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学习啦在线学习网   sweetheart



  情人节 Valentine's Day ; Saint-Valentin ;

  致命情人 Bullet for My Valentine ;

学习啦在线学习网   迷宫情人 Maze Lover

学习啦在线学习网   后备情人 Spare Lover

  双面情人 Sliding Doors ; Lover With Two Faces ;

  两个情人 Two Lovers ;

学习啦在线学习网   天使情人 Angel Lover ;

  完美情人 Perfect Lover ; A Perfect Match ;

  小情人 Little darling


学习啦在线学习网   1. He tried to throw police off the track of his lover.

学习啦在线学习网   他努力让警方无法跟踪他的情人。

学习啦在线学习网   2. Her lover walked out on her after she had aborted their child.

学习啦在线学习网   她的情人在她打掉胎儿后甩了她。

  3. She lied to her husband so she could meet her lover.

学习啦在线学习网   她对丈夫撒了谎,好与情人幽会。

学习啦在线学习网   4. He sang "My Funny Valentine" to a piano accompaniment.


  5. Police want to interview her jilted lover.

学习啦在线学习网   警方想找那个被她抛弃的情人来问话。

学习啦在线学习网   6. Every Thursday she would meet her lover Leon.


  7. He's every girl's dream!


  8. The photos showed her cavorting on the beach with her new lover.

学习啦在线学习网   这些照片展现了她和新情人在海滩上放荡嬉戏的情景。

  9. It's Valentine's Day and lurve is in the air.


  10. Fernand smiled piteously. " A lover is never terrible, " he said.

学习啦在线学习网   弗尔南多凄然微笑了一下, “ 一个情人是永远不会使人害怕的! ” 他说.

学习啦在线学习网   11. She blushed at the mention of her lover's name.

学习啦在线学习网   她因说到她情人的名字而脸红.

学习啦在线学习网   12. Love is a sweet tyranny , because the lover endures his torment willingly.

  爱情是甜蜜的暴政, 情人甘心忍受它的折磨.

  13. She sat in the house day after day, pining for her lover.

  她一连几天坐在房屋里, 思念着自己的情人.

学习啦在线学习网   14. She's married but she has a lover on the side.


学习啦在线学习网   15. I met an old flame when I was in a pub.


  关于情人的英文阅读:Grandpa's Valentine 爷爷的情人卡

学习啦在线学习网   I received a call from the nursing home. Grandpa was failing rapidly. I should come. There was nothing to do but hold his hand. "I love you, Grandpa. Thank you for always being there for me."

学习啦在线学习网   我接到了疗养院的电话,爷爷的情况急转直下,应该去了。我什么也做不了,只能握着他的手说:“爷爷,我爱你。谢谢你一直陪伴着我。”

  Memories...memories...six days a week, Grandpa in that old blue shirt caring for those cattle...on hot summer days plowing the soil, planting the corn and beans and harvesting them in the fall...always working from dawn to dusk. Survival demanded work, work, work.


  But on Sundays he put on his gray suit and hat. Grandma wore her wine-colored dress and ivory beads, and they went to church. Grandpa and Grandma were quiet, peaceful, unemotional people.


  The nurse apologized for having to ask me so soon to remove Grandpa's things from the room. It would not take long. There wasn't much. Then I found it in the top drawer of his nightstand. It looked like a very old handmade valentine. What must have been red paper at one time was a streaked faded pink. A piece of white paper had been glued to the center of the heart. On it, penned in Grandma's handwriting, were these words:

学习啦在线学习网   护士向我道歉,说不得不这么快就请我把爷爷的物品从房间里搬走,其实搬东西也用不了很久,爷爷身无长物。搬东西时,我在他的床头几最上面的抽屉里发现了一样东西。那看起来像是一张旧的自制的情人卡,以前应该是红色的纸现在退色了,变成了带有斑纹的粉红色,红心的中央用胶水粘着一张白纸,上面是奶奶用钢笔写下的一段文字,内容是这样的:





学习啦在线学习网   With All My Love,

  February 14, 1895

  Are you alive? Real? Or are you the most beautiful dream that I have had in years? Are you an angel—or a figment of my imagination? Someone I fabricated to fill the void? To soothe the pain? Where did you find the time to listen? How could you understand?

学习啦在线学习网   你是真实的、活生生的吗?难道说你是我这么多年来最美丽的梦?你是一个天使吗?——或者你只是我想象中的幻影,为了填补空虚,为了抚平创伤臆造出来的人物?你是从哪里找到时间来听我诉说的?你又为何总能理解我呢?

  You made me laugh when my heart was crying. You took me dancing when I couldn't take a step. You helped me set new goals when I was dying. You showed me dew drops and I had diamonds. You brought me wildflowers and I had orchids. You sang to me and angelic choirs burst forth in song. You held my hand and my whole being loved you. You gave me a ring and I belonged to you. I belonged to you and I have experienced all.



  Tears streamed down my cheeks as I read the words. I pictured the old couple I had always known. It's difficult to imagine your grandparents in any other role than that. What I read was so beautiful and sacred. Grandpa had kept it all those years. Now it is framed on my dresser, a treasured part of family history.

学习啦在线学习网   我读着这些话,泪水扑面而下。我想象着一直以来就认识的这对老夫妇。要把爷爷奶奶想象成其他角色是那样的困难。我读到的字句却是如此美丽而神圣。爷爷这些年一直保存着这张卡,而现在,我把它装上镜框,放在梳妆台上。它成了一份弥足珍贵的家族历史。





