在竞争激烈的现代社会里,写好个人简历(curriculum vitae)是求职的一个重要手段。一般说来,简历是有关个人情况的简述,要求包括与所申请职业有关的所有细节。写英文简历没有一定的格式,你可以根据自己的实际情况来设计各部分的标题,那么,如何写英文简历呢?
学习啦在线学习网 CVs are a summary of your skills andachievements and they need to be short; preferably a maximum of two pages. You have the freedom to choose which format you think will most appeal to your prospective employerand so will maximise your strengths whilst minimising your weaknesses.
The standard CV is the Chronological CV;this is the traditional, familiar layout and is the most commonly used format.A second type is the Functional CV whichfocuses on skills and achievements rather than employment history andqualifications.
学习啦在线学习网 标准简历是以时间为序进行制作的,它的布局传统、常见,且使用频率最高。第二种形式的简历是功能型简历,侧重于对自身技能和成绩的描述,而不是工作经历和资质。
Which CV formatis best for you, depends, to some extent, on your career development. If youare a recent graduate, the standard CV, which is also called a competency-based CV, ismore suitable. For a more mature student, a skills-based CV works well, as itdemonstrates life experiences more effectively. However it is useful for anyjob seeker, who is applying for a career that is not directly related to his orher degree subject or previous experience.