传统话题涵盖的领域极为宽泛,无论是谈论人物、描述事物、还是叙述经历,tradition都是一个很活跃的展开点。比如要谈论活动(events),那么活动具有的传统习俗(traditional ritual)是一个较好的切入点;再比如谈论婚礼,传统婚礼模式(traditional wedding)和西方婚礼模式(western wedding)之间的差异和互补就是一个必讲的要点。下面是小编为您收集整理的雅思口语必杀全攻略之传统活动,供大家参考!
学习啦在线学习网 上一讲中,我们讨论了传统话题在雅思口试第一阶段中出现的话题模式、答题要求及应对技巧和策略。在这一讲中,专家将继续探讨“传统”话题在口试第二、三阶段中所扮演的角色。笔者将按照“传统”话题系统分类,并进行一一列举,给出真题实例及参考答案。
学习啦在线学习网 传统活动“对对碰”
【Cue Card 1】:
学习啦在线学习网 分析:考生首先需挑选某个节日
学习啦在线学习网 Chinese traditional festival:
Spring Festival(春节)、Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)、Dragon Boat festival(端午节)、Double Ninth Festival(重阳节)、Pure Brightness Festival(清明节)、Lantern Festival(元宵节)
activities:(参见雅思口语“必杀”全攻略— 传统话题系列文章之一:传统节日)
学习啦在线学习网 【回答】: The Spring Festival is the most important traditional Chinese festival and it is also my favorite holiday. On New Year’s Eve, the whole family gets together and has a wonderful supper. After supper, the elders give the children lucky money with which the young can buy whatever they want. During the Spring Festival, people visit their relatives and wish each other ’Happy New Year’. Throughout the Spring Festival, everyone is much more friendly and kinder than at any other time of the year, and you feel that the world is full of love. During the Spring Festival, since there is no school, the children always walk in the streets in groups, singing and laughing. Sometimes they set off firecrackers and generally have a good time. The young always go shopping or go to the parks together, or they stay at home and enjoy special TV programs. There is a peaceful and happy atmosphere.
学习啦在线学习网 扩展信息:Changes about celebrating the festival:
学习啦在线学习网 going out to have a get-together dinner or party in restaurants instead of big exhausting home dinner;
making a phone call to one’s friends and relatives or sending e-mails or forwarding short messages by cell phone to express good wishes instead of troublesome visiting;
学习啦在线学习网 taking the advantages of modern communication devices to improve the efficiency
学习啦在线学习网 【Cue Card 2】:
【回答】: I am a firm believer of a saying” Culture is one of the very few things that can make people get obsessed with forever”. Indeed, it is like a fashion, like a trademark, like a time. It is Cambridge made me know about UK. It is Disney made me know about USA. It is Louis Vuitton made me know about France. Talking about interesting culture, I think the most impressive one is Chinese culture.(注意:本句为经典套句,可以模仿,但句式复杂,同类从句避免运用过多。作为开头,无需用例文中的所有排比句式,建议挑选用,不然显得累赘,不能马上切入主题。)Chinese wedding, as one of the most fantastic parts in (句式不错)Chinese culture, never fails to(双重否定表肯定=can always )draw any attention anytime. Here I would like to tell you about two typical customs involved in Chinese wedding: the hair combing ceremony and door-game playing.
Although it is not always performed today, it is a lovely ritual that got special meaning. Anyway, I would do it when I get married. The night before the wedding, the bride is supposed to bathe and then take a seat in front of lit candles. Her hair is combed four times by her mother. It is considered to be fortunate in life. The first combing symbolizes “from beginning to end”(一梳梳到底). The second means “harmony form youth though old”(二梳白发齐眉) which is followed by the third combing with a wish for many grandchildren(三梳子孙满堂). And it ends up with the fourth combing offers hope for wealth and a happily-ever-after marriage(白头到老). Isn’t it sweet?
