学习啦在线学习网 托福口语是电脑录音,评判者是通过听录音来做分数评估的,所以,“说得快”未必是件好事,说得清楚才是重点。考虑到评卷者的“听觉疲劳”,说话的“断句”和重点词汇在重音和语调上的突出,则是有效传达信息的关键。所以同学们不要一味求快,而要注意断句,语调和重音。下面我们就为大家介绍一下托福口语第六题模板Task6的解答方法和技巧。
语言的外包装,但做好了这一切是绝对不够的。正如每个人在打开美丽的包装盒时所期待的是盒子里面更加诱人的礼物一样,每个考官在悦耳的声音背后更想想吸纳入耳的绝对是有组织,有意义的词句。所以另一重对语言的要求也接踵而至,即说话的 “实效性”:思维逻辑,语言组织和词句质量。
学习啦在线学习网 托福口语第六题模板Task6要求和出题模式:
托福口语第六题模板Task6介绍的出题模式是listening + speaking,即大概1~2分钟的听力材料,加上自己说的部分。而第六题不同于前面的综合口语题目,这部分的听力内容是比较偏向于学术方面的,涉及领域广泛,有政治类、教育类、人文类,甚至一些专业领域如物理等等。所以成为许多考生的难点和失分点。
学习啦在线学习网 托福口语第六题模板Task6介绍解题方法:
一般情况下,lecturer都会告诉听的人这段话主要讲什么,他们会从一个现象、一个概念或者一个问题出发,提出自己的观点和看法,或者就之前提出的现象开展论述。典型的提示句就是“Today I’d like to talk about ……”之类的句子。
What is you favorite place for reading?
学习啦在线学习网 Answer 1:
I think my favorite place for reading is the library. First because in the library, many students are reading and you will read with them. Second because in the library, you can get many books easily, so you can get to the information quickly. En …so I like to read in the library.
学习啦在线学习网 Answer 2:
学习啦在线学习网 Unlike many people, my favorite place for reading is the park. I just like the atmosphere. Reading is tiring, and when I feel tired, I can look up from the book and see people jogging on the path and boating on the lake. Then I feel relaxed. Still, when your eyes feel tired, there are many green trees and lawns to give them a good rest. In the park, you can see many old people taking their beloved birds and dogs for a walk. This gives me inspirations. Indeed, I like to read in parks rather than in libraries or classrooms.
学习啦在线学习网 大家一比较就会觉得,前者了无生趣,机械死板,内容单薄;而后者新颖独特,语言丰富,内容翔实。第一和第二题的信心来自提前的准备。但考生又会有疑问,题目范围如此之广,涉题领域如此之大,怎么下手去准备呢?题目有无数,准备题目自然不是上策,而准备“资料库”,学会“借题发挥”则不一样,定会事半功倍,效果非凡。于是第一和第二题的成败关键就在于资料库的搭建和“转话”技巧的培养。
学习啦在线学习网 第四和第六题类似,是通过听一段课堂讲座来答题。生僻词汇,快速语流给同学们造成了听力上的巨大障碍。于是大家首要解决的问题是如何对待听力材料,如何最好的利用听到何读到的信息,如何在合理的答题结构中来隐藏听力的缺失。这样的题目对说话的技巧要求是非常高的,而掌握这些技巧就是考试信心的源泉。
学习啦在线学习网 讲座要点听于耳,答题套路埋于心。
学习啦在线学习网 如果大家能够充分准备,知道托福口语怎么练,就能信心百倍,托福口语考试将不再是“鬼门关”,而是“凯旋门”。
学习啦在线学习网 What type of book do you enjoy reading, history, romance or other? Include details and examples to support your response. (2008.10.18=2008.10.17)
学习啦在线学习网 遇到这样的问题,如果在平时对类似话题没有任何准备的情况下,要在15秒内完成构思,可能还是有些难度的。教研君还是鼓励大家,在平时准备口语任务时,尽量把相关话题放在一起练习,这样既能提高复习效率,也为考场上应对类似话题做好充分准备。
学习啦在线学习网 下面,就分别从history和romance作为切入点,对话题进行阐述。托友们在平时准备时,也可以这样去练习,举一反三,触类旁通。
Sample 1
Intro: history books
1. real stories
学习啦在线学习网 2. problems are faced by all people, moral values
Transitional words: First, Second, Finally
结语:Let's read.
学习啦在线学习网 According to Francis Bacon, histories make men wise. And I firmly believe in this statement. So, sometimes I spend hours reading stories in the history books.
First, although the events or stories described in those books happened long time ago, they are real stories and can help us to have a general idea of what the society was like during a particular period of time in history. Besides, it is fascinating to know how people of our age live hundreds of years ago. What do they pursue in life? Do we still have something in common? I think some moral values are well inherited by modern people though the society changes quickly. For example, we should respect the elder and cherish the young.
Second, we may come across some problems in our own life. Sometimes, the problems seem so overwhelming that we cannot handle. Actually, some problems are faced by all people no matter which era of the history we belong to. For example, how should we face the loss of our closest family members? Or how should we face death ourselves? Or what's the meaning of life? If we can read those stories about how our ancestors face these problems, we may have a greater respect to life and hold a more positive attitude towards life.
学习啦在线学习网 Finally, I still like to say that histories do make people wise. Let's read.