chinese Kung fu 中国功夫
dialogue 1
学习啦在线学习网 Zbou: Morning, Tom! What are you doing over there? Leaming to dance?
To.n: Can't you see? I'm practicing tai chi!
学习啦在线学习网 你没见我在打太极拳么?
学习啦在线学习网 Z: Oh, my goodness. I'm sorry. But I don't think tai chi is to bc practiccd like that.
T: l'mjust a beginner. Did my poscs make mc the butt ofjokes?
学习啦在线学习网 Z: Well, tbey just look a bit funny. but far from making a laughing stock out of you.
学习啦在线学习网 我只是初学呀.我的姿辨是不是很搞笑啊?
T: So, is there anything wrong with my strokes?
Z: Tobcgin with. you should keep yourneck erect upward at any time.
学习啦在线学习网 先,不符什么时候.你的脖子应该竖直向上。
T: Like this?
Z: Good! And then, the∞th body. Ncver incline your body forward or backward. Take care to regulate the point of balance. Place it at your waist
T: Did I do it right?
Z: No! You should avoid sticking out your belly. Kecp your hip steady. Don't swing
学习啦在线学习网 不不不.不要挺肚子,臀部不要晃,要稳.
T: What should I do with my legs then?
Z: Oh, yes, things are quite different with tbc limbs. Keep your knceS bent a little. Rightthey sbould be rich in elasticity. Move slowly wben you shifl your centre of gravity from 0nC Ieg to another.
学习啦在线学习网 对一手脚四肢可就不.—样了·膝盖要稍微弯曲一氨不要;有弹性.把重心狄一条腿移到另—条腿上时,要缓慢些
T: Fantasticl I guess the same is true with the arms. right?
Z: Exactlyl Move your arms in a rclaxcd manner. Well. don't stretch your行ngcrs stiffly. Just keep them in a natural shape.
学习啦在线学习网 Su: now that you have learned Kung fu for a few months, what are your general impression of it?
学习啦在线学习网 你学习中国功夫已经几个月了,有什么印象?
Heinz: I think, maybe, it takes a real Kung fu master to give a more fair assessment; meanwhile, I am no more than a beginner. But I really doubt whether kung fu would be of any great help when it comes to defending oneself in real life.
S: you mean, kung fu may not be so powerful as it is imagined? To some extent your idea holds water. Kung fu was originally intended for self-defense, but with time it became something more than defense skills. Now we are apt to treat it as an art.
H: an art! You have a good point there. So it is called martial arts in English. The Chinese are really capable of doing things nicely. They've been made fighting a great enjoyment, somarvelous and fascinating.
学习啦在线学习网 艺术!对!说得好!在英语里,确实也是叫做”martial arts”.中国人做起事来就爱这样,会把事情弄得很漂亮,连打架都这么有趣,迷人.
学习啦在线学习网 S: thanks for your compliment! Perhaps the Chinese culture as a whole has a specialinclination towards aesthetics. Do you know Jin Yong?
学习啦在线学习网 谢谢夸奖!大概整个中国文化都比较注重一种审美效果吧.你知道金庸吗?
学习啦在线学习网 H: I know he is a martial arts fiction writer. But I've read none of his novels.
S: all of his works have been translated into English. I recommend you to read one or two works of his. You'll get a general glimpse into Chinese kung fu culture. When you go through the pages, you are likely to feel they are not about kung fu alone, but cover all walks of life .
学习啦在线学习网 H: I see. They must have incorporated a series of Chinese cultural elements.
学习啦在线学习网 S: yes, take philosophy, for instance. What makes a true, respectable da xia, or a worrior hero? It's not enough only to be formidable . It also involves a man's character, sense of justice, and values of life.
H: so kung fu is also a means of self-cultivation, isn't it?
学习啦在线学习网 这么说来,功夫还是提高自我修养的一大途径了?
学习啦在线学习网 S: indeed, you're exactly right!
学习啦在线学习网 UM: What do tbc Cbincse think of Liu Xiang?
学习啦在线学习网 中国人是怎样看待刘翔的呢?
学习啦在线学习网 Zhang: A national icon. He embodies the dream of the wbole Chinese people. Even tbough we have reaped dozcns of gold medals in weightlifting, diving. table tcnnis and so on.
success in the track and field events has been quite limied and Liu's victory in Athens marked a great breakthrough for Chincsc athlctics. He debunkcd an ingrained racial
学习啦在线学习网 stereotype.
学习啦在线学习网 他是个民族英雄,是中国人梦想的化身.我们在举重、!跳水、乒乓球等项目中拿到了许多金牌,在田径项目中却极少成功.刘翔在雅典夺冠对中国体育界来说是个突破性的进展.他打破了人们心中长久以来的种族偏见.
学习啦在线学习网 L I understand.Athlctic cVcntS rcflcct directly a nation's general physical aptitude.Westerncrs used to conceive of the Asian race as incompetent in track cvents. Liu's victory mcans this has bccome a thing of the past
学习啦在线学习网 我明白.田径赛事最能够直接体现一个民族的身体西方人习惯把黄种人看成足田径场上的弱者.显然,是嘉看法已经过时。
学习啦在线学习网 Z: Yeah, Asians bave pmven themsleves in recent years. We have made tremendous progress not only in track and field but also in rowing, swimming, cquestrian fencing, and so on
学习啦在线学习网 and so forth.
学习啦在线学习网 L: So, that's why you burst into hystcria whcn Liu finisherd frrst in Athens, isn't it?WelI' by the same token, if the Amcrican table tcnnis team claimed the World Championship title onc day, wc would be on cloud ninel
这大概就是当初刘翔折桂雅典时,你们欣喜若狂的原因.吧?嗯,同样的道理,如果哪一天我们美田乒乓球队获 世乒赛冠军,我们也会欢天喜地的。