学习啦在线学习网 When the British say "Oh, incidentally / by the way... " They mean "The primary purpose of our discussion is..." But what others understand is "That is not very important."
When the British say "I was a bit disappointed that... " They mean "I am annoyed that..." But what others understand is "It doesn't really matter."
学习啦在线学习网 当英国人说“我对……有点小失望”时,他们的意思是“我对……很恼火”,而其他人却理解成了“无伤大雅”。
When the British say "Very interesting. " They mean "That is clearly nonsense." But what others understand is "They are impressed."
学习啦在线学习网 When the British say "I'll bear it in mind. " They mean "I've forgotten it already." But what others understand is "They will probably do it."
When the British say "I'm sure it's my fault. " They mean "It's your fault." But what others understand is "Why do they think it was their fault?"
When the British say "You must come for dinner. " They mean "It's not an invitation, I'm just being polite." But what others understand is "I will get an invitation soon."
When the British say "I almost agree. " They mean "I don't agree at all." But what others understand is "He's not far from agreement."
学习啦在线学习网 当英国人说“我基本同意”时,他们的意思是“我一点儿都不同意”,而其他人却理解成了“他真的是非常非常同意啊”。
学习啦在线学习网 When the British say "I only have a few minor comments. " They mean "Please re-write completely." But what others understand is "He has found a few typos."
学习啦在线学习网 When the British say "Could we consider some other options?" They mean "I don't like your idea." But what others understand is "They have not yet decided."
学习啦在线学习网 当英国人说“我们可以再考虑一些其他的选择吗?”时,他们的意思是“我着实不喜欢你的点子”,而其他人却理解成了“他们还没有决定下来吧”。