学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语口语 > 袜子的英文怎么说翻译及例句


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  I picked up the balled socks.

学习啦在线学习网   埃米莉姨妈织补旧袜子。

  Aunt Emilie darned old socks.

学习啦在线学习网   一对及膝长的袜子

  A pair of knee-length socks


学习啦在线学习网   I'm wearing odd socks today by the way.

学习啦在线学习网   我把袜子穿破了。

学习啦在线学习网   I've worn holes in my socks.


  She draws on her socks.


  I found a couple of socks in the bedroom, but they don't make a pair.

学习啦在线学习网   她在针织品部买了很多袜子。

学习啦在线学习网   She bought many socks in the hosiery department.

学习啦在线学习网   我的袜子上有个洞。

  There is a hole in my sock.

学习啦在线学习网   一个钉子挂破了我的袜子。

  I ripped my stocking on a nail.

学习啦在线学习网   她把袜子卷成一团。

学习啦在线学习网   She rolled the socks into a ball.


  She tore her stockings while putting them on.

学习啦在线学习网   昨天她买了一双毛线袜子。

  She bought a pair of woollen hose yesterday.


  He tiptoed to the door in his stockinged feet.

学习啦在线学习网   他的脚趾在袜子里动来动去。

  He was waggling his toes in his socks.

学习啦在线学习网   玛丽把织补过的套头衫和袜子重新叠好。

  Mari refolded the darned Pullover and socks.

学习啦在线学习网   你的袜子快掉下去了,向上提提。

  Hike up your socks, they are falling down.

学习啦在线学习网   芝加哥具有生产红袜子的比较优势,而波士顿具有生产白袜子的比较优势。

  Which city has a comparative advantage in the production of each color sock?

学习啦在线学习网   我在房间里找到了两只袜子,但他们不成一双。

  I found a couple of socks in the room but they do not make a pair.


  You are never too old to enjoy Christmas stockings.


  Now, a startup called manpacks offers a subscription service that ships a box full of new underwear and socks to them several times a year.


学习啦在线学习网   The first time could have been chalked up to charming idiosyncrasy. The second seemed like an effort to bring some levity to a complicated situation. But the third and fourth (and fifth and so on) times that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada wore themed socks on a public occasion, it seemed clear that something more calculated was going on.

学习啦在线学习网   第一次可以归为可爱的癖好。第二次像是企图给错综复杂的局面带来一点轻快。但加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)第三和第四(第五以及更多)次在政治场合穿主题袜子,似乎清楚表明这其中有更蓄意的成分。

  You’ve heard of fashion diplomacy, or frock diplomacy? The practice whereby a female politician, or the wife of a world leader, uses clothing to convey unspoken messages about a platform or position, or as a form of outreach?


  Well, this is clearly sock diplomacy. It’s a new tactic in the political playbook.

学习啦在线学习网   那么,这显然就是袜子外交了。这是政治攻略中的一项新战术。

  And it reached an apogee of sorts on Sunday, when Mr. Trudeau marched in Toronto’s Gay Pride Parade wearing a rainbow-striped pair printed with the words “Eid Mubarak” in recognition of the Islamic festival that marks the end of Ramadan, and which coincided with this year’s parade. Yes, he honored two communities with one pair of socks. And he did so while also supporting local industry: They were made by a Toronto-based company, Halal Socks, and cost .99. All that doesn’t happen by accident.

  上周日,这种战术似乎达到了某种顶峰,当时特鲁多穿着一对彩色条纹图案的袜子,出现在多伦多同性恋骄傲游行的队伍中,袜子上印着“Eid Mubarak”(开斋节快乐)的字样,旨在欢庆标志着斋月结束的伊斯兰节日,该节日碰巧与今年的游行是同一天。没错,他以一双袜子同时向两个群体致了敬。与此同时他还支持了本地产业:那双袜子是由总部在多伦多的公司清真袜业(Halal Socks)生产,价值14.99美元。所有这一切并非偶然。

  It also followed closely on an appearance in regular rainbow socks for a Pride flag-raising on June 14 in Ottawa, and one on the syndicated TV show “Live with Kelly and Ryan” on June 5 in patriotic maple leaf socks — which he also wore in 2015 at a gathering of Canada’s provincial heads of government.

