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学习啦在线学习网   青城山是全球道教全真道圣地,位于著名的都江堰市西南,享有“青城天下幽”的美誉。下面学习啦小编为大家带来中国旅游景点青城山英文介绍,欢迎大家阅读!


  Next to Chengdu lies Mount Qingcheng, one of thebirthplaces of Taoism (Daoism) China's onlyindigenous religion.


学习啦在线学习网   It is still a religious centre sprinkle with caves andshrines venerated by Taosit.


学习啦在线学习网   Founded in AD 143 in Mount Qingcheng, Taoism hasdeveloped into an important religion in SoutheastAsia, exerting tremendous influence there.

学习啦在线学习网   道教在青城山成立于公元143年,已经发展成为一个在东南亚重要的宗教,发挥巨大的影响力。

学习啦在线学习网   For ordinary tourists, Mount Qingcheng is an ideal summer resort.


学习啦在线学习网   The four-hour trek to its summit,1600 metres above sea level,is a pleasant trip.


学习啦在线学习网   Sixteen kilometres from Dujiangyan city,Mount Qingcheng has been known since ancient timesas “the most tranquil place under heaven (青城天下幽)”.


学习啦在线学习网   Reaching the mountain on an early spring or summer morning, the tourist will find it shroudedin mist,which moistens stone steps rising up towards the summit.


学习啦在线学习网   Forests of pine, Chinese fir,cypress and all kinds of fragrant undergrowth make up a deepgreen world.


学习啦在线学习网   The only sounds the tourist hears are birds, waterfalls and the tourists' footsteps.

学习啦在线学习网   游客唯一能听到的声音是鸟,瀑布和游客的脚步声音。

  Chinese hermits and men of letters have long cherished the perfect sense of peace there.


  There are four famous Taoist mountains such as Mount Qingcheng in Sichuan Province, MountWudang Hubei Province and Mount Laoshan in Shandong Province.


  UNESGO inscribed the mount Qingcheng-Dujiangyan Irrigation Project on the World HeritageList in 2000.



学习啦在线学习网   Dujiang Weir,or Dujiangyan Irrigation System,is located west of Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province.

学习啦在线学习网   都江堰或是都江堰灌溉系统,位于四川都江堰市西部。

学习啦在线学习网   Originally it was called Du'an Weir after the name of the ancient Du'an County,where the weir was situated.

学习啦在线学习网   最初叫做杜国安堰古代“都安堰”因古时都江堰所在地区名为都安县而得名。

学习啦在线学习网   Since Song and Yuan Dynasties its was given the present name Dujiang Weir.


学习啦在线学习网   The irrigation system was constructed in 227 BC by Li Bing, governor of Shu Prefecture,over 2 200 years ago.

学习啦在线学习网   在2200多年前即公元前227年蜀郡太守李冰创建了这个灌溉系统。

学习啦在线学习网   It is not only the earliest water control project in China, but also the only and the oldest remain of such in the whole world.


学习啦在线学习网   Characterized in its successful control of water without any blocking dam,

学习啦在线学习网   其特色是没有任何阻塞大坝而成功控制水,

  Dujiang Weir is a milestone in the history of technology in China.

学习啦在线学习网   都江堰是在中国历史上的一个技术里程碑。

学习啦在线学习网   In December of 2000,Dujiang Weir was inscribed by UNESCO in World Heritage List as cultural heritages of the human world.

学习啦在线学习网   2000年12月,都江堰被联合国教科文组织列入“世界文化遗产”名录中。


  Mt. Qingcheng is 15km from Dujiangyan City proper and 68km from Chengdu City.It is the eastern ridge of southern Qionglai Mountains.The summit of Mt. Qingcheng is Bamian Mountain ( also called Zhaogong Mountain).Mt. Qingcheng comprises rolls of verdant mountains with 36 peaks,8 primary caves,72 minor caves,and 108 scenic attractions. It is admired nation wide for its“peerless tranquility" and its historical sites of Taoist culture. In 1982,it was recognized as one of the first group of national key sites of historical and scenic interest.

