学习啦在线学习网 英语综合语言运用能力的培养要求学生多接触多运用英语,情景会话训练是提高学生综合语言运用能力的最好平台。学习啦小编整理了关于经典英语对话范文,欢迎阅读!
Z; What are you reading?
A: Oh, a book about the history of Cambridge. I'm reading the part named “Town and Gown”.
学习啦在线学习网 A:我在看一本关于剑桥历史的书,正读到“市镇与学袍’’的部分。
学习啦在线学习网 Z: What does this phrase mean?
A: “Town” and “gown” are referring to the two distinct communities of a university town: “town” being the non-academic population and “gown" metonymlcally being the university community.
A:市镇与学袍是指大学城里面截然不同 的两个群体。市镇”指的不槁学术 研究的普通市民,而"学袍当然是 指大学了。
Z: I see. Just like some ancient seats of learning such as Oxford, Cambridge and St. Andrews.
Z.我明白了。一些古老的大学所在地就 是这样的大学城,比如牛津、剑桥和圣安德鲁斯等等?
A: You’re right. Sometimes, the term is also used to describe modem university towns.
你说的对。有时候,这个也用来指代 现在的大学城。
Z: Perhaps this term came into being when the oldest universities in the world began to form. I guess it was in the Middle Ages?
A: Yes. During that time, students admitted to the European universities often held minor clerical status and donned garb similar to that worn by the clergy. These vestments evolved into the academic long black gown, worn along with hood and cap.
学习啦在线学习网 A:是的。那时候,欧洲的大学生们常常会被安排一个无关紧要的神职,他们经常穿 着和神职人员相似的衣服。那种衣服经过长时间的演变,就渐渐变成了长长的黑 色学士袍,外加上垂布和一顶帽子。
Z: We can see that the hood nowadays is often adorned with different colors; maybe that is the way to designate from which college the young scholars come from.
学习啦在线学习网 A: Besides, by their distinctive clothing, the students were set apart and distinguished from the citizens of the town; hence the phrase “town and gown”.
学习啦在线学习网 A:此外,因为这种特别的服装,学生们就和市桌'们区别开了。所以才有了 "市镇和 学袍”这个说法。
Z: Now that kind of gown has become a tradition in the universities. University students all over the world wear gowns like that at special occasions, for example, the degree ceremony and so on.
学习啦在线学习网 Z:现在,这种服装已经成为了大学里的一项传统。世界各地的大学生在特殊的场含 都会穿这种学袍,比如说在毕业典礼上。
学习啦在线学习网 A: That’s true. Now you understand this phrase, and do you want to know more about it?
学习啦在线学习网 A:对啊。现在你知道这个说法的意思了吧,想不想了解更多关于“市镇和学袍?_的 事情啊?
Z: I’d like to. Tell me more about it!
学习啦在线学习网 A: OK. The town and gown rivalry is mentioned in the book, too.
Z: Rivalry? You mean they do not get along well with each other?
学习啦在线学习网 Z:对立?你是说他们之间的关系不好吗?
A: Yes. Conflict was inevitable in the medieval university towns where two separately governed bodies with different priorities and loyalties shared the same restricted space.
A:对。中世纪的大学城里,这两个独立团体身处同一片土地,却有着不同权益和 信仰,免不了会发生冲突。
学习啦在线学习网 Z: Sounds reasonable. Moreover, violence was commonplace in medieval life, not only between scholars and townsmen but among ordinary citizens.
Z:说的有道理。再说,暴力事件在中世纪十分普遍,不仅仅是在学者与市民之间, 市民之间也常常会发生。
学习啦在线学习网 A: It also happened between scholars from different regions of Europe who attended the universities. Violent confrontations between town and gown erupted on a recurring basis.
A:来自欧洲不同地区的学者之间也会起冲突。市镇与大学之间的冲突更是会反复发 生。
学习啦在线学习网 Z: I heard that The University of Cambridge was originally set-up after a fight between the townspeople of Oxford and scholars from the University of Oxford forced many scholars to flee to a new location.
