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学习啦在线学习网   车子灵活地转动方向,然後快速开走。

  The car turned about limberly and sped away.

学习啦在线学习网   “本来应该是我,”一只小狗叹息,几乎无论是公共场合还是私下都在灵活地讽刺。

  “It should have been me, ” one pup sighs, neatly satirising both the public and theoccasion.

学习啦在线学习网   在保持能够灵活地处理您所控制的类的同时,由于这是直接访问数据,还使速度加快了。

  This gives the speed of direct access to data while keeping the flexibility ofworking with classes that you control.


学习啦在线学习网   他说:“如果具体情况变了,那么你就必须灵活地调整策略,我希望我们都能明白这一点。”

  "[If] conditions on the ground change, then you must be agile and adjust, and Ihope we all understand that," he said.

学习啦在线学习网   这种模式没有灵活地应用到其他产品上。

学习啦在线学习网   That model does not neatly transfer to other products.


  At this point, we have made our database configuration as flexible as possible tomeet the needs of our potential consumers.

学习啦在线学习网   这些属性支持灵活地搜索文档,这是这个解决方案的一项重要要求。

  These properties enable flexible searching for documents, which is an importantrequirement of this solution.


学习啦在线学习网   We saw how you can use vague language to create flexibility.


学习啦在线学习网   A: Global indexes allow the flexibility of specifying a table space for each index.


  You have more flexibility in customizing the generated code outside of the tools.

学习啦在线学习网   计时的桌面游戏,手机,电脑,视频游戏能帮助你快速灵活地思考,集中注意力,增强记忆。

  Timed board games, cell phone, computer and video games help you thinkquickly, flexibly and pay attention, which boosts memory.

学习啦在线学习网   这层额外的映射允许使用固定的引用名称开发客户机应用程序,并在开发时灵活地映射到实际的EJB。

  This extra level of mapping allows a client application to be developed using fixed-reference names and flexibly map to actual EJBs at the deployment time.

学习啦在线学习网   而且也正因为他们包含了正确的人,当被给予适当职权的时候,他们就能比那些死板的统治集团能更快更灵活地做出决定,。

学习啦在线学习网   And because they include the right people, when they are given appropriateauthority as well, they can make these decisions much more quickly and flexiblythan can the rigid hierarchies of old.


  Play games against the clock. Timed board games, cell phone, computer andvideo games help you think quickly, flexibly and pay attention, which boostsmemory.

学习啦在线学习网   激光器还可以在战场上或在城区中灵活地支持作战任务。

学习啦在线学习网   The laser also can flexibly support missions on the battlefield as well as in urbanoperations.


  America has the flexibility, capacity, and leadership to adapt to the new rules forpursuing diplomacy, but Europe simply does not.


  I recommend this method because it has a friendly interface and there is alsoflexibility to pause downloads.

学习啦在线学习网   它为我们提供了一个不用管理的、安全的、复制的存储,我们可以使用它来灵活地将应用程序数据部署到很多不同的客户机和设备上。

  It provides us with a no-administration, secure, replicated store that we can use todeploy application data flexibly, to many different kinds of clients and devices.

学习啦在线学习网   与向导不同的是,设计程序是非模态的,因此允许您灵活地同时设计不同的数据库对象。

学习啦在线学习网   The designers, unlike wizards, are non-modal and hence allow you the flexibility tosimultaneously work on designing different database objects.

学习啦在线学习网   在您组装模块时,您可完全灵活地组装可重用的部件,前提是其引用与目标组件的接口相匹配。

  As you assemble your modules, you have complete flexibility to assemblereusable parts, provided the references match the interfaces of the destinationcomponent.

学习啦在线学习网   更加开明且解放的做法是给予项目团队一些需要达到的目标,并授权给他们可以灵活地响应变更。

学习啦在线学习网   It is far more enlightened and liberating to give the project team goals to achieveand to empower them with the flexibility to respond to change.

学习啦在线学习网   最后,EMF2.3将以精密的功能交付,允许更灵活地用于项目和产品,而无需引入不需要的代码、用户界面或依赖性”。

  Finally, EMF 2.3 will be delivered in fine-grain features, allowing for more flexibleuse in projects and products, without introducing unwanted code, user interface,or dependencies.

  SOAPUI 可以让我们灵活地增加请求与并行线程的数量,借此,我们就可以模拟将大量请求放置到队列上。

学习啦在线学习网   SOAPUI gives flexibility in increasing the number of requests and concurrentthreads to simulate placing a large amount of requests on the queue.


  Such a development process is much more scalable because other developershave more flexibility in choosing the right – and only the right - tools for a project.


  The Vulnerability Fund would use existing mechanisms to deliver the funds fastand flexibly, backed by monitoring and safeguards so the money is well spent,says Zoellick.


灵活,形容词,褒义词。意指敏捷,不呆板。那么,你知道灵活的英语怎么说吗? 灵活地的英文释义: neatly limberly slick 灵活地的英文例句: 车子灵活地转动方向,然後快速开走。 The car turned about limberly and sped away. 本来应