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学习啦在线学习网   其实和学习英语的时候如果我们需要练习口语就需要学习情景对话,今天小编就给大家参考一下英语口语,喜欢的来参考哦

  Should we go to Mars? 我们应该去火星吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Danu: Hello! My name is Danu, and I'm from Sri Lanka.

学习啦在线学习网   达努:大家好!我是达努,来自斯里兰卡。

学习啦在线学习网   Widuri: And I'm Widuri. I'm from Indonesia.

学习啦在线学习网   威杜里:我是威杜里,来自印度尼西亚。

  Danu: So today our question is: should we go to Mars? Widuri, what do you think?


  Widuri: What I think? No, definitely no. I think Mars is very far from Earth, and I don't think we can survive there. I think Earth is a better place to live. What about you, Danu?


  Danu: I agree with you, but then I think, it's OK to go to Mars, but not to settle there.

学习啦在线学习网   达努:我同意你的看法,不过我认为去火星也不错,不过不要在那里定居。

学习啦在线学习网   Widuri: Aah.


  Danu: We should focus on saving our Earth, and we can learn many things from Mars. For example, when we go to Mars we should research on new technologies, so it would help a lot for the future experiments as well. So, what do you think? Should we go to Mars?


学习啦在线学习网   Widuri: Yeah! What do you think?


  Would you rather work for a large or small company?

  Gaew: Hello, this is the video for ello.org. I'm Gaew from Thailand.


学习啦在线学习网   Micky: And I'm Micky from Nigeria.


学习啦在线学习网   Gaew: Uhm, the question is about "Would you rather work for a large or small company?" Would you?


  Micky: Yeah, I don't know, but I think I would rather work for a large company.


  Gaew: Uhm, why?


  Micky: Because working for a large company gives you room to build yourself. Have large friends, have large organization to work with because you're kind of like reckon with and all that.


学习啦在线学习网   Gaew: Well, if it's me, I would rather work for a small company, because like, I see when I feel that if you work in a large company there, there is more rules and regulations. But if it is a small company you can, I can move more freely. And I suppose maybe that my opinion can be heard easier than in a large company where higher ups are far away in maybe some another foreign country.


  Micky: Yeah, but to large company, you have a chance of working with...


  Gaew: Yeah.


学习啦在线学习网   Micky: all that new people and you can make a lot of large friends, you know.


  Gaew: Yeah.


学习啦在线学习网   Micky: And a good network too.


  Gaew: We'll see.

学习啦在线学习网   高:我们拭目以待。

  What is Europe's best country to live in? 哪个欧洲国家最适合居住?

学习啦在线学习网   Goron: Hi, my name is Goron and I'm from Italy.


  Michael: My name is Michael and I'm from Norway.


学习啦在线学习网   Goron: I have a question for you, what is Europe'sbest country to live, what do you think?


  Michael: I love getting that question because if you follow what the United Nation says there'sone thing saying that Denmark is the best place to live and another thing saying that Norway isthe best place to live. And I would just like to clarify. It's you can't really decide which countryis the best to live and it's really depending on the person himself, like there are good thingsabout Norway and there's bad things about Norway. For instance, Norway is really cold duringthe winter and even though you have a lot of money most likely, you will spend that money totravel to warm places. So, and then you have in all south Europe where you have warmtemperature most of the time. Of course, you get winters too but I would say that because it'swarmer and people are more outgoing and they're more social and I think that, you know, that part can be very important to some people and I wouldn't say Norway is the best countryto live in in Europe. On a contrary, I would say that it's impossible to answer that question.

学习啦在线学习网   米歇尔:我喜欢回答这个问题,按联合国的说法来看,其中一个最适合居住的国家是丹麦,另一个是挪威。我想明确说明一下,无法决定哪个国家是最适合居住的国家,而且这要取决于每个人的情况,挪威有优点也有缺点。比如,挪威的冬天非常冷,即使你可能很有钱,你也会把那些钱花在去温暖的地方过冬上。南欧大多数时间都很温暖。当然,南欧也有冬天,不过那里更温暖,而且南欧人更开朗外向,更爱交际,有些人认为这很重要,我不会说挪威是最适合居住的国家。相反,我会说这是无法回答的问题。


1.常用实用英语情景对话:Lunch Meeting 午餐会



