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  崇山少林寺因其少林功夫而名扬天下,有 “天下功夫出少林,少林功夫甲天下”之说。今天学习啦小编为大家带来中国旅游景点嵩山少林寺英文介绍,欢迎大家阅读!


学习啦在线学习网   Located in Dengfeng City of HenanProvince,Songshan Mountain is one of the five mostfamous and sacred mountains(known as Wuyue)andis called "Zhongyue"(the Central Mountain)It has 36peaks and stretches 60 kilometers,composed ofTaishi Mountain and Shaoshi Mountain. The highest peak is 1 494meters above sea level.

学习啦在线学习网   位于河南省登封市的嵩山是举世闻名的中华五岳(山东的泰山,陕西的华山,山西的恒山,湖南的衡山)之一,被称为中岳。嵩山风景区有36座山峰,绵延60公里,主要由太室山和少室山两座大山组成,最高的山峰海拔1 494米。

学习啦在线学习网   There exists a total of 1()monasteries,5 temples,5 palaces,3 Taoist temples,4 nunneries,4caves,3 altars and more than 270 pagodas and is the holy land gathering three majorreligions:Buddhism,Confucianism and Taoism. The world-famous Shaolin Temple lies hiddenjust in Songshan Mountain. These plentiful scenes and sights of cultural interest and rare andprecious geological heritages mingle and add radiance and beauty to each other,forming thesolid,multi-level,multi-functional and enchanting landscape of the Songshan Geopark.


学习啦在线学习网   Songshan Geopark covering 450kmr is situated in Dengfeng City,Henan Province. Its maintypes of geological heritages are geological(structural)sections,and the main landscapes includepeculiar erosional structures and limestone karst landscapes.


学习啦在线学习网   Songshan Mountain is geotectonically located in the southern part of the North China ancientland. Within it successive and complete Archean(3. 5 billion yearsago),Proterozoic,Paleozoic,Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphic sections are exposed withclear stratigraphic sequence and typical structural features,and are called“Five ErasGathering”by the geological circles. In fact,here is a complete“‘rock" book recording theevolution history of the Earth.


学习啦在线学习网   Because of the mountains and peaks such as Yuzhaishan,Junjifeng .Wuzhiling and Jianshan aremainly formed by quartzite and built up by tectonic movements, they all tower aloft above400m elevation. Steep and graceful precipices and cliffs and wonderful valleys arewidespread in the area,forming unique landforms and landscapes.


学习啦在线学习网   People of 8 nationalities including Han,Hui,Pumi,Bai,Yi,Miao,Uygurand and Mongolianlive in the geopark,forming a big family of multiple nationalities. During each festival of theethnic minorities,the local government and Han people attend the celebration to fully showand enjoy the folk custom and folkways.


学习啦在线学习网   The mountain also boasts a large number of showplaces and cultural relics. In the famousShaolin Temple,Shaolin monks are exercising Qigong and other Shaolin Kung-fu(martialarts).There are also some other temples in the mountain,such as the Zhongyue Temple,whichis nicknamed“the Little Palace":the FawangTemple and the Huishan Temple,the oldest templesextant in China;two earliest and well-preserved astronomical observatories extant inChina,etc..

  风景区内还有许多名胜景点和历史文物。在享誉中外的少林寺里,少林和尚苦练气功和少林功夫(武术)除少林寺外,这里还有不少其他寺庙,如中岳庙,别称“小宫殿”;法王寺和慧山寺,两座中国现存最古老的寺庙;以及两座中国现存最古老,保存最完好的天文台(观星台)等等 。

  Songshan abounds in stele carvings,totaling more than 2000 pieces,left by famouscalligraphers like Yan Zhenqing,Su Dongpo,Huang Tingjian and Mi Fu

  嵩山还有大量的碑文石刻,共计2 000余处,由著名书法家颜真卿、苏东坡、黄庭坚和米芾等等。

学习啦在线学习网   Located in the Songshan Mountains,roughly about100 kilometers southwest of Henan's provincialcapital,Zhengzhou,Shaolin Temple is famous notonly as one of China's important Buddhistshrines,but also as the ancient center of ChineseKung-fu.

