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  My name is Jeff Eagar. I'm from Canada but I just spent six months in India and I love India. I think India is my favorite country in the whole world. India is very interesting. It's real life. It's the good and the bad, and the rich and the poor, and the happy and the struggling, all together in one country, and when you go to India, you feel a lot of emotion, you feel a lot of sadness and happiness and joy and that's why India is my favorite country.

学习啦在线学习网   我的名字是杰夫·伊格。我来自加拿大,我只在印度生活了六个月的时间,可是我爱印度。我认为印度是全世界我最喜爱的国家。印度非常有意思。那里的生活很真实。有好的方面,也有不好的方面,有富人,有穷人,有快乐,也有挣扎,那个国家有所有的这些因素,你去到印度时,会感觉到多种情感,你会感到很伤心,也会感到幸福和快乐,这就是我最喜欢的原因。

  India is a very interesting culture, and it's a very old culture. It takes a little bit of time for you to get used to India when you go there. They go things differently from other countries. I was eating with my hands in India. You eat with your hand and your left hand acts as toilet paper, because they don't have toilet paper in India, and they are mostly Hindu and they believe in the Hindi, Hindu religion, and it's a very old religion. A very beautiful religion, they have many gods and many deities, and it's very colorful and they do lots, lots of religions ceremonies with fire and with bells, and with holy priests, and it's very visually, for your eyes, it's an interesting place, a very interesting thing to see.

学习啦在线学习网   印度的文化很有意思,那里的文化很古老。你前往印度时,要花些时间才能习惯那里的生活。他们的生活与其他的国家完全不同。在印度我要用手吃饭。你用手吃饭,而你的左手则用作卫生纸,因为印度没有厕纸,大部分印度人都是印度教徒,他们信奉印度教,这是一个非常古老的宗教。也是一个非常美的宗教,印度教神祗众多,丰富多彩,他们会用燃火和铃铛进行宗教仪式,当然神父也会参加,这在视觉上非常享受,印度是一个有趣的地方,是一个可以看到有趣事情的地方。


  Indians are great people. I love Indians. They are very happy and very fun, and very welcoming people even though Indians are poor, many Indians are poor, they're still very nice, and when you go to Indian, India, the Indians welcome you there, and they're very happy that you're in their country, and you feel this happiness and it makes you happy, and it's a great place.

学习啦在线学习网   印度民众都非常棒。我喜欢印度人。他们幸福又快乐,而且也很热情,虽然他们很贫穷,大部分印度人都很穷,但是他们人非常好,当你前往印度的时候,印度民众会热情的欢迎你,他们很开心你们来到他们的国家,而你会感受到这种幸福,这会使你很高兴,那里是个很棒的地方。

学习啦在线学习网   India is full of surprises. When you are in India you see many things that are very shocking and very strange to your culture. For example, the cow is a very holy animal there. It's part of the religion so you don't eat meat in India, and the cows are allowed to go free and go wherever they want, so maybe when you are driving down the street there will be a cow standing in the middle of the road and you have to drive around him, so this is very, very strange sight. You'll never see a cow in New York city, but you will see a cow in the middle of New Delhi city and it's very surprising at first, and maybe another strange site are the holy men, the Indian Sadus or Indian holy men. They give up everything. They give up their family, they give up all their belongings. They give up their car, their money, and they just wonder around the country, from religious site to religious site, and they beg for their food and they beg for money to take the bus, and they all wear orange, orange robes and many of them have big long beards and long hair, and they are very distinctive looking, and their very wonderful people, very kind and very nice, and they're very, their inner strength for their religion and for life is very strong and you learn a lot from these people, and you learn a lot from India.


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