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学习啦在线学习网   欧洲是一个历史悠久,文化先进,风景壮丽的地方,拥有极其丰富的自然景观,由不同语言、种族和党派组成。但是,真正让我们带着护照,一次又一次探寻的却是那儿形形色色的美食。不管你去过一次还是一百次,都可以大快朵颐一整天,因为欧洲的小吃随处可见。

学习啦在线学习网   1.Norcia, nestled in the Italian countryside, is famed for its cured meats, wild boar sausage and other carnivorous delights.


  This drive, which is also manageable by bike or horse, epitomises the best of Italy’s secret countryside, combining great, local food and jaw-dropping scenery. Straddling Umbria and the lesser-known Le Marche region, the 28km trip between the village of Norcia on the Strada Provinziale 477 (or ‘SP477’) winds its way through the tranquil Sibillini Mountains, to the tiny town of Castelluccio. In the spring and summer, the spectacular approach to the valley takes your breath away.


  The bright blue sky frames fields bursting with colour from thousands of bright red poppies and even brighter yellow rapeseed flowers, dotted with grazing sheep and horses. In the distance is the hilltop town of Castelluccio, famous for its world-class lentils and worth exploring for the traditional, rural feel of its cobbled walkways and rustic trattorias. Save your appetite for the drive back to Norcia, the original home of the norcinerie, or pork butchers, whose streets are littered with shops peddling and restaurants serving the town’s pork and truffle products and local specialty of wild-boar sausage.


学习啦在线学习网   2.Follow the locals’ lead in Bergen, Norway


学习啦在线学习网   Potetkjelleren (‘Potato Cellar’) is one of Bergen’s finest restaurants, the sort of place that food critics rave about but attracts more locals than tourists. The dining area has a classy wine-cellar ambience, the service is faultless, and the menu (which changes monthly) is based around the freshest ingredients, Norwegian traditions and often subtly surprising flavour combinations. The wine list is also impeccable. Save this one for a special occasion and prepare to leave with a whole new respect for Norwegian cuisine.


  The sun-kissed vineyards of Switzerland's Lavaux region, in the day's last light.

学习啦在线学习网   夕阳的最后一丝曙光亲吻着瑞士拉沃葡萄园

  3.A quietly coveted wine region in Lavaux, Switzerland

学习啦在线学习网   瑞士拉沃:宁静的葡萄酒产区,令人垂涎欲滴

  With pristine waters, cute local beaches and an impressive network of walking trails, the picturesque wine-growing region of Lavaux is one of Europe’s best-kept secrets. Situated in French-speaking western Switzerland on the northern shores of Lake Geneva, Lavaux has all the beauty of the Italian lakes but a low-key sense of chic. Its microclimate gives it an almost Mediterranean feel in the summer months, when locals don swimmers, shades and sandals to revel in the best backyard in central Europe. To sample the region’s best wines, don’t miss the villages' many caveaux (wine cellars). The Caveau des vignerons de Lutry, in the lakefront town of Lutry, is popular, and Rivaz’s Lavaux Vinorama offers the region’s largest selection of local wines for tasting and sale.

学习啦在线学习网   原始的水域、迷人的沙滩和难忘的小道,这个如画的拉沃酿酒区是欧洲不为人知的神秘地带之一。拉沃位于瑞士西部法语区,日内瓦湖北岸,有意大利湖泊的美景,也有一种低调的雅致。夏天的小气候让人仿佛来到了地中海,人们穿上泳衣,戴上墨镜,换上凉鞋,沉迷于这个中欧最好的后花园。要想来品尝这里最好的酒,就不要错过村子里的酒窖。吕特里湖滨小镇的吕特里酒窖就很有名。 Rivaz村的Vinorama酒窖则提供了最多的当地葡萄酒品种,供您品尝和挑选。

学习啦在线学习网   4.Savour a unique macaron in Amiens, France

学习啦在线学习网   法国亚眠:独特的马卡龙饼

  With a cathedral twice the size of Paris’ Notre Dame, it’s sacrilege that this town is seldom visited. Amiens’ cathedral is a marvel of engineering, with intricate stonework that will leave you goggle-eyed, as well as some of the goriest carvings around (the severed head of John the Baptist is a recurring theme). And the local delicacy, the macaron d’Amiens, will please even the sweetest of teeth: try one at Jean Trogneux (trogneux.fr), where five generations of artisan baking have left the simple recipe of honey, almonds, sugar and egg whites unchanged. These succulent cakes are best served with an impossibly thick chocolat chaud.

  亚眠有一座教堂,面积是巴黎圣母院的两倍,但这里鲜有人迹的现象会亵渎神明。这座教堂是一个工程学上的奇迹,复杂的石雕工艺让你目瞪口呆,里面不乏一些极其血腥的石雕(施洗者约翰的断头就是一个再现的主题)。当地的美食就数亚眠马卡龙饼了,最爱吃甜食的人都会觉得美味,你可以在Jean Trogneux (trogneux.fr)这家店尝一下,他们家族五代人都是甜点烘烤师,一直以来沿用一种简单的马卡龙配方,由蜂蜜、杏仁、糖和蛋白制作。享用这些美味蛋糕时,最好配一杯浓浓的热巧克力。

  Morinj in Montenegro: heaven for fish lovers.

学习啦在线学习网   黑山共和国的Morinj:海鲜食客的天堂

  5.Dine in style in Morinj, Montenegro

  黑山共和国 Morinj:在一家风味餐馆用餐

  A crystalline stream flows around and under Konoba Ćatovića Mlini, a rustic former mill that masquerades as a humble konoba (a simple, family- run establishment) but in reality is one of Montenegro’s best restaurants. Watch the geese idle by as you sample the magical bread and olive oil, which appears unbidden at the table. Fish is the focus but traditional specialities from the heartland village of Njeguši are also offered.

