学习啦在线学习网 S: Zhang Yi, what about this hotel?
Z: Well... the situation is ok. It’s in the city center. However, the price is a little high.
S: Ok! Let me show you another one. How about this?
学习啦在线学习网 S:好吧!那我再给你看一个。这个怎么样?
Z: I like this one. Both the site and the price are good enough.
S: Internet is really a marvelous invention! If we haven’t it, we have to walk on to look for a hotel. It,s so troublesome.
学习啦在线学习网 S:网络真是个了不起的发明呀!要不是它,我们还得步行着去找酒店呢,多麻 烦啊。
Z: Quite right. It plays an important part in our daily lives. To me, the net is essential, and it makes iny life convenient.
学习啦在线学习网 Z:是啊。它在我们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。对于我来说,网络是必不可 少的,它绘我的生活提供了不少便利。
S: Yeah. Nowadays, more and more people are beginning to rely on the internet. Through the net, they go shopping, speculate in the stock market, cast a vote, see a doctor, and even get a degree, Moreover, it is also an extremely convenient way to communicate and share information with people all around the world.
S:是的。现在越来越多的人们开始对互联网产生依赖,他们在网上购物、炒股、 投票、看病,甚至获得学位。而且,网络还是一种与世界各地的人们进行交 流和分享信息的非常方便的方式。
Z: However, there exist a great many rubbish and harmful materials, for example, some pornographic websites.
学习啦在线学习网 Z:但是,互联网也有大量的垃圾和有害的东西,比如一些淫秽色情网站。
学习啦在线学习网 S: As thus, it is necessary for people to work together, involving politicians, medium, economists, and computer scientists, so as to know the situation of the net and set up beneficial rules.
S:因此,包括政治家、媒体、经济学家、和计算机科学家等在内的各界人士有' 必要联合起来工作,以便了解互联网的情况并建立有效的规范。
学习啦在线学习网 Z: What you have just talked about is the Internet Institute, right?
S: That’s correct! The Oxford Internet Institute was the world’s first institute to specialize in studying the Internet, devoted to the study of the impact on society of the Internet.
S:对!牛津互联网研究所是世界上第一个专门研究网络的研究所,它致力于研 究网络对社会的影响。
Z: Oh. It is a new-born institute, isn’t it?
学习啦在线学习网 Z:哦。这应该是一个新成立的研究所吧?
学习啦在线学习网 S: Yes, it is. The Oxford Internet Institute was initiated by Derek Wyatt MP and Andrew Graham, Master of Balliol College, and launched in 2001.
学习啦在线学习网 Z: Though the Institute has only been founded about ten years, it should have a rapid development. We all know that the internet is used all over the world.
Z:虽然研究所成立只有不到10年,但是它的发展速度应该很快吧。众所固知, 互联网是全世界公民都在使用的。
S: Right. As to research, it is the main UK member of the World Internet Project. In the aspect of education, the Institute is running its own 2006. At present, the Institute offers a Doctoral degree in Information, Communication, and the Social Sciences. In addition, it began to offer a Master of Science in Social Science of the Internet from 2009. It also started a Summer Doctoral Program for doctoral students from around the world in 2003.
学习啦在线学习网 S:对。在科研方面,该研究所已经成为世界互联网项目中英国的主要成员。在 教学方面,研究所从2006年就开始启动博士生项目。如今,它在信息、传播 和社会科学方向都招收博士生。此外,该研究所还从2009年开始招收社会网 络科学方向的理科硕士,另外还从2003车开始举办暑期博士生研修班项目。
Z: Oh, you reminded me of the 2005 Summer Doctoral Program of Oxford, which was held in Chinese Scientific Socialism Research Institute by its Social Development Program offers opportunities for these excellent doctoral students to research and study, and it is worthy to continue.
学习啦在线学习网 Z:啊,你让我回想起了 2005年的牛津暑期博士生研修班项目,就是那个由中国 社科院社会发展研究中心在社科院举办的项目。这个项目为优秀的博士生们 提供了很好的研究学习的机会,值得举办下去。
S: As an effective item,the Summer Doctoral Program has been held in a lot of countries, which promote the development of the Oxford Internet Institute.
S:作为一个行之有效的项目,暑期博士生研修班在很多国家都举办过,这也推 动了牛津互联网研究所的发展。
学习啦在线学习网 Z: Well, do you know what great scientific achievements the Institute has?
学习啦在线学习网 S: A great many, such as the World Internet Project, which has been mentioned above. It is a major international collaborative project looking at the social, political and economic impact of the internet and other new technologies.
S:太多了,比如,我们前面提到过的世界互联网项目。它是一个主要的国际性 合作项目,着眼于互联网和其他一些新科技对社会、政治和经济的影响。
Z: Well, I read a piece of news last week that the World Internet Project had released its second annual global findings on the impact of online technology. The report also includes new findings about how the Internet is used and how it affects a variety of beliefs, attitudes, and behavior around the world.
Z:嗯,我上固看过一则新闻说,世界因特网项目已经发布了第二期有关在线科 技的全球发现的车报。报告还包括全世界关于如何使用网络和网络如何影响 各种信念、态度和行为的新发现。
学习啦在线学习网 S: Great! I’m looking forward to read the report.
Z: No problem. You can read it after our trip.
学习啦在线学习网 Z:设问题。我们旅行结束后,你就可以看了。
S: Ok!
学习啦在线学习网 牛津大学(University of Oxford),简称牛津(Oxford),是一所位于英国牛津市的世界著名公立研究型大学。实际创立日期仍不清楚,但有记录的授课历史可追溯到1096年,为英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的高等教育机构,是世界著名研究型大学之一。牛津同时拥有全球最具规模的大学出版社,及全英最大型的大学图书馆系统。另外,牛津大学培养了众多社会名人,包括了26位英国首相、60位诺贝尔奖得主以及数十位世界各国的皇室成员和政治领袖。