学习啦在线学习网 Z:我听说,剑桥大学就起源于牛津市民和牛津大学之间的一场争端,许多牛津的学 者不得不逃到一个新的地方。
学习啦在线学习网 A: That is mentioned in the book. That was in 1209,and several decades later, the tension between the scholars at Cambridge and the towns people forced the King to grant special privileges and protection to Cambridge University.
学习啦在线学习网 A:书里面也提到了这一点。那是在1209年了。几十年后,剑桥学者和市民之间的 矛盾又激化了,国王不得不亲自出面授予大学一些特权,对其进行保护。
学习啦在线学习网 Z: As urban universities increase in size and complexity, the conflict between them may become more and more severe.
学习啦在线学习网 A: That's for sure. To a large extent, “town versus gown" disputes have moved from the streets into the courts and city hall.
A:这是肯定的。有时候,市镇和大学之间的织争甚至会从大街上转移到法院和市 政厅。
学习啦在线学习网 Z: Did they ever pay regard to the town-gown connection?
A: No idea. Universities boast that their existence is the backbone of the town economy, while the towns counter with claims that the institution is “robbing” them of tax revenue.
Z: The same thing may happen today, however the situation is much better than before since violence seldom happened.
学习啦在线学习网 T: Morning, Kerry! You have shadows under your eyes. It seems that you didn’t sleep well last night. What’s the matter?
学习啦在线学习网 T;早上好!凯瑞!你有黑眼圈,昨晓设睡好吧。出什么事儿了吗?
学习啦在线学习网 K: Oh, I did have a sleepless night after having watched a piece of news about the University of Cambridge. It sent shivers down my spine.
学习啦在线学习网 T: Now you have really hooked my curiosity. As far as I know, the University of Cambridge is consistently ranked in the world’s top five universities and the leading university in Europe by numerous media and academic rankings. How can it terrify you?
T:你现在激起我的好奋心了。据我所知,剑桥大学稳 居世界大学排名的前五名,还被众多媒体和学术机构 评为欧洲最好的大学。关于这样一所大学的消息怎么 会吓到你呢?
K: Yes, you are quite right. This is a university with over 800 years history, thus, it provides a platform for those myths and legends.
K:你说得对。这是一所有着800多年历史的大学,所 以它也为众多奋谈和传说提供了素材。
学习啦在线学习网 T: 800 years? Are you sure? That’s quite a long time!
学习啦在线学习网 T: 800年?真的吗?这真是_段漫长的时光!
K: Of course. The year of 2009 marked its 800th anniversary.
学习啦在线学习网 K:是的。2009年剑桥大学迎来了 800周年校庆。
学习啦在线学习网 T: So what myth or legend have you heard about?
K: On the evening news last night, the ghost in the university has become the talk of the town....
T: You are kidding, aren’t you? There is no such a thing existing in the world.
学习啦在线学习网 T:你在开玩笑吧?世界上根本没有这种东西。
学习啦在线学习网 K: No, I’m serious. In the video shot by a tourist at the campus, we can see a blurred white shadow go through the wall and enter fee castle of a college.
学习啦在线学习网 K:不,我是说真的。有位游客在校园里拍了一段视频,上面有个模糊的白色影子直 接穿过了城墙,进入了一个学院的古堡里。
学习啦在线学习网 T: A ghost? Even though the university manages to maintain its medieval appearance since its foundation, with those lawn, rivers, castles, it cannot be a place of ghost.
学习啦在线学习网 T:鬼?即使剑桥竭力保持了自其创始以来的中世纪风貌,有草坪、河流、古堡等等, 那也不代表它就成了座鬼城呀。
K: Students of this university believe that’s Crowell’s spirit. People had the head of this beheaded revolutionist buried somewhere at the campus. As the alumni, he may sometimes feel like returning to his old dormitory.
学习啦在线学习网 K:剑桥大学的学生认为那是克伦威尔的鬼魂。听说这位被斩首的革命家就是被埋在 了剑桥大学里。作为校友,克伦威尔可能有时候想要回自己原来的宿舍看看。
T: This story completely makes no sense. It must be made up to boom the local tourism. Don’t be mocked.
K: All right. Maybe J shouldn't trouble until trouble troubles me. By the way, do you know the relationship between Oxford and Cambridge?