学习啦在线学习网   举世闻名的少林寺坐落在距河南省会郑州西南100公里处的嵩山西麓,它不仅仅是中国的个重要佛教圣地,也是古代中国功夫的训练中心。

学习啦在线学习网   Built in 495,the temple was originally designed to house Batuo,a celebrated Indian monkwho ,after many years of spreading Buddhism,was later known as Fo Tuo,or Grand Monk. In537,another famous Indian monk,Boddhidharma, settled in the temple,and as legend hasit,created a sort of primitive bare-hand combat routine called“xingyi boxing" after he hadsat meditating in a cave for nine years.

  少林寺创建于北魏太和十九年(495 ),是北魏孝文帝元洪为安顿印度高僧跋陀落迹传教而建造的。公元537年,又有娜位名叫菩提达摩的印度僧人来到这里,据说他在跋陀开创的基础上又创建了套简单的徒手格斗规则称作“形异拳”他曾在少林车后五乳峰上的石洞里终日面壁达九年之久。

学习啦在线学习网   That started the kung-fu tradition at the temple. At the beginning of the 7th century,a tinyarmy of 13 Shaolin monks were reputed to have saved future Tang Dynasty emperor LiShimin,by defeating an entire division of the ruling Sui Dynasty's army and helping him breakout of prison. When he took power,Li showered favors,land and wealth on the temple. Shaolinthen thrived as a center of Kung-fu masters from around the country and is reputed also to be"the Number One Temple under Heaven“, At its heyday,it housed more than 3 000 soldier-monks.

  这就是少林功夫的最早由来。7世纪初,一支山13个少林和尚组成的小部队因打败了当时隋朝的整支军队并从狱中救出了后来的唐朝皇帝李世民而名声大振。李即位后,对少林一寺大加封赏,赐田地千顷,水碾一具,参战僧人也各有封赏。少林寺从此名扬天下,被誉为“天下第一名刹”,也成为全国的功夫大师训练中心,在鼎盛时期,这里曾驻扎着3 000多僧兵。

  Always a center of rebellion,Shaolin was badly damaged by fire three times,most seriouslyin 1938,when a blaze raged for more than 40 days,destroying nearly all the temple'sclassical literature and records.

学习啦在线学习网   由于少林寺一直是反叛人士或行为的活动中心,它曾三次遭到大火的焚烧,其中最严重的一次是1938年,一场大火烧了40多天,烧毁了寺庙中几乎全部的经典文献和记载文字。

  The present buildings at Shaolin Temple are spread out over an area of about 10 000 acres.The most interesting relics are the murals in the Eastern Hall,which depict groups of boxingmonks.

学习啦在线学习网   如今的少林寺内亭阁殿堂林立,占地约4047公顷。最有意思的历史文物为东厅里的壁画,描绘着一组组苦练功夫的和尚。

  When you first get to the Shanmen Hall,you can see hung on its top is a tabletreading“Shaolin Temple”The tablet was inscribed by the Emperor Kangxi(1622一1723)duringthe Qing Dynasty‘1644一1911).

学习啦在线学习网   来到少林寺的山门前,你看到山门门额上悬挂着少林寺匾额,这是清朝康熙帝御笔亲书的。

学习啦在线学习网   What's more,the Pagoda Forest in Shaolin Temple which consists of about 250 tombs is thelargest of China's pagoda complexes.



  Located in Dengfeng City of HenanProvince,Songshan Mountain is one of the five mostfamous and sacred mountains(known as Wuyue)andis called "Zhongyue"(the Central Mountain)It has 36peaks and stretches 60 kilometers,composed ofTaishi Mountain and Shaoshi Mountain. The highest peak is 1 494meters above sea level.

  位于河南省登封市的嵩山是举世闻名的中华五岳(山东的泰山,陕西的华山,山西的恒山,湖南的衡山)之一,被称为中岳。嵩山风景区有36座山峰,绵延60公里,主要由太室山和少室山两座大山组成,最高的山峰海拔1 494米。

学习啦在线学习网   There exists a total of 1()monasteries,5 temples,5 palaces,3 Taoist temples,4 nunneries,4caves,3 altars and more than 270 pagodas and is the holy land gathering three majorreligions:Buddhism,Confucianism and Taoism. The world-famous Shaolin Temple lies hiddenjust in Songshan Mountain. These plentiful scenes and sights of cultural interest and rare andprecious geological heritages mingle and add radiance and beauty to each other,forming thesolid,multi-level,multi-functional and enchanting landscape of the Songshan Geopark.

