学习啦在线学习网 下面学习啦小编为大家带来旅游英语双语阅读:世界九大最肮脏城市,希望大家喜欢!
学习啦在线学习网 Ahhh, urban living. Everything nearby,convenient publicservices, lots of great places toeat…and legions of people, throwing out tons ofgarbage, every day. Most cities can stayon top oftheir garbage piles…but some, not so much. Herearenine cities germophobes and neat freaks shouldavoid.
Mumbai, India
Mumbai might just be the litter capital of theworld, which makes sense, as itsinsanelyovercrowded. Every public service, from trains to roads, is strained to the breakingpoint. Whichwouldn’t be so problematic except the same is true of the sewers and drainagesystem, andMumbai gets monsoons. Bring galoshes, and possibly a full-body hazmat suit.
Cuidad Juarez, Mexico
Most of Mexico is actually pretty nice. Yeah, it’s the Third World, but it’s the kind of countrywherepeople generally keep things neat. Unfortunately, they have a serious drug crimeproblem, andthat can make some cities…interesting.
The most “interesting” is Cuidad Juarez, which is essentially a city run by criminals. Andcriminalsaren’t interested in, say, picking up the trash or filling in potholes…which is ironic inlight of the factthe drug dealers that run the place? Yeah, they’re all driving fancy cars. Hopeyour fancy carincludes some very fancy shocks, Mr. Coke Exporter.
Pittsburgh, USA
Let’s take a moment from picking on the Third World to picking on Pittsburgh, the placewherethey put fries in their sandwiches. No, really, they do that. They also have the worst air inAmericain terms of solid objects floating in it.
And that’s not the smell of Steelers fans after too many beers at the game (or Pirates fansuponwaking up and realizing their home team is still the Pirates). It’s because of all the sootand exhaustin the air, so much of it that Pittsburgh comes in second on year-round levels ofsmall particles inthe air and first in short-term particle pollution. This is partially due to cars,partially due toeverything being powered by coal, and partially due to what remains of thesteel industry. Also, some of it comes from Ohio, because Ohio’s just nasty like that.
And yes, it’s worse than Los Angeles.
Norlisk, Russia
学习啦在线学习网 Norlisk has a proud history of…er…being a slave labor camp. Yeah. Believe it or not, thingshaveactually gotten worse.
学习啦在线学习网 Pollution is pretty standard when your main industry is pulling metal out of the ground, butNorliskstill manages to over achieve, dumping 4 million tons of metal dust into the air yearly,withingredients like yummy cadmium and arsenic. It’s so bad trees can’t survive, and yet theRussiansendure.
学习啦在线学习网 Los Angeles, USA
学习啦在线学习网 What, you thought that just because we were beating on Pittsburgh, LA wasn’t going tomake thelist? Of course not! But, don’t worry, the factories in Jersey have been shut down longenough wewon’t be hitting that stereotype.
学习啦在线学习网 Why does LA make the list if Pittsburgh has crappier air? Because LA has more nastygasses, notlittle particles! Namely, it’s got ozone, which is great when it’s way, way up there inthe ozone layer, but has this nasty tendency to destroy lungs. LA remains number one in thisrespect, but, on thebright side, they’re not Pittsburgh.
La Oroya, Peru
Lead is not a friendly metal. Sure, it protects us from radiation, but you don’t want itanywherenear you outside of the dentist. Which is bad news for La Oroya, which has as itsmainindustry…lead smelting.
学习啦在线学习网 That smelter has been at it since 1922, and there’s so much lead in the air, soil, and waterthat 99% of the kids there test for three times the acceptable amount. Oh, and there’s neithermoneynor resources to clean it up; this stuff’s going to be there for centuries. Kind of the giftthat keepson giving.
Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico City is shafted not by regulations or by drug lords or by companies, but bygeography. There are a lot of people driving a lot of cars, which means a lot of exhaust.Unfortunately, MexicoCity is sitting in a valley, and it’s about a mile and a half above sea level.This means thin air andweak winds. Which means that everything put in the air over MexicoCity stays there.
Pernik, Bulgaria
学习啦在线学习网 First, it must be said that Bulgaria itself is kind of a dirty place. People mostly burn coal todeal withthe long winters, and most of the cars are the kind of Soviet nightmares that lack seat-belts, letalone fancy schmancy pollution-reducing catalytic converters.
So if you’re the energy center of Bulgaria, with a coal mine, AND a thriving metallurgyindustry ontop of that…well, being the filthiest of the filthiest isn’t hard to pull off. Welcome toPernik, where ifit’s not on fire, it’s metal, and it’s all trying to kill you. No wonder these peopledrink.
Vapi, India
Vapi is a thriving and busy industrial center. Unfortunately, most of those industries arechemical. And what isn’t chemical is actually the water treatment plant trying to clean the crudfrom thechemical industries.
As a result, Vapi is a bit messy. Pretty much all of the water, soil and air is saturated instuff youdon’t want to breathe, drink, or eat. And it’s got plenty of residents too!
学习啦在线学习网 On the bright side, at least they don’t have Mumbai’s drainage problems. Well, we hope,anyway.
学习啦在线学习网 什么,你以为因为我们批评了匹兹堡,洛杉矶就不会上榜吗?当然不是!但是,不要担心,新泽西州的工厂已经关闭了很长时间,我们不会凭印象打分。如果匹兹堡空气很烂,为什么洛杉矶还在列表中?因为洛杉矶的肮脏气体更多,而不是小颗粒物!也就是说,它的臭氧气体,如果一路上升直达臭氧层,就会造福人类,但停留在城市中就可能损害人的肺脏。洛杉矶在这方面仍然是第一,但是,在好的一面,他们不是匹兹堡。
学习啦在线学习网 墨西哥城,墨西哥
学习啦在线学习网 佩尔尼克,保加利亚
学习啦在线学习网 首先,必须指出,保加利亚本身是那么一种肮脏的地方。人们大多烧煤渡过漫漫寒冬,大多数汽车还是前苏联的那种烂车,连安全带都没有,更别说那种豪华现代的可降低污染的催化转换器。因此,如果你是保加利亚能源中心,拥有煤矿,在这之上有一个蓬勃发展的冶金行业,...那好,最肮脏城市的帽子是甩不掉的。欢迎来佩尔尼克,这里,不是烟雾腾腾,就是金属冶炼,还不憋死你呀。难怪这里的人爱喝酒。