shops?
长沙曾以机械制造闻名,如今正逐步成为中国电视产业以及创意产业的中心。 而长沙市政府对下滑的土地交易量的担心不无道理。
The city government in Changsha, once known for machine-making and nowbecoming a hub for China's TV and creative industry, has good reason to benervous about declining land sales.
The machine building, electronics and chemical industries are all reporting arapidly growing number of orders.
学习啦在线学习网 但是具体到工业革命,英国及以后的欧洲在18、19世纪机械制造方面的转变,则名实完全相符。
But in the case of the industrial revolution, the mechanical transformation ofBritain, and later Europe, during the 18th and 19th centuries, it is entirely justified.
Ningbo is a leader in garment and industrial machinery production, and reliesmore on domestic private investment than other Chinese cities.
学习啦在线学习网 The transition that has taken place in the global machine tool industry over thepast seven years is representative of what is taking place in one industry after another.
We are now enjoying the exclusive privilege of exporting all products of……,thebiggest manufacturing company of Electric Machines and Appliances in……
比如建筑机械制造业的小松制作Komatsu ,在本土和美国的销售萎缩的当口,因为中国销售的增长松了一口气。
Construction-machinery-maker Komatsu (KMTUY, news, msgs), for example, hasfound relief from slow growth in its domestic market and the U.S. in sales to China.
In the first five months of the year, Germany’s trade surplus, driven in large partby demand for machine tools in recovering Asian economies, rose 30 percentcompared with 2009, to about billion.
China’s social housing is a key investment area in the government’s five-year economic plan, and that bodes well for the cement and machinery industries,according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
跨国公司在单个项目上的投资达 2,000万美元之多,投资方向主要微电 子、电信设备、机械制造以及化工等部门。
Their investments in individual projects amount to US million, with the majorportion of investment going to the electronics, telecommunications equipment,machine-building and chemical sectors.