学习啦在线学习网   青城山距都江堰市中心约15公里,距成都68公里,属邛崃山脉南段的东支,以八面山(义名赵公山)为主峰,山峦重叠,林木葱笼,有36峰、8大洞、72小洞、108景。景区以“幽甲天下‘”的自然风景和以道教文化为主的文物古迹闻名全国。1982年,青城山被列入中国第一批重点风景名胜区名单。

  As for the origin of its name Glingcheng,or“green city" as the Chinese means,the folks are divided in two beliefs. One is that the layout of Mt. Qingcheng is in line with the 36 arrangements of Yin and Yang,surrounded in the pure verdure outlining the area as a green city. The other explanation says that“Mt. Green City" was actually named as“Mt.Pure City",pronounced exactly the same and written almost the same in Chinese except that the latter has three additional dots at the left for the character“pure".It was called “pure" because Chinese mythology says that one has to be“pure and lofty for concentration" and Heaven God stays at“Pure Capital or Purple Profundity".Indeed,it was called“Mt. Pure City" since Han Dynasty,but when Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty decided to return it to Taoists,in his decree he forgot the three dots and wrote“green" for“pure" by mistake,thereafter the mountain became“Mt. Green City".A stone stele inscribed with the imperial decree is still kept in Hall of Three Emperors.


  Dujiang Weir,or Dujiangyan Irrigation System,is located west of Dujiangyan City,Sichuan Province. Originally it was called Du'an Weir after the name of the ancient Du'an County,where the weir was situated. Since Song and Yuan Dynasties it was given the present name Dujiang Weir,honored as the“Guarding Treasure of Sichuan Province" that is“ingenious of all times".

学习啦在线学习网   都江堰,位于四川都江堰市,因古代处于都安县境内而名都安堰,宋元后称都江堰,被誉为“独奇千古”的“镇川之宝”。

学习啦在线学习网   The irrigation system was constructed in 227 BC by Li Bing,governor of Shu Prefecture,over 2 200 years ago. It is not only the earliest water control project in China,but also the only and the oldest remain of such in the whole world. Characterized in its successful control of water without any blocking dam,Dujiang Weir is a milestone in the history of technology in China.

学习啦在线学习网   都江堰是公元前227年由蜀郡守李冰主持兴建的,跳今已有2 200多年,是中国最古老的水利工程,也是全世界至今为止年代最久、唯一留存、以无坝引水为特征的宏大水利一上程。是我国科技史土的一座丰碑。

学习啦在线学习网   In December of 2000,both Mt. Qingcheng and Dujiang Weir were inscribed by UNESCO in World Heritage List as cultural heritages of the human world.


  It is commonly admitted that“the tranquility of Mt. Qingcheng is the utmost",and admired for its tranquil infinity of forests,tranquil peace of ancient paths,tranquil fragrance of mountain flowers,tranquil humor of bird twitters,tranquil elegance of pavilions and towers,tranquil affection of streams,tranquit profundity of caves,and tranquil conception of couplets. In short,nowhere in Mt. Qinqcheng is not hidden with something tranquil.

  “青城天下幽”是人们公认的评语。有人描绘它有山林的幽深、古道的 幽静、山花的幽香、鸟鸣的幽趣、亭阁的幽雅、溪流的幽情、岩穴的幽邃、楹联的幽意,总之青城山可谓无处不幽。

学习啦在线学习网   The well known spots of interest in Mt. Qingcheng include:Lofty Purity Palace (ShangqingGong),Luck Founding Palace(Jianfu Gong),Heaven Master Cave (Tianshi Dong),and Natural Pictures(Tianran Tuhua).Luck Founding Palace is at the foot of Senior's Peak,but only iwo halls and three courtyards of it have survived to the present. A clean stream flanks in its front and adds to the tranquil charm of its surrounding. About 1 km west is Natural Pictures,marked by a tower built in the reign of Emperor Guangxu of Qing Dynasty,where dark cliffs rise up with green trees in mist like frames of beautiful pictures.



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