僵尸电脑 Machine zombie ; zombie
僵尸先生 Mr. Vampire ; Mr Vampire
学习啦在线学习网 僵尸审判 Concile cadavérique ; Cadaver Synod
僵尸围城 Rise Of The Dead Pixels ; Dead Rising ; Attack from the Dead ; Zombies Rising
学习啦在线学习网 僵尸枪手 Zombie Shooter ; Zombie gunner
僵尸时代 Age of Zombies ; Zombie Age ; Age of Zombisexuales ; Age of
学习啦在线学习网 僵尸农场 Zombie Farm ; Tap Tap Zombie ; Zombie Island ; General or VIP pack
学习啦在线学习网 1. Lorrie didn't stop going dead every time he touched her.
2. He looked like a zombie the morning after he went out drinking.
学习啦在线学习网 3. There are no such things as ghouls, ghosts, goblins or monsters.
学习啦在线学习网 着世界上没有鬼, 僵尸, 妖精和怪物这回事.
4. She actually lives in the mines with the other zombie freaks?
学习啦在线学习网 5. One zombie is let loose into this law - abiding scene to attack everybody.
学习啦在线学习网 6. The corpse advanced on him, the pick held over his head.
学习啦在线学习网 僵尸正向他走来, 镐头直直地对准他的头部.
学习啦在线学习网 7. The others, moving slowly, were wading out into the underground pool.
其他的僵尸, 正缓缓地趟进地下水中.
学习啦在线学习网 8. This Garden Rake out the first zombie that steps on it!
9. Our current preoccupation with zombies and vampires is easy to explain.
10. Synopsis : An amnesiac spy awakens in a world overrun by zombies.
学习啦在线学习网 一个记忆缺失的特工在一个僵尸遍野的世界苏醒.
11. Independent Zombie Film makers Producer Mike Masters and Director David J.
学习啦在线学习网 独立僵尸电影制作者迈克·马斯特斯和导演戴维·J·弗朗西斯的作品.
12. They rule out the cities, which are thick with monsters.
学习啦在线学习网 他们首先排除城市, 因为那里有僵尸聚集.
13. No. Casting Zombie on a Zombified character should cancel the status.
学习啦在线学习网 14. When you come on stage, look like a deadpan.
学习啦在线学习网 你在舞台上面无表情, 像具僵尸.
15. The corpse drew the pick back over its head for another swing.
学习啦在线学习网 僵尸将镐头缓缓举起,一直拉到脑后,准备发动第二次挥击.
Everyone knows that zombies only exist in horror movies. Or do they? A new article in the University of Leicester's 'Journal of Physics Special Topics' predicts that zombies would kill almost everyone on Earth in just 100 days. Students predicted there would only be 273 survivors after three months of a zombie apocalypse. The students were not, of course, using real zombies found in fiction. Instead, they pretended that a deadly virus had infected someone and then spread around the world. They decided that one person with the virus would have a 90 per cent chance of infecting another person every day. They calculated that at that rate, the human population would fall to just 273 people by day 100.
A professor at the university, Mervin Roy, explained why students did research into a zombie apocalypse, even though zombies do not exist. He said: "Every year we ask students to write short papers for the Journal of Physics Special Topics. It lets the students show off their creative side and apply some of the physics they know to the weird, the wonderful, or the everyday." He also said it gives students valuable practice in writing and reviewing academic papers. He added that the annual research tested the ability of students to apply their understanding of physics to hypothetical scenarios (imaginary situations). This could help in the future to prepare us for real-life disasters.
学习啦在线学习网 这所大学一位教授Mervin Roy解释了为何学生们研究僵尸毁灭地球的问题,尽管僵尸并不存在。他说:“每年我们都要求学生为《物理学特别话题期刊》写一篇简短的论文。要求学生们展示出有创意的一面,使用他们知道的物理学知识来解释一些怪异的,精彩的或者日常的话题。”他还表示,这让学生有了书写和审查学术论文的珍贵的体验。他补充说,这种一年一度的调查研究检验了学生们应用对物理学知识的理解来假设情景的能力。这可以帮助我们应对未来真实生活中的灾难。