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  W:People of different races are fit for quite different sports. For instance, Asians are especially good attabIc tennis, badminton, diving and shooting. They seem to have been

  born with ccrtain natural cndowments in technical sports, in wbich flcxibility, agility and quick reflexes are favorablc.


  Z: And a typical exampk has bccn the Chinese ahlctcs at the Bciiing Olympics, right?


学习啦在线学习网   W: Yes, in all these four sporLs. the Chinese Olympic dream teams led the way.They swept the floor against their opponcnts in tablC tennis and diving.

学习啦在线学习网   是啊。中国奥运代表团在这几个大项中都遥遥领先。在乒乓球和跳水比赛中,他们几乎包揽了所有冠军.

学习啦在线学习网   Z: Then what are the Westemcrs fit fot?

学习啦在线学习网   那么西方人又适合哪些运动呢?

  W: I think they arc in a kIttcr position in those sportS that demand a high degree of intensity, speed and explosive force like swimming, field games,etc.


  Z: Where do you think the cdge is for black athletes?


学习啦在线学习网   W: It's common sense that African athletes always make a clcan SWeep in track eVents: middle or long distanCC raccs. relays, hurdles, barriers, and marathon

学习啦在线学习网   众所周知,非洲运动员在径赛中的表现尤其抢眼.不管中长跑、接力、跨栏、障碍跑,还是马拉松,他们都大获全胜。

  Z: I got you. Their compctitivc edge lies mainly in endurance and staminaThey are creatures from the savannah, and take to running like antelopes.

  我明白了’他们的强项在于耐力持久.真不愧是非洲大草 原上来的,奔跑起来就像_只只羚羊。


学习啦在线学习网   Mind Sports 智力运动

学习啦在线学习网   dialogue 1

  简: I like chess better than xiangqi. And you?( I like chess better than xiangqi.= I prefer chess to xiangqi.)


学习啦在线学习网   詹姆斯: For my part, xiangqi. Maybe it`s because my girlfriend is Chinese.

学习啦在线学习网   我嘛.更爱中国象棋.大概因为我女朋友是中国人的缘故吧.

学习啦在线学习网   简: I think chess is more reasonable. You see, each side has eight pawns, a larger number than that of the soldiers in xiangqi. A true battle should be like that. Soldiers should outnumber the commanders.

学习啦在线学习网   我觉得还是国际象棋比较有道理.你看.每方拥有8个士兵.比象棋的兵多吧?真正的战役就应该这样嘛.士兵总得比指挥官多吧?

学习啦在线学习网   詹姆斯: Quite right. And unlike the soldiers in xiangqi, the pawns in chess can promote once they reach the furthest rank. It is very agreeable to grant merits to people with good performance.


学习啦在线学习网   简: Correct! Another contrast is the rules for the general and the king. It seems the general or marshal in xinagqi is much too incompetent. They are required to stay in the palace, waiting to be checked and fleeing for life under the cover of the guards. Loo


  詹姆斯: Yeah, and though the king in chess doesn`t have bodyguards, he has a queen who is the most powerful piece. I think this demonstrates the relatively higher social status of aristocratic womaen in medieval Europe than in China.

学习啦在线学习网   对!虽然王没有贴身卫士.却有一位战斗力最强的王后.恐怕这就说明.中世纪欧洲贵族妇女比起同时期的中国妇女来.社会地位相对高一些吧.

  简: There`s antoher distinctive contrast. Bothe board games use a total of 32 pieces, but siangqi is played on a 9-by-9 board, bigger than the 8-by-8 board used in chess.


  詹姆斯: You mean, xiangqi pieces are allowed a larger space in which to move around?


学习啦在线学习网   简: Sure. On a chessboard, fire is much more intensive. It has a smaller board, while those bigger pieces-chariots, horses and bishops-can conver longer distances.

学习啦在线学习网   当然啦.国际象棋的火力密度更大.棋盘小了.那些主要的棋子.像车.马.相的移动范围却大了.


  J: I've been learning to play Go recently. It's an amazing game!


  C: Weiqi? It must bc a greatest Chinese invention. I've tried hard to learn it. Its rulcs can't be any simpler, but I've never won a game of Go. Wcll, it's all Greek to mel

学习啦在线学习网   围棋啊?围棋一定是中国人最大的发明.我曾试着学过,规则简单得不能再简单,可是至今我还没有赢过一局.唉,看来,我就是搞不通这个啊。

  J: At least you have obtained a very basic understanding of the gamc, havcn't you? I think it is perfect for boosting intelligence, cultivating personality and nexible learning. Every intellcctual wishing to gain any insight into Chinese culture should leam to play Go.


学习啦在线学习网   C: I heard it is included in the four major arts of China. is it?


  J: Sure. It was considcrcd dcsirable that a well-cducated ancient Chinese scholar should be well versed in zither, weiqi, calligraphy and painting. I think wciqi is the most fantastic of them. It embodies ancicnt Cbincsc wisdom and cultural profoundness.


  C: I know it is quite different from Western chess.

学习啦在线学习网   我明白,它跟西方人的国际象棋很不一样.

  J: YeS. Playing chess is a very aggressive experience. All the pieces are supposed to capturc their opponents. Wbenever I start a chcss game, I can't heIp but imagine a concrete battle in which all rightcrs stand ready to kill.


学习啦在线学习网   C: But isn't it the same with wciqi?

学习啦在线学习网   难道围棋不是这样的吗?

学习啦在线学习网   J: Certainly not. The obi∞t of wciqi is to surround a larger area than the opponent. In other words,each side is struggling for a greater living space by mapping out a territory on the board. Hence, chess aims to kill, while wciqi is much concemed with how to survive.






