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托福口语备考掌握3个审题技巧 提高自己的口语审题能力

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  托福口语备考掌握3个审题技巧 提高自己的口语审题能力

学习啦在线学习网   托福口语审题案例

学习啦在线学习网   谈到托福口语怎么练习,一般而言,对于新托福口语中的关键词和关键句应该慢读,做到充分理解,牢牢把握;而对非关键词和非关键句应加快阅读速度,留出多于时间,用以反复阅读重点句或归纳总结。例子如下:

  A lot of people think that cultural anthropology is just about studying the special and strange aspects of a society, but anthropologists are also interested in the aspects of life that seems so ordinary that the people in the society think they are not significant.


  在托福口语学习时读的过程中我们很容易找到关键词,如:cultural anthropology, the special and strange aspects of life, but, anthropologists, interested, ordinary, significant。这些关键词反映了此句的主要信息:"许多人认为文化人类学就是研究特殊而奇怪的社会现象,但人类学家有时还对一些人们认为不重要的、看起来很普通的生活现象感兴趣。

  "通过分析关键词,我们又发现"but"这个具有转折意义的连接词,它向我们显示了此句的后半句才是整个句子的核心部分,它提示我们阅读时应更加留心阅读后半句的关键词,提炼关键信息。因此,我们可以很肯定地确认此句最重要的意义应该是:"Anthropologists are also interested in the aspects of life so ordinary that people don’t think they are significant."并且也可以很肯定地预测,如有下文,也一定是就后半句所反映的核心信息继续论述,而不是前半句的。

学习啦在线学习网   托福口语审题的最终意义

学习啦在线学习网   这样,相信大家也应该了解了托福口语怎么练习。我们就会把目光把注意力更加有目的地集中在后半句的关键词上,而对那些附加修饰、说明的部分,如:修饰people的a lot of 、in the society就可以快速阅读,甚至略去不读,因为它并不影响我们对中心意思的理解与把握,同时也可以通过新托福口语的考验。


  托福口语Task 1关于“人物性格”题


  What are important characteristics you look for in friends?

学习啦在线学习网   I think what makes a good friend is someone who is honest, supportive, and has a good sense of humor. I just look for someone who's honest to me no matter what. He should not tell stories behind my back; he should tell me my short-comings at my mouth, but never praisesme in front of me.

  It is a well known saying that "A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED." Therefore, a friend should stand by you in the hour of any sort of need. I just think that a good friend won't leave me if I'm in trouble. They can be my friends in sunshine and in shade, care for me even when the times are bad and even more when the times are great.

  Also, I'd love to spend more time with someone who can make me laugh and is fun to be around.