百科全书是概要记述人类一切知识门类或某一知识门类的工具书 ,那么你知道百科全书的英文怎么读吗?现在跟学习啦小编一起学习关于百科全书的英语知识吧。
学习啦在线学习网 encyclopaedia英 [enˌsaɪkləʊ'pi:djə] 美 [ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpidɪə]
学习啦在线学习网 1. He was a walking encyclopaedia.
学习啦在线学习网 2. An encyclopaedia contains a lot of knowledge.
3. A splendid bookcase goes along with the complete encyclopaedia if you pay cash.
学习啦在线学习网 4. Melville incorporated in " Moby Dick " an exhaustive encyclopaedia of whaling lore.
学习啦在线学习网 梅尔维尔在《白鲸 》 中汇集了各种捕鲸知识.
5. This is an encyclopaedia of philosophy.
学习啦在线学习网 这是本哲学百科全书.
6. I ought to have bought that encyclopaedia, but now it's not available.
学习啦在线学习网 ([那时]我应该买下那套百科全书的, 可是现在却买不到了.)[有悔恨之意. ].
7. A splendid book case goes along with the complete Encyclopaedia.
学习啦在线学习网 一个漂亮的书架配上这套百科全书.
学习啦在线学习网 8. Encyclopedia Britannica - The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15 th Edition in 1993,32 Volume set, Deluxe.
不列颠大英百科全书, 第15版,1993修订本,全套32卷, 豪华装帧版.
9. Wikipedia , the online encyclopaedia , will go down an internet pioneer.
10. The new edition of encyclopaedia will appear in the bookstores next week.
11. The explanatory article in encyclopaedia is a kind of expository writing.
12. He copied the relevant data out of the encyclopaedia.
13. A Sherlock Holmes encyclopaedia has been published in Japanese.
学习啦在线学习网 14. The first book to turn to on that subject is the Encyclopaedia.
学习啦在线学习网 15. I have a set of encyclopaedia of music.
The other day, a few of us here at VOA got to talking about occupations that have grown obsolete, or nearly so, in these fast-changing times. Typewriter repair technician for one. And typist, come to think of it.
And here's one that's going, going but not quite gone: reference-book publisher.
学习啦在线学习网 还有一种职业虽然已经落伍,但却没有完全销声匿迹:那就是参考书出版商。
学习啦在线学习网 Shelves on offices across America are still packed with sets of encyclopedias and thick individual books about geography, history, law, science, and the origin and use of words.
学习啦在线学习网 全美各个办公室的货架上仍然摆满了整套百科全书和厚厚的地理、历史、法律、科学、词语来源及使用方面的个人书籍。
But most of them haven't been cracked open in months or years. They have become historical artifacts - part of the office décor.
学习啦在线学习网 但是它们中的大多数已经数月或数年没有拆封。它们已经成为历史文物,或者办公室装饰的一部分。
学习啦在线学习网 It's not because their users have grown lazy, or because the books' contents are any less valuable. As you might guess, it's because their information is available in a flash in hundreds or even thousands of places online.
学习啦在线学习网 这并不是因为它们的用户已经慵懒,或是书的内容已经不再具有价值。正如你可能猜到的那样,这是因为它们的内容信息已经在互联网上唾手可得。
If you want to find out about honeycombs, for instance, you're not limited to a trusty encyclopedia article, perhaps written 20 years ago. On the Worldwide Web, you can electronically access as much about honeycombs as you feel like reading. Or watching.
学习啦在线学习网 Fewer than half the sets of expensive, specialized encyclopedias are being sold today than were 10 years ago. But this hasn't put reference-book publishers out of business. They're making up for lost revenue by selling subscriptions to the electronic version of their works to libraries, universities, hospitals, and law offices around the world. The online encyclopedias are regularly updated and offer visual treats not found in the paper edition.
学习啦在线学习网 套装昂贵的专门的百科全书与10年前相比现今的销售量全国只有不到一半。但这还没有让参考书出版商绝迹。他们靠对遍布世界的图书馆、大学、医院、律师事务所出售订阅电子版本来弥补这些失去的收入。在线百科全书定期更新并且提供纸制版本没有的视觉享受。
学习啦在线学习网 Their publishers, or perhaps we should say "content creators," have little choice if they want to stay in business. At least they're saving big bucks at their book warehouses, and sparing lots of trees as well.
学习啦在线学习网 他们的出版商,或许我们应该说“内容的创造者” 如果想待在此行业,就很少有的选择。至少他们在仓库已经节省下大笔的钱,或者使很多树木不至于遭受砍伐。