学习啦在线学习网   不久前,这位总理曾在6月14日于渥太华举行的骄傲升旗仪式上穿过一双普通的彩虹袜,在6月5日参加联播电视节目《凯利与瑞安真情对话》(Live with Kelly and Ryan)时穿过一双爱国主义的枫叶图案袜子——这双袜子他在2015年参加加拿大省级政府领导人的一次聚会时也穿过。

学习啦在线学习网   There was another smart socks show in May during a NATO meeting in Brussels, when Mr. Trudeau wore one blue sock and one pink, each with the NATO flag emblazoned on the side.

学习啦在线学习网   在今年5月于布鲁塞尔举行的北约(NATO)会议上,还有过一次精彩的袜子秀,当时特鲁多穿了一只蓝色袜子和一只粉色袜子,每只袜子的一侧都印着醒目的北约旗帜。

  And that followed a much documented meeting with Enda Kenny, then the prime minister of Ireland, to which Mr. Trudeau wore “Star Wars” socks (it was International “Star Wars” Day). I could go on, but you get the idea.

  在那之前,还有一次多有记载的与爱尔兰总理恩达·肯尼(Enda Kenny)的会面,当时特鲁多穿了一双《星球大战》主题的袜子(那天是国际星球大战日)。我还可以列举更多,不过我想你已经知道我在说什么。

  In each case, Mr. Trudeau’s socks were not just fun, though they kind of were, especially compared with the usual politician’s navy or black; they also contained a message of solidarity. Rarely have a man’s ankles said so much.


  It’s pretty clever. Men, after all, have significantly fewer options than women when it comes to implicit communication via clothing.

学习啦在线学习网   这是非常聪明的做法。毕竟,在通过服装表达含蓄信息方面,男人的选择比女人少多了。

  Unlike Hillary Clinton with her white pantsuits, they can’t use color to support an idea. They can’t really wear suits by different tailors for every country they visit to support local industry, the way Michelle Obama often did and the Duchess of Cambridge does.

学习啦在线学习网   男性政客不能像希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)穿白色衣裤套装一样,用颜色来支持一种观念。他们不能真的在出访各个国家时穿由不同的设计师设计的套装,就像过去的米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)和现在的剑桥公爵夫人所做的一样。

学习啦在线学习网   Wearing a themed tie might be a bit obvious. Occasion-appropriate cuff links would probably be too hard for anyone to spot. But socks? They’re subtle enough not to be distracting, but visible enough that you can’t miss the point. That’s an original solution to the problem. And it’s working.

学习啦在线学习网   戴主题领带可能会有点扎眼。佩戴与场合相配的袖扣则有可能难以让人注意到。但袜子呢?它们足够低调,不会让人分心,但也足够显眼,不会让人错过。这是解决这个问题的很有独创性的办法。而且很有效。

  Mr. Trudeau’s socks have begun to take on a life of their own, chronicled, and mostly celebrated, by observers everywhere.

学习啦在线学习网   特鲁多的袜子已经开始有了自己的生命,被各地的观察人士一一记录在案,而且大多数时候是表示称赞。

学习啦在线学习网   There are, of course, those who take exception to a head of government wearing what have historically been treated as joke, or kitsch, accessories.


  The point being that the socks reinforce the early criticism of Mr. Trudeau, voiced during his campaign for office, as a lightweight. (On the other hand, you could also see them as his attempt to own that stereotype and reverse it, now that he’s in power.)


  And there are those who pointed out, vis-à-vis the Eid/Pride twofer, that many Muslim countries persecute or sometimes even kill gay citizens, and accused Mr. Trudeau of eliding the issue in his desire to acknowledge everyone at once.


  But over all, the socks have been a source of, well, pride and applause on an international scale — a symbol both of Mr. Trudeau’s ability to embrace multiculturalism and of his position as a next-gen leader not bound by antiquated traditions and mores. Besides, they’re a good icebreaker. (See: Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany bending down to admire Mr. Trudeau’s choice at NATO.) After all, even when there’s no obvious theme to celebrate, Mr. Trudeau rarely chooses the plain pair, opting for argyle or stripes instead, among other patterns. When he met the chairwoman of Xerox, he was wearing a diamond style. She complimented him.


  While it’s doubtful Mr. Trudeau will immediately inspire a copycat trend of funky sock-wearing among other world leaders — even those, such as President Emmanuel Macron of France, who appear to be like-minded — it has nevertheless opened up possibilities for the future.

  特鲁多不太可能在其他世界领导人中激起穿时髦袜子的风潮——虽说包括法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)在内的一些领导人似乎的确与他志趣相投——但它为未来打开了更多的可能。

  In the meantime, the world watches, and waits, for Mr. Trudeau’s next sock statement.