学习啦在线学习网   Konoba Ćatovića Mlini本来是一个古朴的磨坊,一条清澈的小溪环绕着它流动,从外观看是一间简陋的家庭作坊,但实则是黑山最好的餐馆之一。你在这里品尝魔法面包和橄榄油时,附近会有一些天鹅悠闲地游走,或是不请自来出现在你的餐桌旁。虽然鱼是这里的特色,但他们也提供黑山中心地带的Njeguši小镇的传统菜肴。

  6.Secret crustacean capital in Vila do Bispo, Portugal

学习啦在线学习网   葡萄牙比什普镇:神秘甲壳动物之都

  Seafood lovers won’t want to miss a journey to the sun-drenched town of Vila do Bispo in southern Portugal. This tiny settlement is one of the finest spots on the planet to sample those tender, unusual crustaceans known as percebes. A percebe, with its juicy snap, mouth-watering flavour and faintly salty finish is like a kiss from the sea. You’ll either love or hate its extraordinary taste. Though percebes are known throughout Iberia, it’s here in Vila do Bispo that fishermen still harvest by hand the small barnacles that attach themselves to the wave-beaten cliffs outside of town. This is one of the few places in Iberia where this is still done – a sustainable practice that goes back many generations.


学习啦在线学习网   Curious-looking but lip-smacking crustaceans, percebes, await their fate

学习啦在线学习网   长相奇特但是美味的狗爪螺,等待着他们的宿命

  7.The perfect picnic in Paris, France


  Hidden beneath the arches on the western side of the courtyard gardens of Palais Royal, you’ll find one of Paris’ loveliest picnic spots, with benches overlooking box-hedged flowerbeds, crunch gravel paths and Daniel Bruen’s distinctive zebra-striped columns at one end. The real secret, though, is the filled baguette sandwiches sold at Paris’ oldest bakery, a two-minute walk away beneath the arches on the western side of the gardens. Boulangerie Patisserie du Grand Richelieu has been in the biz since 1810 and is something of a city legend.

  藏在巴黎皇宫后花园的西侧拱桥下,你会找到巴黎人最爱的野餐地点之一,长椅和围着树篱的花圃遥遥相望、吱吱作响的砂石小路、路的尽头立着几根丹尼尔•布鲁恩设计的独特斑马纹柱子。但这里真正的秘密是一家巴黎最古老的面包房,摆满了法国长棍面包制作的三明治。从花园西边拱桥下走到面包房大概两分钟路程。面包房叫Boulangerie Patisserie du Grand Richelieu ,它的历史可以追溯到1810年,也算得上是巴黎的传奇了。

学习啦在线学习网   A spoon-defyingly thick hot chocolate in Prague's Cafe Louvre.

学习啦在线学习网   布拉格的罗浮咖啡馆:一杯浓浓的热巧

  8.Sip in secret cafés, Prague, Czech Republic


  Prague is well known for its grand cafés, but raise your sights: the city’s most refined and atmospheric downtown cafés are all on the first floor, wondrously ignored by the visiting masses. The period interiors are stunning, the coffee unfailingly perfect. Try the Grand Café Orient above the Cubist Museum, decorated in such detailed sympathy even the cakes come garnished with an oddly angled wafer. Or the fin de siècle Café Louvre (cafelouvre.cz), perched over an entirely forgettable modern rival, which was a favourite with Kafka and Einstein, and serves a fabled hot chocolate you can stand a spoon up in.


学习啦在线学习网   A cascade of sun-ripened grapes in Georgia, one of Europe's lesser known producers of excellent wine.


学习啦在线学习网   9.Tap into a hidden world of wine, Kakheti province, Georgia

学习啦在线学习网   走进格鲁吉亚的卡赫季省:隐藏的酒乡

学习啦在线学习网   In Georgia, where wine has been made for 8000 years, the grape has sacred significance, and the heart of wine-making here lies in the eastern province of Kakheti. Here, the Alazani River waters a fertile valley between two dramatic ranges of the Caucasus. At the northern end, a distinctive turret-shaped 50m spire belongs to the 11th-century Alaverdi Cathedral, part of a monastery complex where wine has been made for 1500 years. After a hiatus during Communist rule, wine is once more being produced at Alaverdi. Come sip.

学习啦在线学习网   在格鲁吉亚,酒的生产历史有8000年之久,葡萄象征着神圣,这里最核心的酿酒地是东部的卡赫季省。卡赫季省是位于高加索两天山脉间的富饶山谷,由阿拉扎尼河哺育。北边尽头有一个独具特色的角楼形尖顶,高五十米,位于11世纪的阿拉韦尔迪教堂内,是修道院的一部分,这个修道院生产酒也有1500年的历史了,共产主义被推翻后,阿拉韦尔迪再一次兴起酿酒潮。来尝一尝吧。

  10.Sip, stare and shop in secret in Berlin, Germany


  Some of Berlin’s finest bars, restaurants, shops and venues are hidden from view behind unmarked doors, in nondescript buildings and in other clandestine spaces. For one, beyond an anonymous steel door lies Tausend, a cosmopolitan drinking den tucked into a railway bridge. At Sammlung Boros, a Nazi-era bunker has been turned into a shining beacon of art. Entry is by guided tour only; book online as early as possible. And you’d be forgiven for walking right past the empty white cube with only a staircase spiralling down to Apartment, one of Berlin’s best-edited fashion emporiums.


  The grey exterior of the Sammlung Boros hides a decadent world of modern art and cocktail sipping

学习啦在线学习网   波洛斯私人收藏馆:灰色外表下隐藏着现代艺术和酒吧的颓废感
