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学习啦在线学习网   压力是现代社会人们最普遍的心理和情绪上的体验。所谓"人生不如意十之八九",谁的人生,都不可能总是一帆风顺。只要我们坚定信念就一定能够走出苦海。学习啦小编整理了关于压力的英语对话,欢迎阅读!


  N: how come you're still up? Shouldn't you be asleep by now?

学习啦在线学习网   G: I've been having a hard time sleeping lately.

  N: as far as I know, insomnia is usually caused by stress. Are you stressed at all?

  G: well, I'm really worried about my grades. I didn't think this course would be so stressful.

  N: you're a good student. I'm sure you can do well. What you need to do is to relax.

学习啦在线学习网   G: you're probably right. I just wish it were that simple. How can I stop feeling so anxious allthe time?

  N: taking a yoga class or learning some relaxation techniques can help you cope with yourstress.

学习啦在线学习网   G: I don't really have time to learn anything new. I need to spend my time studying!

  N: you need to take some breaks throughout the day. Studying all day isn’t very usuallyeffective.

  G: you’re right. I usually end up starting at my computer or checking my email instead of doingmy work for class.

  N: besides, it’s not diffciult to learn yoga. In fact, I can teach you a move that’s supposed tohelp you fall asleep! You just have to sit down like this, bend over and breath in deeply.

学习啦在线学习网   G: that’s fantastic. I’m going to go try that out in my room now. good night!

  N: good night, sleep tight; don’t let the bed bugs bite!



学习啦在线学习网   据我说知,失眠往往是由压力引起的。你压力很大吗?


学习啦在线学习网   你是个好学生。我相信你能学的很好。你需要做的是放松心情。

学习啦在线学习网   你也许是对的。我只是希望能简简单单的。我怎么才能不这么焦虑呢?


学习啦在线学习网   我实在没时间学习任何新玩意了。我得把时间都用来学习。


学习啦在线学习网   你说的对,我常常对着电脑发呆,或者收看电子邮件,而作业却没写。






  Jim: Hey Claire, you've been really quiet these last few days. Is something wrong?

  Claire: I've been really stressed. It's the end of the year and I've got so much stuff to do! I feel like I'mdrowning in work.

学习啦在线学习网   J: Well, stress is a real thing. It's not an imaginary condition.

学习啦在线学习网   C: It's seriously affecting my life! I can't sleep, I don't have much of an appetite and my husband says I'vebeen kind of short tempered. Other people seem to handle stress okay...why am I so weak?

  Claire最近一直不太说话,原来是因为到年底了,有做不完的事情,I've been really stressed. 她感觉压力特别大。Claire说,I feel like I'm drowning in work. Drown, d-r-o-w-n, drown 溺水,在这里是一种比喻的说法,drown in work 意思是自己快要被工作压垮了。Claire不仅睡眠不好,食欲差,而且还动不动就发脾气,short tempered。大家都有压力,是不是只有Claire承压能力差呢? Jim说,

  J: You're not weak...you're stressed out! Stress has been a part of the human condition for millions of years.Back when we still lived in the trees we had to watch out for predators...and as you might imagine, that waspretty stressful.

  C: Yeah, but I don't see any tigers or leopards roaming around our office. My stress is just about sillypaperwork!

  J: But you're actually having the same reaction as our tree-dwelling ancestors! It's called the "flight or fight"response. Each time you feel like something's threatening you, your body decides whether to run away orfight...it causes all sorts of chemical reactions in the body.

学习啦在线学习网   Jim安慰Claire说,这是身体对过度压力所做出的反应,就好像原来住在树上的老祖宗,随时随地要watch out forpredators警惕捕食者的来袭,虽然现代人压力的来源变了,但是Claire面对压力,身体做出的反应还是一样的,这种反应叫flight。


  Maura: Stress is a really sensitive topic, but we’ll try to have fun talking about it.

  Harp: Yes.

学习啦在线学习网   Maura: So, first, we’re going to talk about the things that cause stress, so stress factors. Right?

学习啦在线学习网   Harp: Yeah. What causes people to feel stress in Canada?

学习啦在线学习网   Maura: You know, stress can come from so many different things depending on the person, but there are generally some things that stress people out more than others. So, sometimes people get stressed out from a big event in their lives, like planning a wedding or planning a big trip.

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