学习啦在线学习网 Another ceremony I wanna talk about here is what we called” Door game”. Say, when groom picks up(接) the bride, and he will be blocked at the front door by bride’s relatives or friends, and the bridesmaids will play door game with the groom and his groomsmen. Bridesmaids will try to stop him from entering by asking tough questions. It is supposed to be a way to test if he really cares about her. They may also do other tricks to delay the bride’s leaving. The groom will try to get through the door by presenting “lucky money”, money wrapped in red envelopes, to the bridesmaid. Finally, the groom has to give the bride a piggy back(give sb a piggy back背某人) to the limo waiting outside.(例文中描述了两种传统婚礼的仪式1.梳头2.撞门游戏。中心段落有些过长,可以不必完全背诵,建议学生参考例文的描写模式。)
学习啦在线学习网 Certainly, there are still millions of other cool customs, such as bed setting, 12-course traditional Chinese wedding banquet, bowing procedure, rings exchanging, arm-crossed drinking, paper cutting of dragon and phoenix, double happiness…all of these make Chinese wedding really special.(最后一段列举了鞠躬,交换戒指,交杯酒,龙凤剪纸,双喜剪纸,建议学生可以参考一下这些术语的英语表达)
学习啦在线学习网 “武装到牙齿”的回答
学习啦在线学习网 【Question 1】:
Do you think people need festivals?
分析:建议考生回答“是”。The answer is probably yes.
学习啦在线学习网 然后给出理由。Tell why it is so by giving some specific reasons.
学习啦在线学习网 【回答】: Absolutely. For one thing, people need to take some time off their normal duties and relax. There is always a holiday atmosphere during these times and that’s important. Also it gives an opportunity for people to socialize. And it’s a time for get together. Family reunion, in my opinion, is one of the most charming and exciting things about festivals. It strengthens family bonds.
【Question 2】:
学习啦在线学习网 Are there any traditional skills in your country?
学习啦在线学习网 思路拓展:考生可以考虑:What are they?
Do you think people try to learn these skills?
【回答】: Well, yes. We have all kinds of skills such as woodcarving(木雕), sculpturing(雕塑), paper cutting(剪纸), sewing(缝纫) and knitting(编织), cooking local food and so on. But less and less people nowadays are showing interest in traditional skills. I think the reason is that modern science and technology is developing with a faster pace than ever before. So many high-tech products and devices are available for modern consumers that they tend to think science and technology is what life is all about, and they tend to care less and less about the humanities, histories and traditions.