学习啦在线学习网   嵩山风景区人文景观众多,计有十寺,五庙,五宫,二观,四庵,四洞,三坛及宝塔270余座,是历史上佛、儒、道三教荟萃之地。闻名于世的少林寺便深藏于嵩山的怀抱。这些丰富的人文景观和珍稀的地质遗迹相互辉映,构成了嵩山地质公园立体的、多层次的、多功能的迷人景观。

  Songshan Geopark covering 450kmr is situated in Dengfeng City,Henan Province. Its maintypes of geological heritages are geological(structural)sections,and the main landscapes includepeculiar erosional structures and limestone karst landscapes.


  Songshan Mountain is geotectonically located in the southern part of the North China ancientland. Within it successive and complete Archean(3. 5 billion yearsago),Proterozoic,Paleozoic,Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphic sections are exposed withclear stratigraphic sequence and typical structural features,and are called“Five ErasGathering”by the geological circles. In fact,here is a complete“‘rock" book recording theevolution history of the Earth.


  Because of the mountains and peaks such as Yuzhaishan,Junjifeng .Wuzhiling and Jianshanare mainly formed by quartzite and built up by tectonic movements, they all tower aloft above400m elevation. Steep and graceful precipices and cliffs and wonderful valleys arewidespread in the area,forming unique landforms and landscapes.


  People of 8 nationalities including Han,Hui,Pumi,Bai,Yi,Miao,Uygurand and Mongolian livein the geopark,forming a big family of multiple nationalities. During each festival of the ethnicminorities,the local government and Han people attend the celebration to fully show and enjoythe folk custom and folkways.

学习啦在线学习网   公园区内居住有汉、回、普米、白、彝、苗、维吾尔、蒙古八个民族,形成了多民族的大家庭。在各少数民族节庆之日,地方政府与汉族同胞与之共同庆贺,充分展示其民习,民俗,民风等民族文化,享受少数民族的习俗乐趣。

学习啦在线学习网   The mountain also boasts a large number of showplaces and cultural relics. In the famousShaolin Temple,Shaolin monks are exercising Qigong and other Shaolin Kung-fu(martialarts).There are also some other temples in the mountain,such as the Zhongyue Temple,whichis nicknamed“the Little Palace":the FawangTemple and the Huishan Temple,the oldest templesextant in China;two earliest and well-preserved astronomical observatories extant inChina,etc..

  风景区内还有许多名胜景点和历史文物。在享誉中外的少林寺里,少林和尚苦练气功和少林功夫(武术)除少林寺外,这里还有不少其他寺庙,如中岳庙,别称“小宫殿”;法王寺和慧山寺,两座中国现存最古老的寺庙;以及两座中国现存最古老,保存最完好的天文台(观星台)等等 。

  Songshan abounds in stele carvings,totaling more than 2000 pieces,left by famouscalligraphers like Yan Zhenqing,Su Dongpo,Huang Tingjian and Mi Fu

学习啦在线学习网   嵩山还有大量的碑文石刻,共计2 000余处,由著名书法家颜真卿、苏东坡、黄庭坚和米芾等等。


  Shaolin Temple Scenic Area:Shaolin Temple


  Shanmen Hall


  Hall of Heavenly Kings


  Mahavira Hall


  The Pagoda Forest


学习啦在线学习网   Songyang Academy Scenic Area:Songyang Academy

学习啦在线学习网   嵩阳书院景区:嵩阳书院

  Taishi Mountain Scenic Area


  Fawang Temple Scenic Area:Fawang Temple

学习啦在线学习网   法王寺景区:法王寺

  Zhongyue Temple Scenic Area:Zhongyue Temple

学习啦在线学习网   中岳庙景区:中岳庙

  Luya Waterfall Scenic Area


  Astronomical Observatory Scenic Area


学习啦在线学习网   Shaoshi Mountain Scenic Area


  Other Attractions Around the Place


学习啦在线学习网   Yellow River scenic area


  Birthplace of Huang Di


学习啦在线学习网   Huang Di's Palace


学习啦在线学习网   Yuntai Mountain scenic area

学习啦在线学习网   云台山风景名胜区

学习啦在线学习网   Shiren(stone man)Mountain scenic area






