学习啦在线学习网 educational training
学习啦在线学习网 提供教育培训信息的网站,在中国列举了133个类似的学校。
The website askedu.com, which provides educational training information, lists133 similar schools around China.
学习啦在线学习网 It would also cut into subsidies that some journals provide for educational trainingand professional meetings, they say.
This enabled him to create an unrivalled legislative record, dealing with suchconcerns as healthcare, education and training, safety at work and a wide rangeof other social concerns.
学习啦在线学习网 为使经历战争洗礼的退伍军人重返平民生活,大部分学校都认可许多军人在服役时接受的教育培训课程。
学习啦在线学习网 In admitting battle-scarred vets back to civilian life, most campuses tookcognizance of any educational training taken by many GIs while in service. iipdigital
In that role, she oversees special-education training programs for teachers, as well as district mentoring programs.
学习啦在线学习网 它尤其被广泛地用于卫生保健提供者和研究人员的继续教育培训。
学习啦在线学习网 It is widely used, among other things, in post-graduate training of health providersand researchers.
Today, the two parties signed a conservation, education and training cooperationagreement.
学习啦在线学习网 This is an issue that can only be resolved through education and experience.
To liaise with the National Customs Education and Training Center.
学习啦在线学习网 Jinde Charities is involved in a number of fields including humanitarian emergencyaid, social development, education and training, scholarships, HIV/AIDSprevention and caring for the elderly.
学习啦在线学习网 We will improve vocational education and training for the labor force and intensifypre-employment training for surplus labor transferred from rural areas.
Education and training, supervision, inspection and services must be reinforced to improve the capacity and effectiveness of protection. www.fmprc.gov.cn
学习啦在线学习网 本着这样的精神,政府向小企业提供税收优惠和教育培训资金。
In this spirit, the government offers tax benefits to small-business owners andfunds educational programs.
教育培训专题组由两位共同主席领导。 一位是英国国家医疗服务局前首席执行官尼吉尔•克里斯爵士,另一位是非洲委员会负责社会事务的委员比昂斯•加瓦那斯。
The Task force on Education and Training was co-chaired by Lord Nigel Crisp,former chief Executive of NHS and Bience Gawanas, Commissioner of SocialAffairs on the African Commission.
学习啦在线学习网 如果你参加了一个与你的领域相关的连续教育培训或者成人教育培训,那么,考虑一下参加一两门可以直接应用于你将来可能成为的角色的课程。
If you have a continuing education program or adult education program in yourarea seriously consider taking a course or two that could directly apply to yourpotential future role.
Another survey by TES magazine last year found that three quarters of teachersdon't feel they have been given the training they need to deliver adequate sexeducation.
组织机构转型将被引入自上而下的金字塔政 策,整个组织内部的教育培训和授权。
Organizational transformation will gravitate towards a top-down hierarchy ofpolicy, education, and empowerment across the entire organization.
学习啦在线学习网 To be responsible for the cadre’s education and training and intelligenceimportation of the Commission and affiliated institutions.
学习啦在线学习网 这个组织一直努力通过采取各种形式的教育培训来增强他们的理财观念。
学习啦在线学习网 This organization is dedicated to helping teens improve their financial literacythrough various means of education.
The largest of the UGA-Tunisia Partnership programs focuses on e-learning insupport of the Virtual University of Tunis, particularly teacher training and onlinecourse development.