学习啦 > 学习英语 > 生活英语 > 英语情景对话 > 关于拔牙的英语对话阅读


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学习啦在线学习网   在我国,对话教学是伴随新课程改革而出现的一种新的教学形态,在近几年倍受关注。学习啦小编整理了关于拔牙的英语对话,欢迎阅读!


学习啦在线学习网   (Patient=P Doctor=D)

  P: I have a bad tooth. Should it be filled?

  P: 我有个牙齿坏了,您看还能补吗?

  D: This tooth is too bad to be filled any more. It has to be pulled. Do you agree to have it extracted?

学习啦在线学习网   D: 这个牙齿坏得太厉害,已经不能补了,必须把它拔掉。您同意把它拔掉吗?

  P: It's up to you to decide what to do.

  P: 由您决定吧。

学习啦在线学习网   D: Have you ever had an injection of procaine? Have you ever been allergic to anything?

  D: 您曾经是否注射过普鲁卡因(局部麻醉药)?您有没有对什么东西过敏的情况?

  P: No.

  P: 没有。

  D: That's fine. Now I'll give you an injection. Please open your mouth as wide as you can. But relax. It won't hurt much. Now you've gotten the injection. Please wash your mouth and spit out the water into the spittoon. If you feel your heart palpitate a little, it doesn't matter. That's the effect of the procaine, and it'll soon be over. Now, do you feel numb? Do you have a sensation of swelling on the lips and the tongue? This tooth is in very bad condition. It needs a careful operation, which may last a little longer than usual. Now, the tooth is out. Please bite and hold the cotton ball tightly in place. Don't spit it out until half an hour from now. You may eat in two hours. But don't rinse your mouth today because it may cause bleeding. Please go to make the payment and get the medicines.

  D: 很好。现在我先给您打一针。请尽量把嘴张大。但是请放轻松,不会很疼的。已经注射好了,请漱漱口,吐到痰盂中。如果您感觉心跳有点快,那是正常的。是因为注射了普鲁卡因的关系,很快就会恢复。有没有觉得有些麻?嘴唇和舌头有没有肿胀的感觉?您的这颗牙齿情况很糟糕,需要仔细地操作,可能要比平时花费更长一点的时间。好了拔掉了。请咬紧棉球,让它固定不动,从现在起过半小时再把它吐掉。两小时内您就可以吃东西了,但是今天不要漱口,那样可能会让牙齿出血。现在请去付款领药吧。

学习啦在线学习网   P: Thank you very much, Doctor.

  P: 太感谢您了,医生。


学习啦在线学习网   Doctor Smith, a patient is in the waiting room. She has a toothache. She doesn't have anappointment.


  Bring her into this treatment room, please.


  Hello, Doctor Smith. How are you today?

学习啦在线学习网   你好,医生, 今天好吗?

  Hello, Mrs. Waters. I haven't seen you for a long time.

学习啦在线学习网   你好,沃特丝太太. 好久不见。

学习啦在线学习网   That's right. I believe it's been more than 6 months.

学习啦在线学习网   是呀。我想已经有6个月不见了。

  What can I do for you today?


  I have a tooth that's sensitive. The gum around it is swollen. I've taken aspirin, but it doesn'thelp.

  我有一颗牙齿很敏感, 牙龈都肿了。我服用了阿司匹林还是不管用。

  Let me see. Open your mouth wide, please. The third molar (wisdom tooth) is badly decayed.

学习啦在线学习网   让我看一看,请把嘴巴张大。第三颗智齿蛀的很厉害。

  I wanted to extract that tooth last year. Do you remember?


  Yes, I do, but I was afraid to have it extracted. It wasn't hurting then. What can you do,Doctor?

学习啦在线学习网   记得。可是我怕拔牙。当时这颗牙并不痛。医生,该怎么办?

  The only thing to do is to remove it.


  Will it hurt?


学习啦在线学习网   No, it won't hunt. I'll give you an anesthetic.

  不会痛, 我会给你麻醉。

  Is there any chance to save it?


  No, absolutely not. It's infected and nothing can be done.


学习啦在线学习网   I understand. Can you take it out now, or will you have to give me an antibiotic?

  明白了。你能现在就把它拔掉呢, 还是给我用抗生素?

学习啦在线学习网   There's no need for an antibiotic, not in this case.

  用不着抗生素, 再这种情况下用不着。

  The best way to treat this problem is to extract the tooth before the pain and infection getworse.


  Miss Jones, sterilize my surgical instruments and put an apron on the patient.


学习啦在线学习网   I want to extract a tooth. It's the lower, left, third molar.


  Yes, doctor. The surgical instruments are in the sterilizer. The anesthetic syringe is sterilizedand ready .


学习啦在线学习网   Good. Give me the topical anesthetic, please.

学习啦在线学习网   好,请给我局部麻药..

  I'll put some of this anesthetic on the gum before I give you the injection.


学习啦在线学习网   It will lessen the discomfort of the injection.



学习啦在线学习网   Patient: Good morning, doctor. I've been suffering very much from a toothache " lately.

学习啦在线学习网   病人:早上好,大夫。我最近有一颗牙疼得厉害。

  Dentist: Well, let me have a look. Will you sit down in this chair and open your mouth wide?


  Patient: I think one of the back ones at the top is giving me the most trouble.


  Dentist: Yes. This big one is badly decayed. I'm afraid it must be taken out.

学习啦在线学习网   牙医:是的。这颗牙被蛀得很厉害。恐怕得拔掉了。

  Patient: Oh, I hate having teeth pulled out. Will it hurt?


学习啦在线学习网   Dentist: No need to worry. You won't feel anything at all. I'll give you an injection to stop the pain. Just wash your mouth out with this water, will you?


  Patient: Will it take long?

学习啦在线学习网   病人:会花很长时间吗?

  Dentist: No. it'll be over soon. Nurse, get some X-rays of our patient's molars. ( after a while ) Then we'll start. Open your mouth wide. Don't be so nervous. Now open

学习啦在线学习网   wider... now steady, that's over...


学习啦在线学习网   Patient: Is it out?

学习啦在线学习网   病人:拔下来了吗?

  Dentist: Not yet, but it soon will be. Now open again please... It's out! Look!

学习啦在线学习网   医生:还没有,不过很快就可以了。现在请再张大嘴…出来了! 您看!

  Patient: Well, really! That was wonderful! I felt no pain at all. Thank you, doctor.