学习啦在线学习网 K:你说得对。也许我不该自寻烦恼。对了,你了解牛津大学和剑桥大学之间的关系吗?
T: A little. I find some materials online that tell me they are both friends and rivals.
学习啦在线学习网 T:知道一点儿。根据我在网上査到的资料,他们既是朋友,又是对手。
K: Oh, in my eyes, they have much cultural and practical association as a historic part of British society. You see, both of them are ranked the top five universities in the world; they both locate in the British Island, and Cambridge is founded by scholars leaving Oxford after a dispute with the townsfolk there.
K:噢,在我眼中,它们之间有着众多文化和实践的结含,都是英国社会历史的一部 分。你瞧,它们都是世界排名前五的大学,都位于大不列颠岛上,而且剑桥是在 —群牛津的学者们为了躲避与当地人的争斗,离开了牛津之后建立起来的。
T: However, on the other hand, they are in a long competition since then.
学习啦在线学习网 K: Please elaborate this part, OK? I’d like more examples.
T: There’re plenty cases which can justify my point. For instance, during every Easter holiday, these two universities would begin the Boat Race, and this tradition has been maintained since the 19th century!
学习啦在线学习网 T:例子可多着呢。比如,在每年的复活节放假期问,这两所大学就会举办“牛津剑 桥划艇比赛”,这一传统可是从19世纪就已经流传下来的!
学习啦在线学习网 K: Boat Race? Why?
学习啦在线学习网 K:"划艇比赛”?为什么是比这个项自呢?
学习啦在线学习网 T: Because they cannot tell which one is better academically, and sports is one of the most reasonable ways to pick out a winner.
学习啦在线学习网 T:因为它们没法决出哪所学校在学术上更为出色,而体育运动就是能够含情含理地 挑选出臝家的最好方式之一。
K; Oh, I remember that the Boat Race is a rowing race in England between the Oxford University Boat Club and the Cambridge University Boat Club. The first race was in 1829 and it has been held annually since 1856,each spring on the Thames in London with the exception of the two world wars.
K:哦,我想起来了,这个划艇比赛是在英格兰举行的剑桥大学划艇俱乐部和牛津大 学划艇俱乐部之间的比赛。第一次比赛是在1829年,除了在两次世界大战期间 暂停过以外,自1856年以来每年都在伦敦的泰晤士河举行。
T: This event is very popular. About a quarter of a million people watch the race live from the banks of the river, around seven to nine million people on TV in the UK.
T:这个比赛很受欢迎。在英国,大约有25万人在泰晤士河河岸现场观看比赛,有 700万到900万人通过电视收看。
M: It's October now,and Nobel Prize Winners are usually announced in this month. I wonder who will be the winners of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics.
学习啦在线学习网 M:现在是十月,诺贝尔奖获得者通常会在这个月公布。我在想今年的诺贝尔物理学 奖会颁结谁呢?
学习啦在线学习网 J: Well, maybe the winners will be scientists who work in Cavendish Laboratory. There are 29 Nobel Prize winners in the history of Cavendish after all.
学习啦在线学习网 J:可能得奖者会是在卡文迪什实验室工作的科学家吧。毕竟在卡文迪什实验窒的历 史上,总共有29位科学家获得诺贝尔奖。
学习啦在线学习网 M: Twenty-nine winners! That’s the brilliant achievement.
M: 29位获奖者,这个成就寘是辉煌啊!
J: The Cavendish Laboratory is the Department of Physics of the University of Cambridge. The Department is itself part of the School of Physical Sciences.
学习啦在线学习网 J:卡文迪什实验室是剑桥大学的物理系。而这个 物理系本身就是(剑桥大学)物理科学学院的 一部分。
M: It was built in 1873 as a teaching laboratory. It was initially on Free School Lane, in the centre of Cambridge. After perennial space problems, it moved West Cambridge, in the early 1970s.
学习啦在线学习网 M:这个实验室始建于1873年,当时是作为教学 实验室使用的。它最初位于剑桥大学中心一个 叫"自由学派巷"的小巷子。被持续多年的空 间问题困扰着,后来卡文迪什实验室于20世纪 70年代早期搬到了剑桥西区。
学习啦在线学习网 J : The need for the practical training of scientists and engineers was emphasized by the success of the Great Exhibition of 1851 and the requirements of an industrial society.
