Li Lei asks Han Meimei to buy clothes with him.
L: Are you free this afternoon?
H: Yes. Why?
L: I want you to help me choose clothes.
学习啦在线学习网 L:我想让你帮我选衣服。
学习啦在线学习网 H: So, you admit that I’m an excellent judge of clothes?
L: What I‘m going to buy are not ordinary clothes. I’ll wear them on Halloween.
H: Oh, I see. You have to dress up as ghosts, skeletons, witches, or devils. Does Harvard have such a tradition to celebrate Halloween?
学习啦在线学习网 H:哦,我明白了。你们要打扮得像鬼呀、骷髅呀、女巫或魔鬼一样。哈佛有庆祝万圣节这个传统 吗?
学习啦在线学习网 L: How can Harvard miss such a big event? Every year, Harvard will host Halloween Costume Catwalk, in which students dress up as anything they like and to compete for glory.
学习啦在线学习网 L:哈佛怎么能错过这么大的节日呢?每年哈佛都会 举行万圣节服装走秀,学生们可以任意打扮,争 夺荣耀。
学习啦在线学习网 H: It’s a competition? What awards are there?
学习啦在线学习网 H:是个比赛?都有什么奖项?
L: Best Impersonation, Best Couple, Best Group, Most Creative, and Most Scandalous.
H: Quite formal.
L: Students like it very much. Some feel they were kids again.
学习啦在线学习网 L:学生们都很喜欢,一些人感到又回到了童年。
H: Everyone seems to value this chance very much. You must dress yourself with elaborate care.
学习啦在线学习网 L: That’s why I ask you to help me.
学习啦在线学习网 L:所以我才让你帮我。
H: I think you’d better design the costume yourself. Maybe you can win the Most Creative.
学习啦在线学习网 H:我觉得你最好自己设计服装,说不定还能臝最佳创意奖呢。
L: I don’t have confidence.
学习啦在线学习网 L:我设有信心。
H: You can count on me. By the way, it’s almost the end of the term. How is your study? Do you have time to prepare for this?
学习啦在线学习网 L: Speaking of this, I,m eager to see the Primal Scream.
学习啦在线学习网 H: What’s that?
学习啦在线学习网 L: If Costume Catwalk is featured by splendid finery, Prime Scream is famous for the boldness of students who should wear no clothes!
学习啦在线学习网 L:如果说服装走秀的特点是盛装,那原始尖叫就是因学生们有胆量不穿衣服而出名。
学习啦在线学习网 H: Naked? Crazy! What the hell do they do?
L: Every semester the night before finals,hundreds of students go in droves to Harvard Yard to do one of two things: to run around the Yard completely naked or to watch eveiyone else running around the Yard completely naked.
学习啦在线学习网 L:每学期期末考试前一晚,上百名学生成群结队地到哈佛园去做两件事:绕着哈佛 园裸奔,或者,观看其他人裸奔。
H: Completely naked? Don,t they feel cold in such a cold winter?
L: Ok, ok, most of them do wear shoes and no one wants frostbitten toes. But no shirts, no pants, no nothing covering their private parts.
L:好吧,好吧,大部分人的确穿着鞋,没人想冻伤脚趾。但没穿T恤,没穿短裤, 没有遮住隐私部位。
H: Totally crazy! Why is it called Prime Scream? Do they scream? Why do they do such a crazy thing?
学习啦在线学习网 L: As they run, they scream at the top of their lungs in order to release pent-up energy after being cooped up in the library for so long and to express their frustration about the looming exam period.
学习啦在线学习网 L:他们边跔边歇斯底里地叫,在图书馆里闷了这么久,就是想发泄一下,把气撒在 即将到来的考试身上。
H: Do a lot of people go to watch it?
L: A good number of student watch . I’m curious about it. But it‘s a little embarrassing to watch those naked students running.
学习啦在线学习网 H: I think so. I can hardly imagine it. American people are indeed very open. How do you see it? You said it’s a tradition at Harvard. Most students must understand and support it.
学习啦在线学习网 L: Not necessarily. A lot of American students don’t like it, not to mention me. Once Iasked my roommate whether he would join in the activity this year. He said no.
学习啦在线学习网 L:也不一定。很多美国学生都不喜欢,别说是我了。有一次我问我室友他会不会去参加今年的裸奔,他说不。
H: Why? Did he give any reason?
L: He said “ I want to try such a crazy thing, yet it’s impossible to ignore the hundreds of people gathering around to watch, the cameras hashing, the video-cameras recording. Now imagine, what with the Internet and all, millions of people could have access to these photos and footage. Creepy, right?"
学习啦在线学习网 L:他说:“我想尝试这么疯狂的事,但不能对围观的几百号人及拍照的照相机和录像的摄像机视而不见。想想,因为有了网络和其他东西,会有几百万人看到这些 照片和录像。不寒而栗,对吧?”
H: Yes. If they want to give vent to their pressures, they can find a more mild way. It’s really creepy to find oneself naked on YouTube.