1. People Skills are 90 Percent of Any Job.
The other 10 percent consists of the actual skills you learned at college or otherwise acquired along the way. The problem is, we don't exist in a bubble; we'll have to deal with other people pretty regularly.
学习啦在线学习网 其余10%包括你在大学里学得的实际技能,以及中途伴随的收获。而问题在于,我们并非在泡沫里夹缝偷生;我们必须相当频繁地去与他人打交道。
Knowing how to communicate effectively, as well as being personable, is going to be (for some of us) the hardest part of the job. Even if you work from home as an independent contractor, you still answer to (and will have to interact with) real people.
学习啦在线学习网 懂得怎样高效且不失风度地与人交流,这是工作中最为困难的一部分(对我们某些人来说)。即便你是在家做独立的外包工作,仍然得去应对现实中的人(并且必须直接与之往来)。
2. You Need to Stay Two Steps Ahead.
学习啦在线学习网 Our success at our jobs – no matter the job – is less about any given moment, day or project, and more about the next. Anticipation is a thing we'll learn early, whether it's anticipating what a customer will want before they know how to ask for it, or anticipating the next demand our boss will make.
If our first jobs teach us anything, it's that one of the quickest ways to distinguish ourselves in the workplace is to take initiative. Don't wait around to be told what to do; don't make any assumptions, either, but if you're given a chance to jump on the next thing that needs doing, without being instructed to do so, you'll probably be rewarded.
3. Don't be (Too) Afraid to Make Mistakes.
Conventional wisdom tells us that human beings learn from our mistakes. Science tells us that we may learn better from our triumphs. I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle.
When it comes to tackling a job, you're almost guaranteed to slip up once in a while. That's what the "learning curve" is all about; it's an understanding between you and your boss that you're still getting used to how things work. The thing is, learning is a lifelong process. You're going to make mistakes. Dreading them, or walking on eggshells all day to avoid them is no way to live.
学习啦在线学习网 当在完成一份工作的时候,忽然跌倒一次是必经的历程。而这就是所谓的“学习曲线”;这个时候你就能开始理解你与上级之间那些需要慢慢磨合的过程。重点是,学习是一辈子的事。而你也将继续犯错。若你害怕错误,或整日游走边缘只为规避犯错的风险,这于生存无益。
4. Get Used to Monotony.
学习啦在线学习网 With very few exceptions, most jobs out there are almost painfully dull. There may be slight variations along the way, but for the most part, our jobs will largely consist of the same activities and tasks on a daily basis.
Learning to make the most of a predictable life is important; you'll have to find your own ways to change things up from time to time and inject a little bit of variety into your working hours.
学习啦在线学习网 懂得充分打造可预见性的人生很重要;如此一来,你就必须找到适合自己的方式时不时地去做出改变,并给工作制造一点点轻微的新鲜。