分析:由于传统技术本身就是一种文化遗产(cultural heritage),因此技术其实是对传统的一种继承形式。由于现代科技的发展速度过快,导致人们产生“重科技、轻人文”的思维倾向;很显然,该回答把人们不欣赏传统技术的原因归结为“科技发展 VS 人文传统”的两元对立。于是,在我们阐述原因的同时,就很巧妙地把隐藏在深处的humanities, histories and traditions推到了台前,显示出讲话者的人文关怀。而在谈到年轻人不再关心传统技术的时候,也折射出对于传统文化渐渐式微的一种忧虑之心。
文章来源:雅思中国网 http://www.ieltschn.com
学习啦在线学习网 “Pronunciation”作为雅思口语四大评分标准之一有着举足轻重的作用。相对于流利度、连贯性、词汇和语法,评分标准中对于语音的描述是最少的,甚至九个分数段中有实质性描述的只有四个分数段,其余的分数段也都是以这四个描述为参考来评分。但是,在雅思口语考试必须与考官互动的特定模式下,发音的正确与否,标准与否,最能直接影响到考官对考生的印象和理解。不可否认的是,不论是雅思口语,还是新托福口语,只要是练习英语口语,都常常会存在很多语音问题。在此不是专门来做语音方面的研究,而是就考生们平时易犯的发音错误以及习惯性的发音错误作出总结,以便考生们能够查漏补缺,及时更正。
学习啦在线学习网 一、地域性发音的影响
学习啦在线学习网 很多地方性语言的发音常常会影响到英语语音的学习。当然,这里我们不谈汉语,不谈普通话,只说英语。这一现象体现在英语发音中最突出的当数部分考生”n”和”l”不能很好的区分。一些基本的词汇,尤其以此两个辅音开头的单词,如果发音混淆,则是全然不同的意思,如”nine”和”line”,这样势必会造成考官理解上面的问题。
如果说有时候两个辅音的互换不会产生太大理解方面的问题,但长时间不加以区分,考官听着也会不自觉地产生一种压迫感。下面是一位考生在第二部分描述自己的一位家庭成员时的话,说到她的姐姐像个假小子:… I guess you can imagine that she really looks like a boy. When she was in middle school, she cut down her long hair, started to wear large shirt and became a boyish girl… 如果就这两句话中出现的”l”,发音都换成”n”的音,考官或许能明白,但听起来却比较难受。
学习啦在线学习网 二、发不出的“th”
[θ]和[e]两个音标都是”th”的发音,汉语中此种发音方式的缺乏直接导致很多考生从练习口语一开始就发不出这个音。就像很多English native speakers说汉语的“谢谢[xiexie]”会发[?e?e],是因为其中不卷舌的[x]也不存在于他们语言的发音方式中。由此许多单词也会产生意义上的区别如最常提到的”think”和”sink”,造成理解上的障碍。也有的如“with”等不阻碍大意的词,但对两个音的长期忽略同样会造成考官听觉上的不适。
学习啦在线学习网 多考生在平时学习词汇的过程中很容易忽视一些细节,而重音的错置就是其中之一。有的考生在习惯了单词重音为第二个音节之后,对一些重音在单词第一个音节上的细节便视而不见了。例如雅思口语中经常谈论到的”television”, “newspaper”,对于这样熟悉且简单的单词很多考生发出的重音仍然在tele’vision和news’paper上。如此重音错置的例子屡见不鲜,而重音的错误往往会导致整个语句的不顺畅,听起来很别扭。
雅思口语考试对语音的包容性让很多考生选择了自己喜欢的美式英语,但这也意味着很多考生开始了对“儿化音”的情有独钟。”because”和“of course”并不一样,后者有”r”可以“儿化”;前者却没有,可很多考生都喜欢把它读成[bi’k?rz]。事实上,无论英式还是美式,它都发 [bi’k?z]。”China”, “Christmas”, “August”, ” idea”都是很典型的例子,单词的拼写中红色标记的部分后面并没有”r”,但是考生读出来时却无端产生了”r”的音。
学习啦在线学习网 有的考生习惯了”nation”, “promotion”,看到”precision”, “decision”的时候觉得也应该发[??n],但事实上这两个单词中”-sion”应该发[??n];”address”这个词大家都很熟悉了,有的考生一直读的是[?d’dres],因为觉得里面有两个”d”,但其实正确的读音当然是[?’dres]。这只是两个简单的例子,说明自己根据经验来判断和学习新的单词的发音本身是一种不太可取的习惯。当然,事先可以做猜测,但一定要根据字典来确认自己的猜测是否正确,以便一开始学到的就是正确的发音。须知有的单词或音节看起来长得很像,但实际发音却可能有区别,所以千万不能主观臆断。错误的发音如果先入为主,到后面发现自己错了,再纠正也会相对困难了。
学习啦在线学习网 上述的错误发音并没有发生频率高低的统计,但肯定是考生发音中最常见的几种错误。虽然有的不会造成理解上较大的阻碍,但过多的重复性失误足以让考生们在这项评分标准中失分。对于这些发音上面所犯的错误,有的考生自己其实并没有察觉到,这就有待身边的人,或者老师,或者同学朋友给予指正。也有的考生觉得遇到某些音要么发不出来,要么自己的舌头或鼻腔就不听使唤;单词的重音一不小心就会发错,但归根到底其实是一开始就没有养成好的发音习惯,在矫正的过程中自己的练习还不足够,因此就达不到语音的流利度。建议考生,对于语音的培养一定要掌握正确的学习方法,有耐心有毅力。像[θ]和[e]的发音,并不是考生们做不到或做不到位,只是做得少,没有习惯成自然。所以只要能很好地克服从不习惯到习惯的过程中的种种困难,语音才能被彻底地纠正和标准化。