J: 1851年伦敦万国博览会的成功举办,凸显了通过实践培养人才的重要性。而工业社会要发展也需要通过实践培养更多的科学家 和工程师。
学习啦在线学习网 M: William Cavendish, the Seventh Duke of Devonshire, provided £6,300 to meet the costs of building a physics laboratory, on condition that Cambridge provided the funding for a Professorship① of Experimental Physics.
M:在剑桥大学保证为实验物理[授提供一定资助后,德文郡七世公爵威廉卡文迪 什出资6300英镑为剑桥建了一间物理实验室。
学习啦在线学习网 J: Cavendish has been in the center of Physics for a long time. It has an extraordinary history of discovery and innovation in Physics since its opening in 1874, so it is not surprising that there are so many Nobel Prize Winners who come from Cavendish.
J:很长一段时间以来,卡文迪什实验室一直是物理学的中心。自1874年建成以来,它就在物理学的探索和创新上创造了辉煌的历史。所以卡文迪什实验室出现过那 么多诺贝尔奖获得者并不令人感到惊讶。
M: I also heard that Cavendish has a long history and it plays an important role in the development of Cambridge. Oh! I remember that Watson and Crick, the discoverers of the DNA structure also worked in Cavendish.
M:我也听说卡文迪什实验室有很悠久的历史,它在剑桥大学的发展历程中起到了重 要的作用。啊!我想起来了,DNA结构的发现者沃森和克里克就曾在卡文迪什实 验室工作过。
J: Yes. Crick had already worked in the Cavendish Laboratory when Watson came from the U.S.A. and together they discovered the DNA double helix. The Cavendish、 Laboratory has had important influence on biology, mainly through the application of X-ray crystallography to the study of structures of biological molecules.
J:是的。当沃森从美国来到卡文迪什实验室时克里克已经在那工作了,他们两人一 起发现了 DMA的双螺旋结构。卡文迪什实验室对生物学有重要影响,因为它将X 射线结晶学应用到了生物分子结构的研究当中。
M: It seems that Cavendish is influential not only in Physics, but also in many other areas.
J: Do you know whom the Cavendish Laboratory is named after?
学习啦在线学习网 J:你知道卡文迪什实验室是以谁的名字命名的吗?
学习啦在线学习网 M: Of course, it is named after William Cavendish,because he gives money to endow the laboratory in memory of his learned relative.
学习啦在线学习网 M:我当然知道,它是以威廉卡文迪什的名字命名的,因为威廉卡文迪什捐了一大 笔钱绾这个实验室,以纪念他博学的亲戚。
学习啦在线学习网 J: His learned relative? Who he is?
学习啦在线学习网 J:他博学的亲戚?是谁?
学习啦在线学习网 M: He is Henry Cavendish, a famous physicist. He is famous for the discovery of hydrogen and Cavendish experiment.
学习啦在线学习网 J: Oh, I have read an article about the Cavendish experiment. This is the first experiment to measure the force of gravity in the laboratory, and the first to yield accurate values for the gravitational constant and the mass of the Earth.
学习啦在线学习网 J:我在一篇文章上看到过卡文迪什实验。这是首次能在实验室中测试出重力的实 验。这次实验也首次得出重力常数和地 球质量的精确数值。
学习啦在线学习网 M: What is the current situation of Cavendish?
学习啦在线学习网 M:卡文迪什实验室现在的情况怎么样?
学习啦在线学习网 J: Currently there are 65 teaching staff, approximately 150 postdoctoral fellows, and about 250 graduate students. There are 700 people at large, including administrative and technical support staff. Total research grant income was over £14m in 2004, and has roughly doubled in the last decade.
J:现在该实验室有65名教员,近150名博士后研究生,约250名研究生。包括行 政人员和教辅人员在内,该实验室总共有700人。2004年,实验室总的研究赞助 经费超过1400万英镑,赞助经费在上一个10年中增长了一倍左右。