婚礼合唱 Bridal Chorus ; Wedding Chorus ; Briding Chorus
合唱曲 chorus ; Choral ; ensemble ;
混声合唱 Mixed chorus ; Mixed ; SATB ; mixed chorus
学习啦在线学习网 男女合唱 DjLiangZiMix ; Come on now ; a mixed chorus
男声合唱 Male ; coro maschile ; male chorus ; Men Small Group Chorus
学习啦在线学习网 家族合唱 Portraits of the Families
谢安琪合唱 My Heart Will Go On ; If I Ain't Got You
合唱队员 chorist ; choralist ; choreutae ; choreutai
钢铁合唱 Anvil Chorus
学习啦在线学习网 1. His collection of choral music from around the world is called "Voices".
学习啦在线学习网 他收录自世界各地的合唱音乐集取名为《声音》。
2. How about a nice sing-along around the piano?
学习啦在线学习网 3. Their voices blend marvellously as they sing in chorus.
学习啦在线学习网 他们合唱时嗓音非常和谐.
4. Never before have I heard this song sung in chorus.
学习啦在线学习网 我从来没有听过这首歌的合唱.
5. They teed off the program with a female chorus.
学习啦在线学习网 他们演出的第一个节目是女声合唱.
学习啦在线学习网 6. Tom sang the verses and everybody joined in chorus.
学习啦在线学习网 汤姆唱独唱部分,然后大家一起唱合唱部分.
7. All of us joined lustily in the chorus.
学习啦在线学习网 我们全都劲头十足地加入了合唱.
8. Their voices blend marvelously as they sing in chorus.
学习啦在线学习网 他们合唱时嗓音非常和谐。
9. His collection of choral music from around the world is called 'Voices'.
学习啦在线学习网 10. Students played the lesser parts and sang in the chorus.
学习啦在线学习网 学生扮演一些次要角色,并且参与合唱。
11. The programme opened with the chorus of the old artists.
学习啦在线学习网 节目以老艺术家们的合唱开始.
12. All of us joined in to swell the chorus.
13. A small voice cuts thinly through the bass chorus.
14. We continued to rehearse / continued rehearsing the chorus after the break.
15. Did you join in the community sing?
It's often said that eating breakfast is the key tostarting your day properly, but apparently there isanother important physical activity you need to startoff on the right foot. Singing together is good forharmony in the workplace, for productivity and forgeneral wellbeing.
学习啦在线学习网 人们经常说,吃早餐是美好一天的开始,然而,一项重要的身体运动也可以带你开始美好的一天。合唱有利于增进同事感情,提高生产力,增强体质。
There are two hundred people here with their hands above their heads.
学习啦在线学习网 现在这里有200多人,他们把手高高举过头顶。
学习啦在线学习网 I'm a conductor and a composer. Then I'm the artistic director, manager of the CopenhagenOpera Festival. I hope that we will get a movement in Denmark that in firms, in factories, inschools, in every place, in the parliament that the dance would sing maybe once a week ormaybe every morning, because I really think you'll cooperate much better with the colleague.If you have been standing together next to a person singing together, you can be mad at thatperson. So I would love, if this could be a movement that spreads all over the scene. Let'ssing together.
I work as a hostess at the Danish Broadcasting Radio. You know, I will be singing for the rest ofday, so that tells everything about why this is good to sing in the morning. And literally, itopens my body. Let go. Open your body. You open your eyes. You open you mouth. You openyour body. And that is you open your heart. So all these things together combined make yourday even better, because when you are opened in your body, you are also open-minded.
I perform at the Copenhagen Opera Festival this year. It's not unusual for a lot of people tojoin in on a rock tune or something like that, but it would always be an imitation. But here singtogether with your own voice and you can sing these songs together. And I think it's a veryimportant aspect if you are happy and ready to begin the day. Sometimes in yoga classespeople do a little bit of chanting, and that seems like connecting the voice to the body. I thinkit's bit of the same here. Of course, it's much more voice and perhaps less body in that sense,but I think it's just as important.
I really believe that singing is important for our souls but also for our mental development.
学习啦在线学习网 我坚信唱歌对我们的灵魂来说是重要的,对我们心智的发展也是很重要的。