学习啦在线学习网 西夏王陵又称西夏帝陵、西夏皇陵,是西夏历代帝王陵以及皇家陵墓。王陵位于宁夏银川市西,西傍贺兰山,东临银川平原,海拔1130米至1200米之间,是中国现存规模最大、地面遗址最完整的帝王陵园之一,也是现存规模最大的一处西夏文化遗址。每座帝陵都是坐北向南,呈纵长方形的独立建筑群体,规模同明十三陵相当。吸收自秦汉以来,唐宋皇陵之所长,又受佛教建筑影响,构成中国陵园建筑中别具一格的形式,故有东方金字塔之称。下面学习啦小编为大家带来中国旅游景点西夏王陵英文介绍,欢迎大家阅读!
Yuanhao assumed the imperial title, it was knownas the Xia Kingdom.
In 1227, Western Xia was conquered by Yuanemperor Tai Zu (Genghis Khan).
学习啦在线学习网 1227年,西夏被元皇帝元世祖(成吉思汗)征服。
学习啦在线学习网 The Western Xia had ten ruling emperors over a 190year period.
The sites of the imperial mausoleums were chosen nearby at the east foot of the HelanMountains, 25 kilometers west of Yinchuan City.
学习啦在线学习网 帝王陵墓的地点选择在贺兰山山脚东部的附近,在银川以西25公里处。
学习啦在线学习网 On the southeast corner at the foot of the Helan Mountains are two large mausoleums,
probably Jialing and Yuling mausoleums of Li Jiqian and li Demin,who were posthumouslydesignated Emperor Tai Zu and Emperor Tai Zong.
The architectural arrangement of the mausoleum area makes these two mausoleums mostprominent, followed by others built later.
学习啦在线学习网 陵墓的建筑布置使得这两个陵墓最突出,跟着是别人随后建造的。
学习啦在线学习网 Like other imperial tombs, Western Xia mausoleums were composed of two architecturalunits, the mausoleum gardens above ground and underground palaces.
学习啦在线学习网 和其他帝王墓一样,西夏陵墓由地上陵墓花园和地宫两个建筑单元组成。
All the mausoleum gardens faced south, and their architectural forms above ground have someunique characteristics,
学习啦在线学习网 陵墓花园都朝南,其地面上的建筑都有一些独特的特点,
though they are quite similar to mausoleums of the Tang and Northern Song dynasties inGongxian County.
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