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  Todd: Kawabe, can you talk about your first jobinterview?


  Kawabe: Sure, first job interview! This is a funny story and that was a time I took the interview, had an interview with the TV broadcaster, and then it was a very famous one in Yotsuya, in Tokyo and that was a very important interviewbecause the job is interesting and there are many, there are so many applicants to the same position so, and the thing is I was late for that interview (No) and I was late for thirty minutes (Ooh) I was really bad, you know, and then the reason is, at that time I was working for, I was a bike rider at a delivery.


  Todd: Oh, you delivered stuff?


  Kawabe: Bike delivery!


  Todd: Oh, really, what did you deliver?

学习啦在线学习网   托德:哦,是吗,那你都递送什么东西?

学习啦在线学习网   Kawabe: Ah, the documents and you know whatever it is when you want to send somewhere the thing fast!

学习啦在线学习网   川边:啊,文件之类的东西,就是你想快速送到某个地方的东西!

学习啦在线学习网   Todd: Yeah, yeah, cool job!

学习啦在线学习网   托德:好的,这工作真酷!

  Kawabe: That's what I was doing, and then before the interview I was delivering one thing.


  Todd: Oh, no, yeah!


  Kawabe: And then, so, anyway, I was late and in my bag, when I was driving the motorcycle I put my suits and shoes and everything, I've got to wear for the interview and I was in a rush, and I'd been to that building where I had an interview and in front of that building there was a MacDonald and then I rushed into the toilet of that MacDonald that was on the first floor and I think, you know, it was funny if you were looking at me. I was wearing..


  Todd: I can imagine.


  Kawabe: I was wearing like a driver's suit and when I came out from the toilet I was in a suit, like Superman! And then, yeah, I changed my clothes, very very quickly in the toilet and I rushed into the building for the interview but I was 30 minutes late, and actually I got a great interview with the guys of the broadcast station, but ah, since I was late that was the only and biggest reason I couldn't get that job. Actually, they said that if you were not late I could take you, so it's a funny story, now but at that time I was like so disappointed with myself, (Yeah) I was so stupid. The job was great!


  Todd: I've done that too! I think we all do that at one point. Well!


  Kawabe: Yeah, I learned a lot of things from that experience.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: But you got another job with another TV company after that, correct?


  Kawabe: Mm, it's not a TV company but the same kind of job and it was lucky cause, since I missed the first one I got the second one and that is why I could join to the World Cup.


  Todd: Oh, cool!


学习啦在线学习网   Kawabe: Yeah, so!


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: It all worked out at the end!


学习啦在线学习网   Kawabe: Yeah! Fortunately.



  Todd: So, you're in law school, Travis.

学习啦在线学习网   托德:特拉维斯,你上的是法学院。

学习啦在线学习网   Travis: Yes, I'm in law school.


学习啦在线学习网   Todd: Normally, how do you get a job after you finish law school?


  Travis: Well, the law school that I'm at is considered to be a top-tier law school, and so my law school has a lot of power to get companies to actually come to my law school, and interview with students at the school, and the way my law school does it is every year, in the summer, the last week of summer before school starts, they get about 700 firms to come for about one week and interviewstudents on campus and it's called early interview week so during this early interview week, basically the school rents out an entire hotel and every firm will be there for about one day, so, it's like every day you have about 150, 200 firms on any particular day. Each with their own room in the hotel, and so the students will wait in a common area and when it's their time to interview they'll go to a hotel room and knock on the door and go inside and interview with that firm and they'll get maybe 20 or 30 minutes with that firm, and then afterwards if the firm likes them the firm might actually invite them to go to lunch or to go to a dinner that night and they'll be selected so maybe every day, a firm will interview as many as 50 candidates, but only invite maybe 5 or 6 of them to go out to dinner with them that night, so this lasts about 4 or 5 days, and at the end of that, other than being really tired, hopefully you've gotten a couple of job offers, well not job offers, but basically an offer to come back to a second interview, which will hopefully, eventually lead to a job offer. So, for the students it's quite difficult. Over the course of a week some students will interview with as many as 25 firms, over a four or five day period, so they can be interviewing anywhere from five to as many as ten firms in a single day. So if you're interviewing 10 firms in a singe day, each 30 minutes long, you're going to be there a long time. At least 5 or 6 hours of straight interviewing, going from one room to the next room to the next room, to the next room to interview with a firm.

学习啦在线学习网   特拉维斯:嗯,我念的法学院被认为是一流的法学院,我们学院的力量很大,能让许多公司来学院招聘,学生可以在学校里进行面试,我们学院每年都会有这种招聘活动,通常是在夏季,夏季学校开学前的最后一个礼拜,一周内大约会有700家公司来学校面试,这被称为提前面试周,所以在提前面试周,学校会出租整间旅馆,每家公司都会在那里待上一天的时间,这意味着每天大约有150到200家公司。每家公司都在旅馆内拥有各自的房间,学生会在公共区域里等待,轮到他们进行面试时,就走到旅馆房间前敲下门,然后进去进行面试,面试大概会进行20到30分钟的时间,之后如果那家公司对他们感兴趣,那公司可能会邀请他们去吃午餐或是吃晚餐,这样他们面试成功的可能性就非常大,每家公司大概一天最多面试50名学生,不过可能只会邀请5至6名学生去吃晚餐,这种面试会持续4到5天的时间,最后,除了会感到非常累以外,你可能还会收到一些工作邀请,嗯,不能说是工作邀请,应该是邀请你去进行第二轮面试,这很有可能最终会成为工作邀请。所以,对学生来说这非常难。在一周的时间内,一些学生最多会面试25家公司,就在4到5天的时间里,所以他们一天最多会面试5到10家公司。所以如果你一天面试10家公司,每次30分钟,那你就要在那里待很长时间。至少是5到6个小时连续不断的面试进程,从一个房间到另一个房间再到另一个房间,不停地进行面试。

  Todd: So it's pretty exhausting.

学习啦在线学习网   托德:这真令人疲惫不堪。

  Travis: It's really exhausting and I'm not looking forward to it at all.


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